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Rove was Time reporter's source.....Follow

#77 Jul 14 2005 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Do you feel that a man under criminal investigation for leaking classified information should be allowed ongoing access to classified and top secret information during the investigation?

No need to qualify your response, a simple yes or no will suffice.

Doesnt matter what Gbaji thinks that would be the call of DONCAF. Routinely people keep their access to classified info unless there is substantial evidence to suggest they are leaking classified info.

Here's the Rub though Karl Rove probably could have gone to the top of the capital building with a bull horn and shouted for everyone that wanted to know that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent, and he wouldnt have violated any laws. There are certain criteria you have to meet inorder to be protected by the law everyone keeps saying Karl Rove violated. She doesnt meet any of the Criteria.

1, the Government has to be activly keeping the agents identity a secret. Valerie Plame has been working at CIA HQ in Langely since 1997 when she and her husband returned from overseas. Anyone hanging outside CIA HQ gates would know this if they cared to.

2, Said agent has to be or have been working ouside the US as an undercover agent in the last 5 years. Clearly since she has been and continues to work at CIA HQ since 1997 she clearly doesnt meet this criteria.

Since Valerie Plame doesnt meet the criteria as an undercover agent Karl Rove nor anyone else could have "outed" her as an agent. Her identity may not have been as widely known as it is today however she wasnt protected as an undercover agent under this law.

#78 Jul 14 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
But it says nothing about *who* may have done that. Isn't that the critical issue?

Certainly. That's why I'm not asserting that Karl Rove is guilty. I am concerned that Bush has backed away from his earlier strong statement that he would fire the leak, whoever it may be - particularly in light of the enormous influence Rove has on the President.

Other than that, the SP has much more information than I have, and a mandate to find the truth. I'm waiting to see what he says about who leaked.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#79 Jul 15 2005 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
DamthebiTch wrote:
1, the Government has to be activly keeping the agents identity a secret. Valerie Plame has been working at CIA HQ in Langely since 1997 when she and her husband returned from overseas. Anyone hanging outside CIA HQ gates would know this if they cared to.

2, Said agent has to be or have been working ouside the US as an undercover agent in the last 5 years. Clearly since she has been and continues to work at CIA HQ since 1997 she clearly doesnt meet this criteria.
Gratz on ignoring what I already said on this.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#80 Jul 15 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
Samira, the first 3/4ths of your post does a nice job at describing why outting Plame is a crime. But it says nothing about *who* may have done that. Isn't that the critical issue?

rove ADDMITTED he gave her up.

the legal issue he is using to defend himself is splitting hairs. he didnt use her name. he refered to her as "the wife" of the ambassador.

hair splitting to avoid prosecution. he gave her up, that is a FACT. he ADDMITTED to it. the only part being questioned is weather not saying her name outright and refering to her as "his wife" constitutes the criminal act under the law.

there is no question he gave her up. what is in question is the technicality of weather "his wife" constitues breaking the law, and weather he knew or didnt know she was a CIA operative towards intent.

he did it. he ment to do it.

plausable denyability. did he KNOW she was a CIA operative? did he actually say her name?

you betcha. he is guilty as hell. all the legal hair splitting will not change the FACT that the presidents top man gave up a CIA operative to the press INTENTIONALLY.

a crime.

hair splitting. like calling prisoners of war "enemy combatants". are they entitled to human treatment if they are not called prisoners of war?

what happened to the "spirit" of the law? they are as guilty as guilty gets. but like everything else, they will LAYWER their way out of it. it will happen to because YOU IDIOTS want to see it happen. you STUPID SHEEP want to believe the LIE. so you will.

ignorance is bliss. welcome to the moral majority.
#81 Jul 15 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent

Certainly. That's why I'm not asserting that Karl Rove is guilty. I am concerned that Bush has backed away from his earlier strong statement that he would fire the leak, whoever it may be - particularly in light of the enormous influence Rove has on the President.

