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Damn Liberal High School MediaFollow

#27 Jul 01 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Since when did Jesus need a rally?

Since he had that nasty run in with the telemarketing scam. Face it the dude is broke and a rally is just what he needs to lift his spirits and help him get back on his feet.

As far as the video, I like the idea of making a new one ever 10 years or so and using highschool students to make it. It would hopefully reflect the current ideals and hope that they have. As far as to editing it, I say ***** that if they did not get involved in the project on the first run don't go back and second guess the **** out of it.
#28 Jul 01 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Ok, but then don't ***** when we do

Now where's the fun in that?
#29 Jul 01 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Roller wrote:
because HS students aren't all as dumb and ignorant as we often think.
I'm not saying that they're dumb (well, some are) but that no one should go to high school students for political views and then be surprised that they're overwhelmingly liberal.

The old joke is that nearly everyone is liberal until they get married and buy a house. Then they become conservatives.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#30 Jul 01 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
That wouldn't be Jesus Gil, that would be the Televangalists.
#31 Jul 01 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
You mean the dude on the TV is not Jesus. God Dammit I hate it when they lie to me. Guess it is back to internet Buddha for me.
#32 Jul 01 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
jesus = televangelist = crazed psycho
#33 Jul 01 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Jesus' was not a crazed psycho. Get off the wagon.

jesus = televangelist = crazed psycho

Y'know I was in Salem, Mass one year for Halloween, and this Christian was walking around passing out Save YOur Soul stickers and ****...

So these Non-Chistians surround him and start screaming at him about how "his kind" was responsible for these innocent deaths and blahbahb and they seemed fairly close to lynching his ***..

at this point I was forced to stand on a wall near them and began shouting hat they were hypocrites for accosting this Chistian, as they were doing the same thing that they were shouting at him for. Eventually they left him alone and the guy tried to save My sould. I told him to get the fu[b][/b]ck outa my face.

but Jesus wasn't a crazed psycho any more than Ghandi was.

my point?

I like to ramble and rant about this **** for some godforsaken reason.
With the receiver in my hand..
#34 Jul 01 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
Extremists of any faction never represent the whole, but always get more media coverage than the majority.

Gotta love how that works.
#35 Jul 01 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Gotta love how people are glorified pigs at a trough.

Edited, Fri Jul 1 12:12:17 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#36 Jul 01 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
291 posts
I always liked to think as Jesus as a pretty down to earth laid back guy who was just a good speaker and charismatic. Kudos to you Kelv on standing up for the guy. It really irkes me to see people act in a mob mentatlity especially when they are getting down on a group for acting the same way.
#37 Jul 01 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
It's been there for 11 years and it's only a problem now? Bunch of social recidivists feeling kinda butt hurt over recent non-extreme-right decisions?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#38 Jul 01 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
jesus: eat my flesh and drink my blood. sounds pretty crazy to me.

at this point in his carreer he lost a good majority of his followers, so even then this sounded pretty wack. Over the years this statement has been changed into a symbol, a manifestation of what he "meant" by it. And if your going to respond that he said so in "the last supper", remember that was written 30-50 years later by his ex-groupies.
while i do agree with his love thy neighbor and think that alot of people could use SOME of his values he put forth, i disagree with many of his concepts and cannot acknowledge him as anything other than a crazed lunatic.
this isnt extremest, and i dont hate religious people, im just not going to ignore history or beleive everything preachers tell me, try thinking about what your defending and try and look at what some of these concepts put forth in the bible appear when not drenched in its idiocrices.
anyone who actually read the bible would realize its pretty far out there, unfortunatly most people are "told" the bible before they get a chance to read it, so the crazy parts dont seem so foriegn and thus arnt questioned.

btw, excuse my typos, english is not my first language
#39 Jul 01 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Hey, I was just talking about Jesus.. not the rest of the Bible. Yeah, it is indeed savage and self-contradicting.

And I'm not going to defend foreign traditions... but keep in mind the time that they were living in... I'd say everyone would have been a certified wacko 2000 years ago compared to todays standards.

..and waht's your first language if I may be nosey?

With the receiver in my hand..
#40 Jul 01 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Yeah the whole bible and christian religon is a totaly different subject. I don't wanna even get into that mess, I was just stating that I always pictured Jesus as a laid back kinda guy with some good ideas. And even if he went "crazy" later he can still be recognized for having good ideas early on.
#41 Jul 01 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:
Oh now come on, if a group had made the video and the majority of footage was of Christian marches, the media would have had a aneurysm.

Besides, everyone knows that Lincoln hated gays.

Maybe not.

Lincoln's story becomes interesting when Tripp discusses real people. In 1831, when he was 22, Lincoln moved to New Salem, an Illinois frontier town, where he met Billy Greene. Greene coached Lincoln in grammar and shared a narrow bed with him. ''When one turned over the other had to do likewise,'' Greene told Herndon. Bed-sharing was common enough in raw settlements, but Greene also had vivid memories of Lincoln's physique: ''His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be.'' Everyone saw that Lincoln was tall and strong, but this seems rather gushing.

Six years later, Lincoln moved to Springfield, where he met Joshua Speed, who became a close friend; John G. Nicolay and John Hay, two early biographers, called him ''the only -- as he was certainly the last -- intimate friend that Lincoln ever had.'' Lincoln and Speed shared a double bed in Speed's store for four years (for two of those years, two other young men shared the room, though not the bed). More important than the sleeping arrangements was the tone of their friendship. Lincoln's letters to Speed before and after Speed's wedding in 1842 are as fretful as those of a general before a dubious engagement. Several of them are signed ''Yours forever.''

