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#127 Jul 14 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
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Religion, it would seem, is the logical fallacy at hand.

VERY true.

For in religion people make each other believe that we know the absolute truth and stick by that blindly.

Although for science to discount a seperate consciousness it would have to totally explain how waht is essentially "moving parts" can have feelings

In this case one could say that our neurons themselves are the REAL life forms and our bodies are vehicles. BUt them again the neurons are made ofthe same things... this makes me think that the neurons are just part of the vehicle too...

..just specualtion.

but science is orginized speculation so...
With the receiver in my hand..
#128 Jul 14 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Any post arguing for or against religion can be summed up in three words: perception defines reality.

End of discussion.

Yes, I was too lazy to read the whole thread. I'll do better once I'm back in the States.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#129 Jul 14 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,813 posts

In a nutshell, I should have said "detectable by physical means"

Scientists have ways of detecting chemical patterns in the brain when people feel different emotions.

but the argument is that a simple series of mechanical preocesses do NOT make up this soul.

Right. I say it's a complex series of chemical processes in our brains that makes people THINK that they have a eternal soul. Not saying it's a proven fact, I've just seen a whole lot more evidence that points to that conclusion than any other.

You're using the idea that an eternal soul exists and that consciousness isn't part of this physical realm as a basis for your arguments, but that's exactly what you're trying to prove as well.

now to read all of the hate

How could I hate a fellow Caitsithian? :P I like ya Kelv, you're one of the more entertaining posters here and on our server boards. I'm just bored at work like you are and felt like trying my hand at one of these Asylum threads. Anyway, see ya in game!
#130 Jul 14 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
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A more accurate statement would be that since our consciousness EQUALS these reactions, consciousness should be able to develop as a result of another IDENTICAL (or almost identical) series of chemical reactions, not just any random ones.

I understand, but this is assuming that all states of consciousness are identical as well.

Kelvy wrote:Very well. I don't believe it because I see no difference between your 'chemical brain reactions' and say.. lightning burning a tree...

and the state of lightning striking a tree could be said to be just as conscious as a brain.

You wouldn't say that if you had ever taken a class or read any books about how the brain works. I'm a computer scientist, but even my freshman biology class covered and confirmed most of what EvilPhysicist is saying. He just makes himself sound kinda arrogant in the way he presents it.

I admit I'm being a bit extreme with it, but the point was that lightning striking a tree consists of extreme states of organic matter and electricity.

isn't how they say that life formed anyway?? lightning hitting a pond or somthihg? or was that a movie...

The chemical processes are all responses to external stimuli that travel through our nerve system to our brain.

yes I agree, and the brain sends the stimuli to the psyche which tells the brain waht to tell the body to do. that's how I see it.

Wehn science gives me a name for a physical "pyche" I'll use that. (of coarse I'll still just see it as a physical representation of a mete-physical thing. It's like reflections.. matter, anti-matter...... I'm put a lid on that.

It's false to say that the laws of physics directly contradict the existence of consciousness as a function of our brains, though.

You see. If it was proven to me that those chemical brain processes WERE specifically our consciousness, then I would say that it doesn't. BUt the laws of physicas can not be changed. And the construct of matter does not allow room for the idea of spontanious consciousness happening. WE should not be able to feel a thing and IT IS MY OPPINION that we do.

maybe that makes me no different from Pinnochio eh?? Smiley: lol

OMG, I have to stop with this before I'm on this All NIGHT hahahahahah
With the receiver in my hand..
#131 Jul 14 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:

1. there was a big bang (fact)
2. we did evolve (fact)
3. religion was created by man( fact)

now if you want to derive god out of something else, go ahead, but dont deny any of the above facts. its quite funny though how after showing a person that religion is wrong they still base their beleifs on "the universe is just to complex to have happened", when that arguement is the EXACT same thing as saying "i dont feel like taking the time to learn and question, so ill attribute it to some highre power idea that i got from that fake religion".

