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for the Athiests, ect..Follow

#202 Jul 18 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
yep, why would i touch something that gives half psuedo-science in an attempt to make the reader think that it has substance. How about i continue to base my opinions on fact and research, and you continue to base them on fairies and "non-physical universes" lol.
#203 Jul 18 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
You got tourettes or somthing? spouting meaningless defensive rhetoric in sheer desperation that nothing exists but your own microcosm. PATHETIC

cylindrical space represented by the perimeter of a circle.

X has the natural embedded in two-dimensional space

x1/R = cos(X/R)x2/R = sin(X/R)

The length of this cylindrical space is 2pR.

From dx1/dX = -sin(X/R) and dx2/dX = cos(X/R) the Pythagorean thing, (dx1)2 + (dx2)2 = (dX)2.

Cartesian product of n
radii R1, R2, ..,Rn respectively, to give an n-dimensional space that is cylindrical in all directions, with a total "volume" of

V = (2p)n R1 R2 ... Rn

For example, a three-dimensional space that is everywhere locally Euclidean and yet cylindrical in all directions can be constructed by embedding the three spatial dimensions in a six-dimensional space according to the parameterization

x1 = R1 cos(X/R1)x2 = R1 sin(X/R1)

x3 = R2 cos(Y/R2)x4 = R2 sin(Y/R2)

x5 = R3 cos(Z/R3)x6 = R3 sin(Z/R3)

so the spatial Euclidean line element is

dx12 + dx22 + dx32 + dx42 + dx52 + dx62 = dX2 + dY2 + dZ2

giving a Euclidean spatial metric in a closed three-space with total volume (2p )3R1R2R3. Subtracting this from an ordinary temporal component gives an everywhere-locally-Lorentzian spacetime that is cylindrical in the three spatial directions, i.e.,

ds2 = c2 dT2 - (dX2 + dY2 + dZ2) However, this last step seems somewhat half-hearted. We can imagine a universe cylindrical in all directions, temporal as well as spatial, by embedding the entire 4D spacetime in a space of eight dimensions, two of which are purely imaginary, as follows:

x1 = R1 cos(X/R1)x2 = R1 sin(X/R1)

x3 = R2 cos(Y/R2)x4 = R2 sin(Y/R2)

x5 = R3 cos(Z/R3)x6 = R3 sin(Z/R3)

x7 = i R4 cos(T/R4)x8 = i R4 sin(T/R4)

This leads again to a locally Lorentzian 4D metric

(ds)2 = (dX)2 + (dY)2 + (dZ)2 - (dT)2

but now all four of the dimensions X,Y,Z,T are periodic. So here we have an everywhere-locally-Lorentzian manifold that is closed and unbounded in every spatial and temporal direction. Obviously this manifold contains closed time-like worldlines, although they circumnavigate the entire universe. Whether such a universe would appear (locally) to possess a directional causal structure is unclear. We might imagine that a flat, closed, unbounded universe of this type would tend to collapse if it contained any matter, unless a non-zero cosmological constant is assumed. However, it's not clear what "collapse" would mean in this context. For example, it might mean that the Rn parameters would shrink, but they are not strictly dynamical parameters of the model. The 4-dimensional field equations of general relativity operate only on X,Y,Z,T, so we have no context within which the Rn parameters could "evolve". Any "change" in Rn would imply some meta-time parameter t, so that all the Rn coefficients in the embedding formulas would actually be functions Rn(t).Interestingly, the local flatness of the cylindrical 4-dimensional spacetime is independent of the value of R(t), so if our "internal" field equations are satisfied for one set of Rn values they would be satisfied for any other values. The meta-time t and associated meta-dynamics would be independent of the internal time T for a given observer unless we imagine some "meta field equations" relating t to the internal parameters X,Y,Z,T. We might even speculate that these meta-equations would allow (require?) the values of Rn to be "increasing" versus t, and therefore indirectly versus our internal time T = f(t), in order to ensure stability. (One interesting question raised by these considerations locally flat n-dimensional spaces embedded in flat 2n-dimensional spaces is whether every orthogonal basis in the n-space maps to an orthogonal basis in the 2n-space according to a set of formulas formally the same as those shown above, and, if not, whether there is a more general mapping that applies to all bases.)The above totally-cylindrical spacetime has a natural expression in terms of "octonion space", i.e., the Cayley algebra whose elements are two ordered quaternions

x1 = i R1 cos(X/R1)x2 = i R1 sin(X/R1)

x3 = j R2 cos(Y/R2)x4 = j R2 sin(Y/R2)

x5 = k R3 cos(Z/R3)x6 = k R3 sin(Z/R3)

x7 = R4 cos(T/R4)x8 = R4 sin(T/R4)