That's right you're "concerned" about the president. This is such a drummed up non-issue even you guys can't figure out how best to cover for the liberal media.

#82 Jul 15 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
As to the whole "she hadn't been undercover for more than 5 years" argument, she was listed as an employee of Brewster-Jennings as recently as '99, so we don't know that she hadn't been out of the country undercover. At any rate the collateral outing of the CIA's front company can't be a good thing for a careless or angry leaker to have done.

Whether a crime has been committed or not isn't up to us to decide. Two different federal courts and a special prosecutor appear to be taking it all pretty seriously, though.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#83 Jul 15 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Novak was the leak...

And for those of you that are mathematically challenged 1999-2005 is more than 5 years.

#84 Jul 15 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
You keep using the phrase "Liberal Media". Get over it already, there is no such thing "Liberal Media" It's corporate media. It's whatever sells the ads on television or newspapers, or what have you.

And besides, you cry "Liberal Media" everytime any media says anything that doesn't favor this administration. Just because it isn't what you want to hear doesn't make it a big conspiracy of the "Liberal Media".

Fact of the matter is, now since his boy is in the line of fire, and is quite possibly guily Bush is not as adament about his prior position. That's the truth, and you know it.

#85 Jul 15 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
varrussword wrote:
Novak was the leak...

And for those of you that are mathematically challenged 1999-2005 is more than 5 years.


Yes, Einstein, but the leak happened in 2003. Idiot.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#86 Jul 15 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent

In reading your post i'm reminded of the adage "never underestimate the predictability of stupidity".

When I refer to the liberal media I do so purposely. For example lets look at this Ap news story

Novak's column, citing two Bush administration officials, appeared six days later, touching off a political firestorm and leading to a federal criminal investigation into who leaked Plame's undercover identity. That probe has ensnared presidential aides and reporters in a two-year legal battle.

If the media isn't liberal and is in fact the objective reporters of truth why then are they "ensnared" in a legal battle with presidential aides?

Why aren't these people reporting the chi-coms threats to use nukes against us if we aid Taiwan against invasion? The fact is all these reporters and news agencies want another watergate no matter what the cost to the american people.

#87 Jul 15 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
Then Novak and Wilson need to be the center of any investigation. All investigators have said Rove is not the target of any investigation. H*ll even the democrat opponents can't point to any illegal activity on his part.

#88 Jul 15 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
So now your resorting to name calling. Nice, very nice.

Same goes for your side. I'm sure if I wanted to take the time I could go out I could very easily find conservative biased media reports as well. All I have to do is turn on my AM dial and pick just about any station out there repeating the Republican talking points over and over again day in and day out.

So, get over yourself and quit playing like your're the victim.
#89 Jul 15 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
However if you do feel the need to go into detail and dodge or worse qualify your yes or no I will gladly respond by digging up the link where you attack the British MP for avoiding yes or no questions and call it "suspicious" and not trustworthy when he was in front of the senate commitee.

It won't do any good.

Gbaji will go on for two pages about why Republicans just want smaller government, and that's why Democratic economic policy is flawed...

...And then spend 4 pages spinning and defending a Republican big-government social policy, like banning ****** on Sunday or some such thing.

#90 Jul 15 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
Rove talked to the press intentionally. that is undeniable.

being a good politician, you can bet he knew exactly what he was doing, who it would affect, and how to protect himself.

personally, i could care less about Rove. his actions clearly reflect the mindset of this addministraition however. decietfull, vindictive, and selfserving.

it is also clear they have no qualms about putting the lives of americans in danger for petty reasons.

but that is what you can expect from a PETTY addministraition. i would like to say we are better than this, but i honestly no longer believe that. i think this addministraition clearly reflects the population of this country as a majority.

petty, selfserving, and willing to sacrifice another american to get what they want.

the moral majority working for you. i feel its time to drum up some support, so lets dig into the infantly ignorant well of christian minded americans and remind them "abortion is bad" so they can fixiate on something beside the thousands of human beings we are killing for no good reason. mabe let another anti gay bill pass, or stop funding to another familey planing clinic if they dont preach abstanance and nothing else.