OK ... Evil while I agree that some of what you are here to say carries some weight, this isn’t one of them. In NO WAY HAS RELIGION BEEN PROVEN WRONG. The existence of a higher being has never been shown to be false and you have agreed to this in other posts. Why then, in this post, do you so adamantly speak of religion as a farce, and the people who believe to be ignorant?

Fact of the matter stands that something cannot be created from nothing. Some people, like me, choose to believe that a higher power must have created this wonderful universe. Science, after all, cannot explain the origins or creation of the universe before the big bang. Just because a person, like me, believes in a higher power, it doesn’t mean that we are all ignorant to scientific findings such as telleah. I don’t view the world to be 5000 years old, I don’t think Jonah was swallowed by a whale, and I don’t think that because one doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, that person will go to hell. I don’t "believe" like tellah does, but I sure as hell don’t like someone telling me I am wrong with no backing what so ever himself.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 17:56:10 2005 by fenderputy
#132 Jul 14 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
Yes Of course I am speaking of a SOUL. waht's my name?

I believe in an immortal soul that trancsends time and space.

but the argument is that a simple series of mechanical preocesses do NOT make up this soul.

I realize it'sall based on faith, but the point is that you CANNOT DISPROVE IT based on Biology or Physics. YOu cannot disprove the Soul to me.

now to read all of the hate

Actually, I can disprove the Soul to you. Can you feel it? See it? Hear it? Smell it? Does it exist physically? No. It's part of that other realm I mentioned earlier, which by it's very definition can't be proven to exist under any law of Physics you want to call forth. I really wish I paid more attention in my freshman Philosophy classes, because a lot of the more famous Philosophers were eventually discredited simply because they can't prove this Soul, this other realm of existence to which we are somehow linked, exists.

So you admit that there's all these complex processes going on in the mind, chemicals sending messages to this area or that, etc. Somewhere in all of that, consciousness arises. Now, again I have to introduce you to Occam's Razor. It's a simpler explanation, and therefore more apt to be correct, that all these chemical/electromagnetic or w/e reactions give rise to our consciousness, and we just don't understand enough about it to pinpoint the exact location.

Saying that somewhere in all of that, all of these physical chemicals and whatnot communicate with something that has absolutely no basis for existence in the physical world, something that gives us our consciousness through these physical chemicals... is an infinitely more complex solution to the problem at hand.

The difference between the two explanations, is that one doesn't make sense, and one just doesn't make sense yet.

Note: I mention the Soul in union to some entirely other realm, because that is the most logical way to think about it. I'm not saying that there's some other dimension where every soul mingles together, I'm saying that there is another realm of existence, one that doesn't follow any of the laws of Physics as we know them. A realm where things like the Soul make sense.

Now, you like to ask questions concerning things like "what" where" "when" etc, so I have a few to pose myself:

-What exactly do you believe is in our brains that can communicate to something that has no physical existence?
-Where does the Soul reside?
-Assuming that Man did evolve(and the evidence weighs strongly in favor of this), when did Man gain a Soul? If Man had a Soul from the start, why were we so primitive to begin with? Would we not have had cognitive thought from the very beginning?
-What is the Soul made of?
#133 Jul 14 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
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Scientists have ways of detecting chemical patterns in the brain when people feel different emotions

THat does not mean that the chemical peocesses and the emotions that the person feels are one in the same.

You're using the idea that an eternal soul exists and that consciousness isn't part of this physical realm as a basis for your arguments, but that's exactly what you're trying to prove as well.

an "ETERNAL" soul would be a whole differnt argument.

But as the Soul I mean the generic term for any slice of our consciousness that is Who we are.

With the receiver in my hand..
#134 Jul 14 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I just do NOT understand how this thread has stayed on topic for 3 pages. It's an outrage!! Smiley: mad
#135 Jul 14 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
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-What exactly do you believe is in our brains that can communicate to something that has no physical existence?
-Where does the Soul reside?
-Assuming that Man did evolve(and the evidence weighs strongly in favor of this), when did Man gain a Soul? If Man had a Soul from the start, why were we so primitive to begin with? Would we not have had cognitive thought from the very beginning?
-What is the Soul made of?

For the most part these questions are based on our human, 3 dimentional rules and assume that any soul would have to conform to such concepts as "where" and "wehn".