Thus each point (X,Y,Z,T) in 4D spacetime represents two quaternions

q1 = x1 + x3 + x5 + x7 q2 = x2 + x4 + x6 + x8

To determine the absolute distances in this 8D space we again consider the eight coordinate differentials, exemplified by

d x1 = i R1 (-sin(X/R1)) (1/R1) (dX)

(using the rule for total differentials) so the squared differentials are exemplified by

(d x1)2 = - sin2(X/R1) (dX)2

Adding up the eight squared differentials to give the square of the absolute differential interval leads again to the locally Lorentzian 4D metric

(ds)2 = (dT)2 - (dX)2 - (dY)2 - (dZ)2

Smiley: lol

Edited, Mon Jul 18 23:56:50 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#204 Jul 18 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
that post makes no sense. keep putting up alot of crap and maybe youll get the gulible types. after all, tons of people believe in astrology and other such crap, perhaps they will get mesmerized by your rediculous links and think your right.

the point is, you yet again rely on you extremly limited knowledge of science to try and prove your point "scientifically" and only succeed in revealing your astounding ignorance on the subject.
#205 Jul 19 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
608 posts
No youshutup!!!
#206 Jul 19 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
I think this should put all of your Religious/Physics/Biology questions to rest once and for all :)

God as a Computer Programmer

Important Theological Questions that are Answered
If we Think of God as a Computer Programmer.

Q: Does God control everything that happens in my life?
A: He could if he used the debugger, but it's tedious to step through all those variables.

Q: Why does God allow evil to happen?
A: God thought He eliminated evil in one of the earlier versions.

Q: Does God know everything?
A: He likes to think so, but He is often amazed to find out what goes on in the daemon scripts.

Q: What causes God to intervene in earthly affairs?
A: If a critical error occurs, the system pages Him automatically and He logs on from home to try to bring it up.

Otherwise things can wait until tomorrow.

Q: Did God really create the world in seven days?
A: He did it in six days and nights while living on Jolt and candy bars. On the seventh day He went home and found out His
girlfriend had left Him.

Q: How come the Age of Miracles Ended?
A: That was the development phase of the project; now we are in
the maintenance phase.

Q: Will there be another Universe after the Big Bang?
A: A lot of people are drawing things on the white board, but personally, God doubts that it will ever be implemented.

Q: Who is Satan?
A: Satan is an MIS director who takes credit for more powers than he actually possesses, so nontechnical people are scared of him. God thinks of him as irritating but irrelevant.

Q: What is the role of sinners?
A: Sinners are the people who find new and imaginative ways to mess up the system when God has made it idiot-proof.

Q: Where will I go after I die?
A: Onto a DAT tape.

Q: Will I be reincarnated?
A: Not unless there is a special need to recreate you. And searching those .tar files is a major hassle, so if there is a request for you, God will just say that the tape has been lost.

Q: Am I unique and special in the universe?
A: There are over 10,000 major university and corporate sites running exact duplicates of you in the present release version.

Q: What is the purpose of the universe?
A: God created it because He values elegance and simplicity, but then the users and managers demanded He tack all this senseless stuff onto it, and now everything is more complicated and expensive than ever.

Q: If I pray to God, will He listen?
A: You can waste His time telling Him what to do, or you can just get off His back and let Him code.

Q: What is the one true religion?
A: All systems have their advantages and disadvantages, so just pick the one that best suits your needs and don't let anyone put you down.

Q: Is God angry that Jesus was crucified?
A: Let's just say He's not going to any more meetings if He can help it, because that last one with the twelve managers and the food turned out to be murder.

Q: How can I protect myself from evil?
A: Change your password every month and don't make it a name, a common word, or a date like your birthday.

Q: Some people claim they hear the voice of God. Is this true?
A: They are much more likely to receive email.

Q: How can we interpret the Heisenberg Uncertainty Constant?
A: A manifestation of our machine's precision limit.

Q: What was Aramaic?
A: The original Higher Order MACRO Language.

Q: What does that make Ancient Hebrew?
A: Aramaic++

Q: Why don't we see God at work?
A: God works at interrupt level. When He wants to do something, He suspends our processes, saves our registers and status, and swaps us out. Then He works His will on the world. Then He swaps us back in, restores our registers and status, and resumes our execution. To us, things appear to change by magic.
#207 Jul 19 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
yulp, didn't think any "neurophysicist" would be touching that above post with a 9 mile pole.

