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#77 Jul 18 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
EvilPhysicist wrote:
Perhaps you see it as a setup every time i ask a question, but perhaps its beacause the religion at hand doesnt stand up to even the basic of questions.
No, it's because you really do write very poor questions. You use false dilemmas, misrepresent answers, load your language and basicly clumbsily design your questions to "trap" the answerer. It's not a matter of what the answerer believes that makes your questions seem leading, I could go through all of your questions and pick apart the fallacies if I felt so inclined.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#78 Jul 18 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
then do so, or stop your ********* The point is any question designed to show flaw in religion will alwasy be interpreted as "loaded", for the simple fact that religion is itself "loaded". It has no factual base, no ligical premises, only the blind following of the masses.
#79 Jul 18 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
Also, i think the last 3 pages of your post was everyone telling you that you didnt know wtf you were talking about :P.

Actually it is quite easy for the Ignorant to accuse others og ignorance:

Thus if:

Look at the theory of Special Relativity, you will find waht is known as a Lorentz transformation which rolls toward (ready?)Minkowski's four-dimensional space..

A fourth dimension is calculated by switching time (t) with the imagined i]square root of -1 multiplied by the speed of light, C, and by t itself[/i.(follow the links)

SO once that factor is 'added in' that temporal dimension becomes symmetrical with all of the three dimensions of space.
So time is itself is one more dimension of space YET OUR CONSCIOUSNESS sees time normally as somthing different and unique to the temporal qualities of the other 3 dimensions.

The change involving the imaginary square root of -1 is the inclusion of actual consciousness corrosponding in the particular process.

Now think of Schodrodingers Cat, and how that waht I just mentioned comes into play as well. It is the point wehn the spatial-locality decays and the consciousness that is observing is involved in the measurment. That is where the 'square root of -1' comes into play here.

This seems to suggest the the psychological factor if consciousness itself has some dimension of it's own, a "negative dimension" that joins with the fourth dimension so that it is not percieved as having any "substance". HOwever wehn you look at it and think it out, it becomes clear that our mere chemical thought processes, really may have an actual reality outside of the bounds of our own perceived dimensions.

I'm not rebutting science or understanding of the universe, or saying that things are "impossible". I'm merely say that there is a way that YOU look at things that defines waht is "real" to you.. but in concider that there is an infite universe of untapped posoblilities.... don't let iut go to waste by not letting go of waht you think is the abulute thruth.

IS a bit Beyond your comprehension, don't just Ignore it and wave your hand at me accusing me of "Knowing nothing" just because my ideas don't fit in with your own bleak and limited understanding of the way things work. Sit down, shut your maouth and aat least ATTEMPT to understand the things that you do not know and Who knows, mabe that you will become alittle more aware of the Universe that is around you instead of Quoting you Preacher OOPPSS I meant Teacher...
With the receiver in my hand..
#80 Jul 18 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
if you say there is a god, and he created all the animals, will they go to your heaven? or are they doomed a temporary existance for being less intelligent?

You present a false dilemma (There is no reason to assume animals are "doomed" if they don't go the Heaven)

Last but not least: if god created us as companions, would that not mean that our conciousness is on par with his? or are we just pets ^^.

You present another false dilemma (There is no reason to assume that anyone not as powerful as God is regarded as a pet)

so your saying that people didnt have souls till after the new testament joph?

You attempt to twist my answer regarding Sheol to mean that, since people did not go to Heaven, they had no soul.

Regarding extra-terrestial life, you continue a line of question based entirely on assumptions and conjecture in order to discredit faith. Without factual evidence of intelligent extra-terrestial life, its actual implications are nil yet you try to continue this line and, in the process, attempt to discredit faith based entirely on your guesses about E.T. life.

taking away the manmade religion, would you still beleive in god, and why?