I think that we were animals and indeed at a certain point we became capable of more than that and the construct of our brains allowed for the accomodation for the essencal "soul" to interact with the physical world. This is wehn waht we can "Man" came to be.

as far as communication... concider tuning forks. They can vibrate and effect other tuning forks that are not physically near them. THis is communications as I see it.

That does nothing toawrd the "comminicated with Non-physical things" some in, but it is one of the many possiblilities of communication.

Concider the sun reflected in a lake and the light from that reflection can actually effect things as if it were light from the Physical Sun and nor the Non-Physical Sun that exists only in the water... understand? These are 2 different states, one is not physical yet still can effect the physical world.
YEs yes, the photons are physical, but this only is to represent how dynamic existence can be. The concept of the Real Sun and Reflection of Sun are seperate from the idea of Photons being the unifying factor.

holy ****, shut me UP
With the receiver in my hand..
#136 Jul 14 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I just do NOT understand how this thread has stayed on topic for 3 pages. It's an outrage!!

Yes, I have created a LIVING THREAD!! It is consciouss!! Mwahahahahahaha
With the receiver in my hand..
#137 Jul 14 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
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Debalic wrote:
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
YOU are the one putting physicality on th idea of consciousness. I am saying that it is somthing seperate from the physical/chemical/electo-magnetic and that these things are merely evidence of the processes involved but do not denote an actual force that equals our ability to "think" about things.

Not "separate from", but a result of.

It's still just a matter of attributing the currently unknown to The Great Googly-Moogly, instead of realizing we simply haven't figured it out yet. It looks for all the world like you're approaching the discussion with the assumption that our scientific processes and technology are never going to get any more advanced.

But waht is the subhstance of that result?

How much deeper can we dig to realize that there is nothing there but chemicals and then atoms, and ..... it goes deeper and deeper...

concider how each of these layers pf physical exististances can effect one another... and also concider how many layers of existance that we are unaware of.
Yet one would think that through mathematical equation, that we can predict waht we would find anyway...
but right now theere are too many variables.
With the receiver in my hand..
#138 Jul 14 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
For the most part these questions are based on our human, 3 dimentional rules and assume that any soul would have to conform to such concepts as "where" and "wehn".

I think that we were animals and indeed at a certain point we became capable of more than that and the construct of our brains allowed for the accomodation for the essencal "soul" to interact with the physical world. This is wehn waht we can "Man" came to be.

as far as communication... concider tuning forks. They can vibrate and effect other tuning forks that are not physically near them. THis is communications as I see it.

That does nothing toawrd the "comminicated with Non-physical things" some in, but it is one of the many possiblilities of communication.

Concider the sun reflected in a lake and the light from that reflection can actually effect things as if it were light from the Physical Sun and nor the Non-Physical Sun that exists only in the water... understand? These are 2 different states, one is not physical yet still can effect the physical world.
YEs yes, the photons are physical, but this only is to represent how dynamic existence can be. The concept of the Real Sun and Reflection of Sun are seperate from the idea of Photons being the unifying factor.

holy sh*t, shut me UP

Wow, none of that made very much sense. At least, in any way relating to your argument. Everything you used as an example can be explained by laws of Physics. The existence of the Soul can't. The very definition of a Soul(eternal and outside of time, non-physical, etc) doesn't allow itself to be explained by Physics. A Soul is made of nothing, because if it were to exist it would have to be comprised at its very basic level of these atoms and neutrons, and it would be giving off an electromagnetic field that could be detected using some law of Physics. So if something is made out of nothing, can it exist?

Further more, if something doesn't exist, can it communicate with things that do exist?

It seems to me that your argument relies very heavily upon the existence of "magic", because otherwise it just doesn't make sense. Does it make sense to you that some all-powerful being came along and created the universe, then just kind of let it do its own thing? Because it doesn't make any sense to me. If this all-powerful being really does exist, he's doing a lousy job of it. Oh wait, it's that whole "free-agent" thing. Sorry, I forgot about that. This all-powerful being wants humanity to make its own choices, so he can't intervene at all. Doesn't it seem odd that everything religion is based off of seems to contradict this?

