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To all the pro-lifers with the signsFollow

#52 Jun 27 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Not aiming specifically at you, since the allafemmes are on point as always but you have these people that are taking it seriously. Its like there is an abortion thread and all of a sudden a person who just created an account on allakhazams stumbles upon the Asylum and and this specific thread and decides to voice his opinions on abortion.

Or is it more likely that someone saw an easy mark, made a sock puppet account and decided to stir sh[b][/b]it up by saying the most inflammatory stuff that comes to mind?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#53 Jun 27 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
2,961 posts
I don't believe in satan. Let's not use Ad Hominem arguments sir.
#54 Jun 27 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
jehti wrote:

Wow, I don't have 5800+ posts like you Mr. Loser with nothing else in life to do but post nonstop on this forum!

Ouch there big guy, lay off the big guns before you shatter my fragile sense of self worth. If you average it out over the tenure it equals about 10 posts a day on average or less. Obviously though my every waking second is spent logged on here though Smiley: rolleyes
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#55 Jun 27 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Wow, I don't have 5800+ posts like you Mr. Loser with nothing else in life to do but post nonstop on this forum!

The Asylum is for rants and disagreements. This topic is one of the very few that made me realize how many baby killing satanists we have here and thought I would do my best to rile you up.

Fortunately, some people do still have the ability to stand up for the defenseless, unlike you freaks of nature that would rather kill an unborn child than figure out ways to not get pregnant in the first place.

i believe that the posts you are making are bordering on retarded suggestions...i am pro-life as is evident by my posts on this tread but i am not getting flamed because i use the brain God gave me and don't make retarded suggestions like the mother killing herself

Edited, Mon Jun 27 12:54:54 2005 by Telleah
#56 Jun 27 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, if the number of posts I show posted to these forums has any bearing on real life issues, then these forums are not worth a damn.

I never once said that there are not unique circumstances that an abortion may need to be considered(rape, incest, high probability of being stillborn or endangering the mothers life, etc.) However, I think it highly SAD the number of abortions which take place every year in the world.

I also find it very sad that the majority of people here would lean towards the opinion that it is better to have an abortion than to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Out of the millions of abortions performed each year, how many fo you think were rape victims and/or medically necessary to save the life of the mother? maybe .001%. The rest are due to convenience.

If you can't afford to raise a child, then quit getting pregnant. I guess there are still millions of ignorant f.u.c.k.s. out there that still haven't figured out how they are getting pregnant.
#57 Jun 27 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Have you guys ever seen how they kill fetuses? I'm not a pro lifer, I would rather turn a blind eye to people who make that decision, but would never encourage someone to do it. I actually have a very sour outlook on it.

There are a couple of ways to kill a fetus. One of them is using forceps. Doctors use these big metal arms inside the woman to crush the baby. I'm not kidding. They crush the baby into little pieces to make it easier for the woman to get rid of it.

Another method includes using a kind of saline solution. Not sure what it is made out of, but it is used to burn the fetus to death..... from the outside in. It's like throwing a person into a tub of acid. The tub is the stomach, and the acid is what they burn it with.

Lastly, another method is gettting the fetus to pretty much poke it's head out of the mother (using drugs that make the woman have the kid). If the head is out, but not the entire body, it is still considered "unborn". The doctors proceed to drill into the skull. Once they penetrate the cranium, they use a vacuum to suck up the entire brain into a machine.

The worst part about this is that there have been proven studies that fetuses(sp?) feel pain during these methods of abortion. Whether or not the fetus is a person or not REALLY shouldn't matter at all. The fact is, a fetus can feel forceps crushing it. It feels the drill going into the head. But really the worst one has to be the acid. Think of the amount of time it takes to actually kill someone starting from the skin. The pure inefficiency of killing something without targeting any vital organs is plain stupidity IMHO.

I really don't think it would bother me at all if a mother had an abortion early enough for the fetus not to feel it. But since they do, it's the only part that makes me cringe.
#58 Jun 27 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
jehti wrote:
The Asylum is for rants and disagreements. This topic is one of the very few that made me realize how many baby killing satanists we have here and thought I would do my best to rile you up.
You mean the threads about eminent domain, Gitmo and Atomicflea's office staff didn't alert you to the presence of baby-killing Satanists?

Your Saydar must be busted.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#59 Jun 27 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
2,961 posts
How about a suggestion to make both sides happy?