Your question is worded in a way that, just by answering, you admit to thinking religion is man-made. It's the theological version of "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

That's as far as I feel like going. I'm sure you'll sit there and again say "It's just because you disagree with me!" but I'm sure the casual reader can see that your question writing skills are for sh[i][/i]it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#81 Jul 18 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
oops, wrong thread Smiley: grin

putting it in the COOL thread

Edited, Mon Jul 18 14:03:39 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#82 Jul 18 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
1. as for animals, i am asking the readers opinion of them, basically as an atheist i veiw animals as simply different branches on the evolutionary tree, while most theists i meet view them as lesser beings that will not share in their "eternal bliss" simply for being differently evolved.

2. As for us not being pets, its not "less intelligent", its infinitely less, so much so that even calling us pets would be a step up. An omnipotent and omnicient being would have little to talk about with anything or anyone, since he/she has already thought about everything and knows everything in advance(the idea of omnicience is self-contradicting alone).

3. as for the souls, i was responding to your post that the old testimant people never mentioned it, they regarded themselves as temporary beings, and regarded the gods as the immortal ones. The idea of immortal humans didnt come about till the new testimant.

4. regarding extra-terrestrial life: the arguement started as a what if, and became a justification that there is life on other planets. There are assumptions ofcourse, primarily that we were not created by a little god that saw fit to use only one planets out of 4 billion in this galaxy.

5. yes, the "taking away manmade religion" is a bit loaded, but with all the discrepincies with religion, i was asking the people who so willingly defend the bible or koran or (insert religios tect here) would still beleive in a higher power if that book was proven fallacy(which youll find many texts showing the historical flaws of each book). This is a genuine question to determine the motives behind such believers.

Perhaps you see what you want in my posts joph, maybe you should try reading them w/o personal bias for once and stop seeing every test of your faith as an attack on your very being.
#83 Jul 18 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
PraetorianX wrote:
how many people have died fighting for an idea of a god that isnt even real. and how many people have been killed in the name of that same god threw out history. and do you really think those times are over, do you really think people are not as blindly zealotous about their faith to do this all again. Im sure you can think of many "religious wars" going on today, how many people have to die before people see the truth. The truth that there is no god, that there was no god. That the prayers they pray at night will always silently fade away, and that the people that give their lives, or takes lives, in the name of a manmade diety, do so only in ignorance and a fear of their own mortality. religion is a disease on mankind, that we may never find a cure for.

I feel sorry for you. You are just repeating rhetoric. You do not know the power of prayer towards God, and the miracles I have seen in my own lifetime. You have not personally discovered anything, only believed the lies that other non believers say. If you truly believe that there is nothing out there, then you should kill yourself, because you are just delaying the inevitable nothingness that awaits you. There is absolutely no reason why you should continue to live. What a sad world you live in.

While I don't agree with Evil, I in no way agree to this responce. My biggest problem with Christians, is their ability to judge quickly with no real right to do so. Your responce should have been one of love, respect and one of welcoming. That is after all the Christian way.
#84 Jul 18 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Perhaps you see what you want in my posts joph, maybe you should try reading them w/o personal bias for once and stop seeing every test of your faith as an attack on your very being.

Smiley: lol

Joph isn't a Christian.

He's a divine being, so I wouldn't fu[b][/b]ck with him Lest he inflict a Smiting Upon thine ***.
With the receiver in my hand..
#85 Jul 18 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
EvilPhysicist wrote:
1. as for animals, i am asking the readers opinion of them, basically as an atheist i veiw animals as simply different branches on the evolutionary tree, while most theists i meet view them as lesser beings that will not share in their "eternal bliss" simply for being differently evolved.

2. As for us not being pets, its not "less intelligent", its infinitely less, so much so that even calling us pets would be a step up. An omnipotent and omnicient being would have little to talk about with anything or anyone, since he/she has already thought about everything and knows everything in advance(the idea of omnicience is self-contradicting alone).

False Dilemma: A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator.