I don't know much about any religion other than Christianity, but I know that in the Bible God seemed to intervene a hell of a lot. He spoke through bushes that were on fire, he rained plague on cities, he gave his Prophets the ability to move bodies of water, etc. Yet oddly enough... nothing for the past 2000 years or so. Did he get tired of trying to lead his people back to his kingdom? If God is all-powerful, how come he didn't just skip this whole Earth -based existence thing and give us all perfect bodies in his kingdom? That seems to be what he wants to happen, so why not just snap his fingers and make it happen?

Doesn't it seem like having faith in something that, by its own definition, can't be proven to exist by physical laws and sciences is really just pulling a blindfold over your own eyes?

The definition of faith itself makes me laugh, "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence".
#139 Jul 14 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
ill make this one short, frankly i ahve a headache and am tired.

kelv: conciousness does not spawn from these reactions in some magical physics breaking phenominon, this is the LAST time im posting saying this. But since you can't see it clearly, ill say it in another way.

Conciousness: The real time interpretation of many stimuli. Basically conciousness is your brain decoding and interpreting your senses in real time. Thats where you get the idea of "life", "though", and the perverbial "mind". That, in all simplicity is conciousness. I will not post on this topic again, because i will probably get a migraine if i see you post another "conciousness isnt physically possbile thread".

and the reason this thread has lasted so long is a display of only your stubbornness to admit you are mistaken even when confronted by several people and a multitude of facts.
while i have enjoyed some of our conversations, i am nothing but dissapointed in your intellect on this one. Please, please, please, go read a book.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 19:13:01 2005 by EvilPhysicist
#140 Jul 14 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
So if something is made out of nothing, can it exist?

Waht is Time made of? Does TIme exist?

You are assuming that there are no other states of existance then waht we are aware of. Ridiculous.

Doesn't it seem odd that everything religion is based off of seems to contradict this?


YOu are insisting on PERSONIFYING the unknown forces of the UNiverse, why does it have to be a being of YOUR liking, that does things and wants things that only petty little YOu can imagine, to begin to try to understand and start preaching the nature of these unknown forces are simply Utter Folly!


It seems to me that your argument relies very heavily upon the existence of "magic", because otherwise it just doesn't make sense.

UM, Maybe that's why I DO believe in "magic", because as far as Physical rules go, consiouscness seems to be somthing that transcends Physics, thus making it beyond our scope of understanding, thus making it "magic" or wahtever other generic term you wish to use for unknown natural forces.
which is waht this is All about.

"Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence".

Listen carefully

MANKIND INVENTED the concept of logic. It is based on OUr standard of thought and comprehension and nothing more. If there is somthing that lay beyond the realm of the infallable rules of logic that all of our existence is mathematically based on, then I'm sure it would shatter the walls of reality and destroy the univers as we know it Smiley: lol

can't be proven to exist by physical laws and sciences is really just pulling a blindfold over your own eyes?

HA! YOU belive that only because our science cannot detect it that it is Folly to believe that somthing IS there.
JUst because spomthing is not following the same standards of our physical reality, not not mean that it does not exist.

Does a THOUGHT exist? Waht is a THought? Waht kindof existance is a thought of a mathematical equATIONS or if I built an entire unicerse in my head.... does none of this exist?

Obviously it DOES exost, because it IS there. Waht does that mean? That your thoughts are beyond the molecules and nuerons.


and the reason this thread has lasted so long is a display of only your stubbornness to admit you are mistaken even when confronted by several people and a multitude of facts.

You have proven nothing with your limited facts. The only reason this thread is still going is your constant insistance that You ar absulutly right and I am absolutly wrong.

I FULLY have always understood waht the biological mind is. My points are based on hypothesis (though done in my head) and are as such that you cannot disprove them truly as it is all specualtion on BOTH of our parts. YOU are the one so insistant that you MSUT be right.

SO at a certain point you have stopped really thinking about anything that I have been sayhing here and are just automataically hitting me with critisism.