If the case in point doesn't involve the woman asking for the abortion being a rape victim, or a victim of incest, or...whatever unconsented form of sex happened, then it'll be a very small cost to perform said opperation.

BUT, if the woman is using it as a form of birth control (which, IMO is wrong), then have it be quite expensive. So expensive, in fact, that the woman will think twice before having unprotected sex again.

Having a condom or diaphram (?) break during sex is a legitamate excuse, however, it could easily be abused and used as the reason for the abortion every time. There's obviously flaws with my theory, but it's still only a theory.

Have some of the money go towards better research of contraceptives. Making them stronger and more reliable.
#60 Jun 27 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
bhodisattva Defender of Justice wrote:
Not aiming specifically at you, since the allafemmes are on point as always


jehti wrote:
I also find it very sad that the majority of people here would lean towards the opinion that it is better to have an abortion than to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

I'm sure they find you sad, too. I'm not so heartless that I'll refuse to share my tissues, though. I can't stand to see a virgin cry.
#61 Jun 27 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

obvious troll who has never heard of methotrexate or suction aspiration

edit - slow on the draw was aimed at FFXIlover

Edited, Mon Jun 27 13:06:10 2005 by bhodisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#62 Jun 27 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
If the pro-lifers had their way..there would not be any contraception at all. You hear in the news from time to time how pharmacists are refusing to fill birth control perscriptions because it's against their morals. That's why the teach abstinence (sp) instead of birth controlin the schools and tell teens that condoms don't work. They use the "Just say no" theory. Don't have sex at all. That never works, never has and never will.
#63 Jun 27 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
Having a condom or diaphram (?) break during sex is a legitamate excuse

Have some of the money go towards better research of contraceptives. Making them stronger and more reliable.

They already have the "morning after" pill and many different types of birth control. What they need is to make them easier to obtain and cheaper. Having a condom break is not a legitamate excuse. Get the woman on the pill, get a vasectomy if you don't want kids yet, it can be reversed easily enough. I have a girlfriend right now and she is on the pill, AND we use a condom. I ain't ******* up my life, my girlfriend's life and the life of my kid just for a good fuck.
#64 Jun 27 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
FFXIandHALOtwoLOVER wrote:
I ain't ******* up my life, my girlfriend's life and the life of my kid just for a good fuck.

Much less a mediocre one. Then you can't even brag!!! Smiley: laugh
#65 Jun 27 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
FFXIandHALOtwoLOVER wrote:
[quote] , get a vasectomy if you don't want kids yet, it can be reversed easily enough.

actually no it isnt. Way to be reliable in your ignorance though.

Although there is a procedure to reverse vasectomies using vasovasostomy (a form of microsurgery), it is not effective in many cases, and men considering vasectomies should not think of them as reversible.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#66 Jun 27 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
Smiley: laugh I love how all of that argument was shot down with one little link. Go Bhodi!
#67 Jun 27 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
Hm. That wikipedia link was very informative, and it leads me to a stunning exposé.

Wikipedia, in its entry on 'Male Contraceptive Pill' wrote:
Another variation on the male pill, currently under development, would block the Cs protein which is responsible for the growth of a sperm cell's flagella or tail. Using this method, sperm will still be created by the body, but will be unable to travel, and will thus be unable to cause pregnation

How come no one is out denouncing the forced handicapping of millions of defenseless, tiny sperm?? Smiley: frown Liberal media?
#68 Jun 27 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
Hm. That wikipedia link was very informative, and it leads me to a stunning exposé.

Wikipedia, in its entry on 'Male Contraceptive Pill' wrote:
Another variation on the male pill, currently under development, would block the Cs protein which is responsible for the growth of a sperm cell's flagella or tail. Using this method, sperm will still be created by the body, but will be unable to travel, and will thus be unable to cause pregnation

How come no one is out denouncing the forced handicapping of millions of defenseless, tiny sperm?? Smiley: frown Liberal media?

Not the liberal media, more the fact that human tests of the male "pill" have randomly caused the people to become permanently infertile and the companies developing it have done there best to keep it on the down low.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#69 Jun 27 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
obvious troll who has never heard of methotrexate or suction aspiration

Vacuum Aspiration:
In the first trimester, usually 6 to 13 weeks, vacuum aspiration is the procedure used to empty the uterus. This traditional first trimester abortion involves three main steps: (1) an injection to numb the cervix, (2) insertion of a soft flexible tube through the cervix into the uterus, (3) suction created by an aspirating machine to remove the uterine contents. It takes less than five minutes to complete.