In question #1 you posit answer (A) animals have souls or (B) Animals are doomed. You do not allow for an answer where neither are accurate. In question #2, you posit that (A) We are as omnipotent as God or else (B) we are pets.

In both cases, you intentionally load the (B) answer to force the answerer to reject it as undesirable for the (A) solution. When the (A) solution isn't accurate, the person is supposed to reject the idea of a God because neither of your binary solutions applied. The obvious answer is to reject the question itself as a logical fallacy.

as for the souls, i was responding to your post that the old testimant people never mentioned it, they regarded themselves as temporary beings, and regarded the gods as the immortal ones. The idea of immortal humans didnt come about till the new testimant.
I said the Judaic afterlife was Sheol. The fact that they had an afterlife disproves the premise of your question as false.

regarding extra-terrestrial life: the arguement started as a what if, and became a justification that there is life on other planets. There are assumptions ofcourse, primarily that we were not created by a little god that saw fit to use only one planets out of 4 billion in this galaxy.
You can't even debate your fallacies without using fallacies. Interesting.

yes, the "taking away manmade religion" is a bit loaded, but with all the discrepincies with religion, i was asking the people who so willingly defend the bible or koran or (insert religios tect here) would still beleive in a higher power if that book was proven fallacy(which youll find many texts showing the historical flaws of each book). This is a genuine question to determine the motives behind such believers.
Then find a non-loaded way to ask it. Or stop claiming that my noting it's loaded is an "attack" and own up to the fact that you're asking poor questions.

Perhaps you see what you want in my posts joph, maybe you should try reading them w/o personal bias for once and stop seeing every test of your faith as an attack on your very being.
For a scientist, you have a lot of trouble with the word "logical" in the term "logical fallacy". I'd be noting the same if we were discussing zoology.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#86 Jul 18 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
eh.. who cares.. fu[b][/b]ck it...

Edited, Mon Jul 18 14:53:25 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#87 Jul 18 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
Yeah, but the Egyptians got the idea from Aliens, so they don't count.

Edit: Thanks Kelvy, now mine doesn't make sense. Leaving it in for posterity anyway.

Edited, Mon Jul 18 15:03:23 2005 by trickybeck
#88 Jul 18 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
joph, you exponded no more in the last post than you did in the first. The point is you see every arguement against religion as a loaded question, when its simply your inability to get past personal superstitions.
#89 Jul 18 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Jophiel wrote:
No, it's because you really do write very poor questions. You use false dilemmas, misrepresent answers, load your language and basicly clumbsily design your questions to "trap" the answerer.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#90 Jul 18 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
wow bhodi, very compelling arguement
#91 Jul 18 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
There comes a time where I don't really have to argue a point any longer because I've already laid my arguments out and assume the reader will understand me even if you don't.

Feel free to continue saying your questions were properly written and the only bias was in my mind. If you can find other people here to agree with that, let me know.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#92 Jul 18 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Jophiel wrote:
There comes a time where I don't really have to argue a point any longer because I've already laid my arguments out and assume the reader will understand me even if you don't.

Feel free to continue saying your questions were properly written and the only bias was in my mind. If you can find other people here to agree with that, let me know.

joph, you exponded no more in the last post than you did in the first. The point is you see every arguement against religion as a loaded question, when its simply your inability to get past personal superstitions.

Laoded like this. I don't see how anyone couldn't agree with joph.

#93 Jul 18 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
oh ok joph, your right, your questions are well laid out and unbiased, allowing the reader to understand your point, which is brilliant. My questions are loaded, ill based, and unfounded. Is that about right? But how can i ever win against someone with god on their side lol.

If you just wanted your points to be laid out for the people to make their own decisions, then stop attacking other people's points of views. If you think its so bad to make people question ther faith, then you might need to rethink your own.
#94 Jul 18 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I was asking questions? Smiley: confused

Well... I guess you got me there.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Jul 18 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Evilphysist(sp?) is the exact kind of individual that makes all athiests and agnostics look like a bunch of oxymoronic scientists. 'nuff said about that.