Smiley: lol
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#42 Jul 01 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
lol kelv, i aggree, most cultural standards back then would seem horrific by todays standards. On the other hand the drink my blood and eat my flesh example was a specific cite to jesus's lunacy, not to mention the fact that he said he was god(similar to many other "prophets" throughout history). I dont deny the fact there was a man named jesus, nor do i deny that he probably believed he was god, as did many people throughout history, im simply showing some illustrations of why people like me might see him as a wack job.

as for my first language its Martian, You all will submit to our power!!!!!
#43 Jul 01 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
On the other hand the drink my blood and eat my flesh example was a specific cite to jesus's lunacy

just remember that you're are viewing it all from the modern eye. We possible cannot imagine how normal people thought of such things back then.

I think to call yourself "Son of God" back then was a pretty normal thing. Like saying we are all "Children of Earth" or somthing..
prolly normal everyday hippy talk for the era.

The message was pretty much, "There's more after Death, doing Good makes it all better" period

All of the "Only in My Name" stuff... well... that's another story.. there are other Gospels that will contradict this....
With the receiver in my hand..
#44 Jul 01 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
i agree Kelv :)

although according to the bible when jesus said this, he lost a good amount of his followers, so even then it was taken as a bit out there. But who knows.

#45 Jul 01 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I don't remember that part.. but if you say so.

Although can't imagine anything in the Bible that would be detrimental to the "Faith". If it says that he lost follower, then it was prolly to prove a point or to show an example of more people "refusing the head corner-stone" or somthing.

Really, I've agreed with you the whole time.... the whole flesh/blood thing is pretty odd.... but then again so is life.

I can understand the heavy symbolism and how that would effect the mentallity of people... Especially people of That era.

With the receiver in my hand..
#46 Jul 01 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
Lincoln slash fanfiction?
Do what now?
#47 Jul 01 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
there you go again Smiley: wink

I honestly don't know waht to make of it.

Although I can't believe that schools students would have had a liberal agenda.... however, maybe the conservatives should start firing all of those leftist teachers.... or even better.. start running them into the group with low pay.Smiley: wink

people are getting more and more fu[b][/b]cked up.

The NEA has been very liberal, traditionally.
#48 Jul 01 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
Dunno how to word this without people jumping at me like a **** but here i go.

I vote for who i think is right at the time. I try my hardest not to think about republican/democrate/right/left wing nonsense. Sure someissues im liberal on, some im conservative on. Alot of people will say "OMFG j00 C4N7 B3 B0TH ANDSTADLE TeH FENCE Yj00 N00b GO DIEORZ!!!!!!111!!1!!"

Well im sorry to say that i just dont think it's right to vote for somebody based soley on what party they happen to be a part of, vote forethe person and the ideas they stand for, not what their party stands for, not everybody is a textbook polotician ya know? Some years ill vote republican some ill vote democrat. You just have to vote for the lesser of the two evils sometimes.
#49 Jul 01 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
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Sooo, which one is the sock and which one is the main anyways?
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#50 Jul 01 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Leondol wrote:
Dunno how to word this without people jumping at me like a **** but here i go.

I vote for who i think is right at the time. I try my hardest not to think about republican/democrate/right/left wing nonsense. Sure someissues im liberal on, some im conservative on. Alot of people will say "OMFG j00 C4N7 B3 B0TH ANDSTADLE TeH FENCE Yj00 N00b GO DIEORZ!!!!!!111!!1!!"

Well im sorry to say that i just dont think it's right to vote for somebody based soley on what party they happen to be a part of, vote forethe person and the ideas they stand for, not what their party stands for, not everybody is a textbook polotician ya know? Some years ill vote republican some ill vote democrat. You just have to vote for the lesser of the two evils sometimes.

I'm the same as well. Though I do tend to lean more to the left on issues, there are some things I believe in that most left winged people completely disagree with. I take the time to listen to the issues at hand and whos got the answer closest to my own. Not everyone here is cut and dry one way or the other
#51 Jul 01 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Ok. I see several misconceptions going on in this thread.

First off. I also agree that most HS students are going to intentionally bias something. However, I do believe that most HS teachers *are*. Since that's often where the HS students get their direction, it's naturally going to appear when they express themselves.

If every single "significant social event" covered in this years US history class was about gay rights, abortion rights, MLK marches, etc, then naturally that's what the students are going to put together in a video when asked to make one about significant social events, right? Doesn't require any intention to bias at all.

Additionally, Joph was asking if it was ok to edit it. My response is that it's presumably already been edited, right? Did a group of HS students make the entire thing? Or did HS students from around the country submit clips and then the Park Service edited them together into an 8 minute documentary? If the latter, then it's entirely possible that there were lots of submissions that included "conservative viewpoints", but that were not included in the final product because the Park Service (run by a Democratic administration at the time, right) may have chosen to only include issues and agendas favorable to the current administration. If that is the case (which I would strongly suspect), then it's not unreasonable at all for a Conservative administration to re-edit it to include images favorable to his side, right?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Finally, it's not about freedom of speech. You have every freedom to make a video documentary. You have every freedom to show that video. But you don't have some "right" to have it shown as an "official" documentary to every visitor to a public monument (paid for by the public's dime no less). That freedom is reserved for the Park Service, right? Ultimately, those who run the monument have the choice as to what is shown at the monument. It in no way infringes on anyone's freedom of speech if the video is changed, removed, replaced, etc. It's totally up to those who run the monument. Not a group of HS students.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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