God bless america. dont count on it......
#91 Jul 15 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
bhodisattva Defender of Justice wrote:
Simple question for you Gbaji.

Do you feel that a man under criminal investigation for leaking classified information should be allowed ongoing access to classified and top secret information during the investigation?

No need to qualify your response, a simple yes or no will suffice.

No. He probably shouldn't. Happy?

Here's the problem. You are operating under the assumption that Rove *was* under criminal investigation. You choose to interpret the demands from the Left (who don't know the details of the investigation), and the fact that Rove was asked to appear before a grand jury on the issue as Rove himself being under criminal investigation.

He wasn't. And as we now know, the White House has presumably known he wasn't the source of the leak for over a year now (perhaps quite a bit longer then that). He was told that Plame was working for the CIA by Novak. Remember Novak? The guy who originally outted her, and who said that her status was "common knowledge" in Washington?

You guys are totally missing the point here in your desire to attack Rove. The point of the investigation is to find the source of the link. Someone who knew her cover was a matter of national security and revealed that to someone who didn't. That's the only criminal act here. Rove is no more a criminal then Novak. Both of them passed on information that they thought was public knowlege and most certainly did not know was supposed to be "secret".
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#92 Jul 15 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
investigation. rofl. the wolves investigating themselves.

wana bet they are investigating the ambasadors credability and not rove?

the worst part, all they have to do is instill a little doubt here, slam some credibility there, and yet another crime by this addministraition slips through the crack between the party lines while the sheep are waiving their respective flags and baring their teeth at each other.

and the world is watching.

WMDS. what? no WMDs? the darn info geeks. well, we didnt go there for that anyway....

what? torture? well, were they "really" prisoners of war? is there "really" any proof? is it "really" that bad if we slip up a time or two?

what? sell out an agent for telling the truth? is there any proof? ill fire him immediatly. what? rove? did he "really" know she was an agent? did he "really" say her full name?

how stupid can you republicans be? how blind can you be? how mush worse can you make this country look to the rest of the world?

this is YOUR country they are ripping apart. YOUR country. you "really" think the top 2 percent is gonna give you a cookie when they are done rapping it?

the moral majority working for you.
#93 Jul 15 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
the worst part, all they have to do is instill a little doubt here, slam some credibility there, and yet another crime by this addministraition slips through the crack between the party lines while the sheep are waiving their respective flags and baring their teeth at each other.

*cough* "yet another crime"? Maybe if you guys would stop jumping at the fist bit of innuendo that comes along, this sort of thing wouldn't happen.

And you wonder why the Left is losing credibility fast. You guys are the political equivalent of chicken little. You're sure that the Bush administration is comminting these horrible crimes and offenses, but you can't actually say what they are, or prove anything, or even explain how those crimes benefit them. But you'll go on tossing rhetoric and innuendo out there anyway.

Exactly what "crime" do you think has occured, and who do you think did it? I'd really like to know, because you idiots have been focusing on Rove for the past 2 weeks straight only to find that he didn't do anything wrong. Who's the next innocent person you'll run through your rhetoric wringer? How many times do you have to be utterly and completely wrong before you stop rushing to judgement on everything and maybe actually start operating on facts and rational thought?

and the world is watching.

Yes. The world is watching the Democratic party disintigrate as the hard core Liberals step by step destroy any shred of dignity and respect they may once have had. Even heavily left leaning moderates are looking at what you guys are saying and thinking "WTF!!!".

Look in the mirror. You're the problem.

WMDS. what? no WMDs? the darn info geeks. well, we didnt go there for that anyway....

Just highlights the rhetoric nature of the argument you're using. The argument wasn't about them having WMD, but about them trying to build them despite signing agreements stating they wouldn't. But apparently, you guys can't see the difference between "wanting to do something" and "actually doing something". You desperately want to just assume that if Iraq didn't actually build some WMD, that they weren't trying to.

what? torture? well, were they "really" prisoners of war? is there "really" any proof? is it "really" that bad if we slip up a time or two?