I believe in a higher power only because the smallest particals or any amount of energy, had to come from somewhere. Nothing is created or born within nothing. Was it a "Big Bang?" I think not.

"Big Bang" Is the violent explosion of very small agglomeration of matter(where there is matter there is anit-matter) of extremely high density and temprature. My point is that this "very small matter and anti-matter" had to come from somewhere and there is no statement on how this was naturally created. Do I believe the Christian/Jew God started this process? No. Do I believe any religion is right about how everything came into being? No.

As far as we on this damned blue marble life could have came here in a billion number of ways. We could have been placed here by design, and purpose. We could have originated from bacteria that landed here from a meteorite, or we could be an alien ant farm. Pick your dogma basically.

This planet is unique, as is this universe. Of all the universes we can see clearly into, this is the only stable one. (Which doesn't make mathematical sense.) If everything was chaos and didn't run into a plan there would be about half as many stable universes as there would be unstable universes. Most other universes have theses problems:

-Dual Stars within the universe:
These systems are unable to harbor life as the two suns would throw any hope of elliptical orbit out the window. They would pull planets back and forth and would be unable to maitain a stable temprature within the "green-zone"(the temprature where water would remain a liquid which is a requirement in even the most evolutionary scientists.)

Large Planets improperly placed or too close to smaller planets:
Earth is lucky to have its large planets like Neptune, and Saturn at just the right distance to block a barrage of meteors and astroids. If they were any closer the two planets gravitional pull would whirl Mars, Earth, and Venus in a collision course. And if those planets were too close to the sun, would also pull planets into its orbit.

The size and age of our sun:
If the sun were as much as 10% larger it would be much cooler and have more gravational pull, thus destroying the inner ring of planets, that much smaller and it would be much more hot and would cause a runaway green house effect on this planet way before bacteria would be able to settle in. Furthermore when compaired to about 65% of other suns we have the techonolgy to test, our sun is but an infant compaired to many other suns.

The size of our moon:
The Earth's moon is considerably larger than other moons to thier respective planets. The earth is lucky to have such a large mass to act as a gravitational anchor.

Our distance from the sun:
If earth's distance from the sun were as little as 1% more this planet would be unable to sustain liquid water, and if it were as little as 1% smaller it would cause... you guessed it a runaway green house effect.

The size of the Earth:
Earth is of perfect size. Much smaller and it would have too much density and much larger and it wouldn't hold an atmosphere.

Seperation of galaxies:
The milky way is very lucky in terms with how seperated we are compaired to other galaxies. If galaxies are too close they can run into each other which can and will destroy planets, swap planets and throw planets off of thier respective orbits.

Tetonic activity:
Earth is the only planet to have stable tetonic ativity that we know of. Too little and would trap vital oxides underground and too much and the land masses would slide into the ocean. Which would be bad because the land masses we find very convient to live on.

There are many more reasons why our planet, sun, neighboring planets, and finally galaxy seem unique in the universe. Which if going purely by "everything is chaos there is no plan" doesn't make sense. If it were chaos about half of all galaxies would show these traits and yet they all fall short for some reason or another. I believe this galaxy was "prepaired" for us. Was it the Christian/Jew God? Maybe, was it a pegan god/gods? maybee, the point is that these things are unknown and probably will never be known. I wish athiests and theists alike would admit that reguardless of thier bias and as much as mankind as developed much is widely unknown and that is the common trait on which these arguements starts... the unknown.
#96 Jul 18 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Lord FourthReich wrote:
I believe in a higher power only because the smallest particals or any amount of energy, had to come from somewhere. Nothing is created or born within nothing. Was it a "Big Bang?" I think not.