A phone psychic would adore it, though.

Kelvy wrote:
It actually involves actively comprehending somthing instead of spewing text-book brainwashings.

All of your gods and magics and physics lie within the pattern.

You CAN NOT deny it.

Oh really? It looks like we've been actively denying it the whole time. Thank you for trying to dictate our own thoughts and perceptions. I will say, this, though: you absolutely love butterscotch ice cream...and you CAN NOT deny it.

You want someone to discredit your big long-assed multidimensional post? Just look at its front page.

It's some mysic/priest mumbo-jumbo with a ranking list that looks like a D&D character.

So, Kelvy, how's your Time Cube?
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#208 Jul 19 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
it cracks me up, you people say that god is un-provable, and doesnt physically exist.
then you spend countless thread attempting to prove him to us. I think the hardest task you have left for yourself is proving to us your not completely irrational.
#209 Jul 19 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
You want someone to discredit your big long-assed multidimensional post? Just look at its front page.

It's some mysic/priest mumbo-jumbo with a ranking list that looks like a D&D character.

DO you think that I was not aware that people would think exactly this wehn I posted that, and the Link to the guys page?

Could you explain to me why it really matters?

You laugh because it's from the website of a guy who believes in the same kinda **** that I do? Big deal.

I'm really not interested in converting you. I Googled any phrases similar to my ideas, and found waht I thiink to be the most accurate description. I read it and it goes along with waht I am talking about. It is a different view at life.

All of waht I am saying is not based on whoever the schmuck in the website is. THese ideas are shared by many. I liked the way that this guy put it together. Simpleas that.

You people most likely don't bother to even comprehend anything and just look around at the superficious and concoct all of your judgments around those.

Actually, I Just read an actual Other part of this guys site and so far it looks like he indeed may be on par with somthing.

But as usual, it most likely some other nut-job that had an idea and took it to the next level with his Ego.. I dunno. I know waht I believe. If it happens to match up with some New Age guy, why should I care?

Would it have been any different if I told youI WAS that guy? Smiley: lol well I'm not.

Actually I'm reading some of the crap about MArs now on that site.. an yeah.. anyone who starts talking about the Face on Mars is being a bit presumptious to me.

But the other ideas still stand.

The theories involving Dimensional Reality aren't just the idea of this Nut Job.

If you actually check some of the stuff out you will find that it makes alot of sense. But instead you just glance over it and ridicule every little thing that you can find to ridicule. It's like being in elementary school again/

Crazy physicists

Mandelbrot the fractal guy?


Pythogoras is said to have learned from a Hyperboran priest!! (Probably a druid
In Greek maps from the time of Alexander the Great, Hyperborea, shown variously as a peninsula or island, is located beyond France and has a greater latitudinal than longitudinal extent. Apparently Hyperborea is a combined notion of present day Britain and Norway/Sweden.
Does this mean that Pythagorean Theorum is all "Time-Cube" lunacy?

DO you even know waht Pythagorean Theorum IS? It's probably just another set of mystical mumbo-jumbo to you right?

This stuff is in no way thought upon as casual. I think it's because most people just don't grasp it!

I usually don't feel the need to defend any of the craxy **** I type on here, but I feel that a little clarity was needed before you people start accusing me of blindly following some random persons wacko websites.

Scratch the surface, you'll find the answers.

I've still had no real arguments to this dimensional stuff.
I assume it's because either

A) People feel it's "just beyond them"
B) People are dead set on the notion that it's all a bunch of un-founded illogical philosophical spewings, so have no interest in debating fiction.

In order for "B" to apply, it would mean that somone actually had a bit of knowledge of such things as geometry and physics.. and read over the stuff and found that it was all just fabricated jargon. HOwever, as I have said, I have had no one come and find any fiction in any of this.... (the guys website indeed has a bit of speculation, BUT not much in waht I had quoted)

but based on all of that I just assume that it's "A" and people feel that it's somthing that's just beyond thier understanding.

So as natural, take the "path of least resistance" in their beliefs.

it's a shame, and a places a limit on mental evolution.

Edited, Tue Jul 19 22:44:42 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#210 Jul 19 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
But as usual, it most likely some other nut-job that had an idea and took it to the next level with his Ego.. I dunno. I know waht I believe. If it happens to match up with some New Age guy, why should I care?

Would it have been any different if I told youI WAS that guy? Smiley: lol well I'm not.

Well, it does fit...
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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