And your point is? Look at it from the other side. You've got a bunch of nutjobs arbitrarily picking one prison out of a whole world of prisons, finding that it's abuse record is better then probably any other prison in the world, but insisting that it should be shut down anyway cause, well... we don't like it or something.

Isn't that about the extent of the argument against Guantanamo?

what? sell out an agent for telling the truth? is there any proof? ill fire him immediatly. what? rove? did he "really" know she was an agent? did he "really" say her full name?

Again with the whole "missing the point" thing. She wasn't sold out for telling the truth. She'd been outted long before this incident came up. If she actually was working as an undercover agent, then she was doing a **** poor job of it and her cover was blown years before Rove ever got involved, and years before she asked her husband to travel to Niger to look into allegations that Iraq had attempted to purchase uranium there.

I know it sucks when the actual truth doesn't match what you want it to be, but continuing to steadfastly argue a point after you've been absolutely prooven wrong is just more of the reason moderates are leaving the Dem party in droves. No one wants to be associated with you guys anymore.

Oh. And just to further clarify things. Wilson's report (such as it is) did not actually refute what Bush said in the state of the union address in 2003. Bush said that Iraq attempted to purchase uranium in Niger (actually, he just said Africa). Um. Wilson's investigation determined that Iraq did try to obtain uranium in Niger. They were unsuccessful, but they did try.

How that gets twisted around to Bush lying is beyond me. I guess it's just another example of the Liberals not being able to distinguish between trying to do something and succeeding at it. Which I guess explains why nothing serious was done about Al-queda during the Clinton administratin. Since they never succeeded at destroying the WTC, I guess they didn't really do anything to us, right?

Sheesh. Your entire approach to this is totally flawed. You don't want to learn the truth. You just want to manipulate words and facts to make it seem like someone you don't like did something wrong. That's pretty darn pathetic.

You were dead wrong about Rove. Accept it and move on.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#94 Jul 16 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
Exactly what "crime" do you think has occured, and who do you think did it? I'd really like to know, because you idiots have been focusing on Rove for the past 2 weeks straight only to find that he didn't do anything wrong.

here is what happened, and nobody is disputing it.

a high ranking washington insider who avoids the press like a plague had a conversation with "3" reporters within a week of the ambassador calling Bush a liar, concerning the ambassador and a undercover CIA operative, his wife.

this is undisputed.

disclosing confidential information to the public is a crime. a federal crime. punnishable by real jail time.

this is undisputed.

what happened is a crime. but this bunch of thugs are good criminals. they know how to commit crimes and get away with it by playing with the holes in laws. torture? only applies to "prisoners of war" and prisoners interned on american soil.

think that was an accident? just lucky?

and you friggin idiots allow it to happen by putting up with it because "technically" it was legal irreguardless of the imorality of the act, or the spirit of the law.

rove, who avoids the press like a plague, has conversations with 3 reporters within a week of the niger report. he never mentioned her by name spacifically. he led the reporters into presenting the info and acknoledged it.

accident? just lucky?

we are in this mess because you are a bunch of idiots. most americans KNOW he did the dirty deed. most americans KNOW Bush knew and approved of the action or it never would have happened.

most americans will swollow the party lie because they know their way around the law.

torture is immoral. you KNOW that. law or no law.

outing a undercover agent is WRONG. technicality or no technicality. you KNOW that.

not having conclusive proof to execute hundreds of thousands of human beings is immoral and wrong, irreguardless of who slipped up. you KNOW that.

back to grazing on the fields with the rest of you sheep. enjoy, you shall reep what you sow.

baaaa baaaa baaaaa
#95 Jul 16 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Dude seriously, the more you go on about this the dumber you look. Even the liberal media is starting to back off this one as it's revealed that Rove did very little wrong if anything at all.