wow, you really dont think very much do you. "It had to come from somewhere". where did your god come from, this is a simple case of transferance. You cant conceive of where the energy came from so instead of doing the research and keeping the questioning nature, you put up this idea of an infinite superbeing that created it all. If you had read earlier posts you would have caught the falacies in that arguement. Basically, if you dont beleive that this certain amount of energy can simply "be", or you cant concieve of how it came to be, you simply put an even more complex and abundant form of energy (god) in its place, only catch is you cant and wont question this energy.

as for the rest of your arguements, you seem to be assuming cause simply because there is. Yes the earth may be the perfect size, but its not to say its the only size that works, life happens where and when it can, its that simple. Your assuming creation again because you are unwilling learn how and why life happens. Perhaps you are content in your ignorance, but stop pressing it on the people that have actually done the research. this grand design of yours is nothing more than a spontaneous happening of life, stop trying to put fake dieties into the picture jsut to satisfy your own laziness.

#97 Jul 18 2005 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
this grand design of yours is nothing more than a spontaneous happening of life

but once again you are putting forth an idea as if it is and undisputable fact. It's not, you know KNow, stop pretending that you do and ******** on other people for having thier own ideas you arrogant ****.
With the receiver in my hand..
#98 Jul 18 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
272 posts
Lol, freely admitted. Of course, people who admit that they don't know never seem to shout as loud or as long.

All of scientific knowledge is a bunch of good guesses that haven't been proven wrong yet. And the whole "what came before the big bang", "is there something outside the material world" and even "should I say that dress does make her look fat?" are topics science has nothing to say about.

People are arrogant and humble, peaceful and violent, etc, and in my experience those traits have almost no correlation to one's religious beliefs (or lack thereof).

Or to put it more bluntly, an ******* is an ******* in an *******.

{wow the asylum is kinda fun... and those filters really work!}
#99 Jul 18 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
EvilPhysicist wrote:
wow, you really dont think very much do you. "It had to come from somewhere". where did your god come from, this is a simple case of transferance. You cant conceive of where the energy came from so instead of doing the research and keeping the questioning nature, you put up this idea of an infinite superbeing that created it all.

The whole idea about any god or goddess is that they have no need to be created. They are essances in themselves. They are to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They are omnipontent. They are not of this plane and do not need to follow the rules and regulations of nature. They have no beginning and they know no end.

EvilPhysicist wrote:
Yes the earth may be the perfect size, but its not to say its the only size that works.

Let me point out that I said "A smaller planet would have too much density, too large and they would not be able to hold an atmosphere"

More desity = More gravity = crush everything. Most scientists believe ET's will either be carbon or hydrogen based. (as most elements combine these two with ease.) And will have very similar tolerances to things as human beings. The same tolerances to heat and cold, to water, ect. Also similar in the need to breath either oxygen or carbon dioxide, and reguardless of weather if they are carbon or hydrogen based they will need water to regulate bodily functions. You are accusing me of "not doing research" when in fact I looked at the mathematical impossiblities of our universe and concluded it didn't make sense that no other solar system even comes close to this one. You accuse these people for being "blind" and "ignorant" when in fact you are incapable of listening to others ideas. Which is a very facist way of thinking. Totally disreguarding my ideas and my research simply because it doesn't agree with that 'big-brain' of yours is insane. Rather than reply to me intellegently and comming up with a decent rebuttle, you attempt to bash me and degrade me in a inane childish manner. Try better next time please if you want people to take you seriously.
#100 Jul 18 2005 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
wow kelv, your posts on this thread are as splendedly un-thoughout and biased as in the other. As for the "life is just spntaneous *******", well: we have evidence for evolution, we have no evidence for god. As stated in the above post, scientist are educated guessers, but base those guesses on fact. we question everything, then question again, im disputing the people who say they know what happened, im not saying i know what happened before the big bang, but i can tell you that saying it was god is basing your opinion on nothing more than superstitions, and will lead you down a road of mind numbing ignorance.
#101 Jul 18 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
you AND your thread can go to HELL!

go to Hell and DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the receiver in my hand..
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