Personally I think that you are the one who doesn't understand waht I am saying. You read the words but cannot really grasp what I am saying.

YOur argument is limited and repeatative.
but yeah, this is all getting old.
I'm getting on my own nerves now.

Fu[/b]ck it and FU[b]CK YOU for not understranding that there is more to reality thatn you are aware of, you fu[/b]cking ******.. out of all of the layers of everything that ever existed, waht in the HELL would make you thnk that we have any SORT of FU[b]CKING CLUE WAHT is OUT THERE? Where we are at is the utter tip of the iceberg, and you can study that whole entire tip all you like and tell me exactly how it works and why, but it don't got **** to do with the rest of the iceberg. It's bigger than you think.

AS for Why I belive. I told you, I am aware. THat's It. blatantly. Perhaps it'sthat I have let go of thr restrictions of the brainwashings that weare all taught, that all we know is all there is.

eh, wahtever
It's all in good Fun

With the receiver in my hand..
#141 Jul 14 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
lol, thats all i can say. lol

kelv: im right

everyone else: here are facts saying your not

kelv: your and idiot, im the enlightened one

everyone else: what the hell are you trying to say.

kelv: "insert rediculous misunderstanding of any given concept"

everyone else: wow, you really dont know what your talking about.

kelvs last post: **** you!!! im the only smart person alive, why cant everyone else see the magic fairies!!!
everyone else: go see a shrink.

(drank some sweet tea, so headache is gone)
#142 Jul 15 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Damn kelvy, you really started losing it this last page.

Gonna check the roomate bat thread to see if you've gone rabid yet.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#143 Jul 15 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
sorry, didnt want to beat a dead horse, just thought this quote from kelv was funny:

I FULLY have always understood waht the biological mind is.

ever try using it?
#144 Jul 15 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
Determined isn't the right word, but it's the first word that comes to mind.
#145 Jul 15 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
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realize that you have proven NOTHING over me.

We have determined:

Science does not explain it all.
We can produce ideas to fill in the blanks based on personal observation.

That's it.

Everything else has been a series of moot points. So all of your gloating is foundless and quite frankly, detestable.

All you have been telling me is "You can't prove it" and then making up some clever insult. You have still proved Nothing.

am I wrong?

the only logical thing that I conclude from all this is that you are not capable of processing fully waht I am saying, you hear the words but cannot see passed your own dedutions of waht they mean.

the only logical thing that I conclude from all this is that you are not capable of processing fully waht I am saying, you hear the words but cannot see passed your own dedutions of waht they mean.

Edited, Fri Jul 15 14:03:28 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#146 Jul 15 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
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20,643 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
We have determined:

Science does not yet explain it all.

We can make up mystical mumbo-jumbo and extraneous entities to fill in the blanks based on personal observation.

I will just say that you're being as stubborn and narrow-minded as you claim us to be.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#147 Jul 15 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
HOw excatly do you figure that statement to be incorrect?

There are blanks.

We fill them based on waht we see.

IF I have seen waht appears to be evidence of faeries and dragons and god and angels that my fu[b][/b]cking perogative and you can never prove me wrong any more that I can prove myself right.

It's just the way it is. Moot points.

The only things stubborn about it is not bowing down and renouncing my belief because somone tells me that because no scientist has seen it under a microscope that it can't exist.

..and continuing this thread.
With the receiver in my hand..
#148 Jul 15 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
thnk about it

Isn't arguing this stuff like arguing:

Person1: People are made of CELLS!!!!

Person2: NO!! YOU FOOL!! people are made out of molecules!!

Person1: CELLS!!!

Person2: MOLECULES!!!

or for that matter arguing whether light is a wave or particle.
With the receiver in my hand..
#149 Jul 15 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
And how is that different in not giving up trust in the ongoing scientific process and attributing things to fantasy magic?
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#150 Jul 15 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
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I DO have faith in the scientific community to find things out that will help us.

but I don't fool myself into thinking that they cannot only see so far.
With the receiver in my hand..
#151 Jul 15 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
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Did you watch "What the **** Do We Know" and then decide to start this thread?

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