This is just one more example of emotional liberals throwing around wild accusations in the hopes that somehow the people of the country will just go along with it and demand that Bush commit suicide over the atrocity.

Of course, as is usually the case, the facts end up getting revealed, the accusations fall flat, and the American people end up doing things like re-electing Bush.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Were mistakes made? Hell yes. But look at what you offer the American people as an alternative -- nothing at all with any substance whatsoever. Just anger, outrage, and pessimism, and who the hell wants that?

33 rdm
15 blm
15 war
7 bst
2 whm (lol)
{Rank 5} {Can I have it?} /cry
#96 Jul 16 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Gbaji wrote:
Look at it from the other side. You've got a bunch of nutjobs arbitrarily picking one prison out of a whole world of prisons, finding that it's abuse record is better then probably any other prison in the world, but insisting that it should be shut down anyway cause, well... we don't like it or something.

completly out of context..

couldn't I change this to:

Look at it from the other side. You've got a bunch of nutjob Americans arbitrarily picking one corrupt country out of a whole world of corrupt coutries, finding that it's threat to the US is less then probably any other corrupt countries in the world, but insisting that it should be invade it anyway cause, well... we don't like it or something.

With the receiver in my hand..
#97 Jul 17 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Dude seriously, the more you go on about this the dumber you look. Even the liberal media is starting to back off this one as it's revealed that Rove did very little wrong if anything at all.

torture is wrong. but the law only applies to people interned on american soil under american law, and "prisoners of war" under the geneva convention.

make them "enemy combatants", and intern them outside of the united states and you STUPID republicans now think the liberal left is on a witch hunt because "technically", no laws were broken.

giving up the identity of an undercover agent is wrong. but the law only applies if the actual identity of the person is revealed, and that the information is not already public domain.

referance her without using her name, and lead the reporter into making a statement you only have to acknoloedge, thus becoming public domain....and you STUPID republicans think the liberal left is on a witch hunt because no laws were actually broken.

you are exactly why this country is so screwed up right now. your staggering ignorance, and blind faith.

you think for a second any seasoned politician doesnt know how to skirt the law?

here is what happened. we tortured human beings locked up in a cage. we did this.

a washington insider with direct access to teh president had a conversation with "3" reporters about an undercover CIA operative. this happened.

how about "no comment" and shutting the freck up for a conversation with the media? he forget how to do that with all his political experience?

it happened. it was intentional.

weather he found a way to skirt the law or not, it is also still very very wrong. just like torturing human beings locked up in a cage.

immoral. illegal. wrong.
#98 Jul 17 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
Look at it from the other side. You've got a bunch of nutjobs arbitrarily picking one prison out of a whole world of prisons, finding that it's abuse record is better then probably any other prison in the world, but insisting that it should be shut down anyway cause, well... we don't like it or something.

what you have is alot of people exactly like you who do not pay atention to what is going on, and chanting the party line because thats the team they picked.

it was not one prison.

the red cross blasted ALL of our "enemy combatant" prisons as places where people were being abused and out right tortured. ALL of them. Guantanimo, afganistan, iraq, ALL of them.

Guantanimo hit the spotlight because that is the place the supreme court started sending legal counsel for the prisoners. word leaked back to many ears. then finally, Amnisty international, a very reputable organization we have used several times ourselves, backed up the red cross report 100 percent on guantanimo.

"closing" guantanimo is just the chicken sheit democrats way of takign care of the problem. instead of going after the people who authorized this abuse in the first place, all the way up the chain of command, they want to blame the walls and land where we keep the people. as if closing the base will make the rest of the world feel like we took care of the problem. spineless cowards every one.

here is a fact. we are torturing prisoners.

here is another fact. we are justifying it.

here is the sadest fact of all. the people of this country are ACCEPTING the justification, or playing it down as an isolated event and not a systemic policy.

a U.S. solder will not take a prisoner out of a cell without a direct order.

an interragator will not TORTURE a prisoner without the expressed consent of his superriors.

we are guilty. this addministraition is guilty. and if we accept the justification, the people of this country are as immoral and unjust as the people actually doing the act. no one looks up to us any more. no one.

and 51 percent of you think that is "ok", because no laws were broken.

the moral majority working for you.
#99 Jul 18 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Gbaji wrote:
If she actually was working as an undercover agent, then she was doing a **** poor job of it and her cover was blown years before Rove ever got involved, and years before she asked her husband to travel to Niger to look into allegations that Iraq had attempted to purchase uranium there
I keep hearing this but I don't see where it's relevant.

Aside from the Rove angle, it's a crime to tell classified information. It doesn't matter if Hussian, Kim Il-Jong and Hu Jintao all have Valerie Plame CIA Trading Cards, if it's classified information it's still a crime to spread it around. Apparently there's enough of a case that it was classified information to keep Patrick Fitzgerald busy for a couple years so the "Yeah but everyone knew" excuse isn't enough to render the investigation moot. Yet you keep hearing it over and over as if it's not something the Powers That Be wouldn't have brought up after two years if it was a valid point.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#100 Jul 18 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
WASHINGTON -- The vice president's chief of staff was a source along with the president's chief political adviser for a Time magazine article that identified a CIA officer, a Time reporter said Sunday.

The disclosure further countered White House claims that neither aide was involved in the leak.

Until last week, the White House had insisted for nearly two years that Lewis Libby, Vice President **** Cheney's chief of staff, and Karl Rove, the deputy White House chief of staff, had no connection to the leak.

Last week, when Time reporter Matthew Cooper revealed that he had discussed the CIA officer with Rove, the White House declined to repeat its denials about Rove's involvement. On Sunday, the White House declined to comment about Libby, saying the investigation was ongoing.
Cooper wrote that during his grand jury appearance last Wednesday, prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald "asked me several different ways if Rove had indicated how he had heard that Plame worked at the CIA." Cooper said Rove did not indicate how he had heard.
Cooper wrote that Rove did not mention Plame's name or say that she was a covert officer. But, he wrote, "Was it through my conversation with Rove that I learned for the first time that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and may have been responsible for sending him? Yes. Did Rove say that she worked at the `agency' on `WMD'? Yes.

"Is any of this a crime?" he added. "Beats me."

Cooper wrote that Rove ended their phone conversation with the words, "I've already said too much." Cooper speculated that Rove could have been "worried about being indiscreet, or it could have meant he was late for a meeting or something else."

Cooper also wrote about a conversation he initiated with Libby. Although it has been known that reporters had spoken to Libby, it was unknown what Libby had said. His conversation with Cooper is the first indication that Libby was aware of Plame's role in her husband's trip to Africa. When Cooper asked if Libby knew of that, Libby said he had heard that as well, the article said.

On "Meet the Press," Cooper said that while Libby and Rove were among the unidentified government officials who provided information for the Time story, there may have been other officials who were sources.

In 2003, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the idea that Rove was involved in leaking information about Plame was "ridiculous."

At the time of the assurances, McClellan said he had checked directly with Rove, Libby and National Security Council official Elliott Abrams, and that none was involved in the leak.

The assurance about Rove "was a lie," said John Podesta, President Bill Clinton's chief of staff. He said Rove's credibility "is in shreds."

-- Liberal Media
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#101 Jul 18 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
3,053 posts


-- Liberal Media

I find this statement funny. My mother, who was as liberal as you can be, hated the Chicago Tribune for being a conservative hack job. We use to have to hunt down a Sunday NY Times, every time we visited my grandparents in Sandwich Ill. and Michican City In.

I figure her dear ashes must be reaching a point of combustion now, they been spinning for so long in the box we bury them in, right before 9/11. As much as I miss her, I'm glad I don't have to listen to her constant ranting about how Bush and his gang should be kick out of the White House.

The Reagan years were bad enough.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
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