For methotrexate:

Up to nine weeks LMP (63 days from last menstrual period) is the upper limit.

Both of these methods are only used if the abortion is done early enough. 13 weeks might look like alot, but if a woman doesn't find out about the pregnancy early enough, combined with the problem that she can't get an appointment with a doctor early enough, these aren't viable options.

FFXIandHALOtwoLOVER wrote:I ain't @#%^ing up my life, my girlfriend's life and the life of my kid just for a good ****.

Much less a mediocre one. Then you can't even brag!!!

lol. thanks for making me laugh.

FFXIandHALOtwoLOVER wrote:[quote] , get a vasectomy if you don't want kids yet, it can be reversed easily enough.

actually no it isnt. Way to be reliable in your ignorance though.

Although there is a procedure to reverse vasectomies using vasovasostomy (a form of microsurgery), it is not effective in many cases, and men considering vasectomies should not think of them as reversible.

hmmm. I thought they could be reversed. Bad info on my part.
#70 Jun 27 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
bhodisattva Defender of Justice wrote:
Not the liberal media, more the fact that human tests of the male "pill" have randomly caused the people to become permanently infertile and the companies developing it have done there best to keep it on the down low.

Shhhh! If the terrorists find out, we're all sunk! Smiley: mad
#71 Jun 27 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
"I'm sure they find you sad, too. I'm not so heartless that I'll refuse to share my tissues, though. I can't stand to see a virgin cry."

Virgin? not hardly :) I enjoy sex with my wife of 12 years as much as I did they first time we had sex. Actually, before we got married, she got pregnant. We actually considered an abortion, but the thought of it revolted both of us.

We have 2 boys and looking at them now makes me think how stupid we were for even considering an abortion.
#72 Jun 27 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
jehti wrote:

Virgin? not hardly :) I enjoy sex with my wife of 12 years as much as I did they first time we had sex. Actually, before we got married, she got pregnant. We actually considered an abortion, but the thought of it revolted both of us.

married for 12 years, so I assume you're in your thirties, and you still responded to that obvious a baiting? No wonder. You're one of those idiots that didn't know how babies were made! It's okay, though. You're going to hell for having boinked the Mrs. back when she was a Miss, so there's justice in that.

It's been scintillating. Make sure I have something fun to read when I get back from my lunchtime nap, k?
#73 Jun 27 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
A vasectomy reversal is the surgical procedure that attempts to 'undo' or reverse the vasectomy in order to restore fertility (the ability to father children) to a man who has previously had a vasectomy. Every year approximately 50,000 men in the United States undergo a vasectomy reversal. Success rates for vasectomy reversals have improved markedly in recent years, and now range from about 70% to 97%. Success rate is defined as the ability for sperm to travel from the testes through the *****

So it can be reversed, and obviously at a pretty high rate. You just can't trust the internet.

first link.... please work... oh please...

nevermind, I sukc at teh interweb

Edited, Mon Jun 27 13:35:45 2005 by FFXIandHALOtwoLOVER
#74 Jun 27 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
If the pro-lifers had their way..there would not be any contraception at all. You hear in the news from time to time how pharmacists are refusing to fill birth control perscriptions because it's against their morals. That's why the teach abstinence (sp) instead of birth controlin the schools and tell teens that condoms don't work. They use the "Just say no" theory. Don't have sex at all. That never works, never has and never will.

no the catholic church is adovcating no contraception at all...i, of course, do believe "just said no" is the way to go but i am not blind or dumb...btw it does work, or at least it did for me...oh and i am married with kids now if you care
#75 Jun 27 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
that was your "Choice" Jehti. Hence the phrase "Pro Choice"

You finally get it!
#76 Jun 27 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
jehti wrote:
Actually, if the number of posts I show posted to these forums has any bearing on real life issues, then these forums are not worth a damn.

Okay bye! /wave

jehti wrote:
I never once said that there are not unique circumstances that an abortion may need to be considered(rape, incest, high probability of being stillborn or endangering the mothers life, etc.) However, I think it highly SAD the number of abortions which take place every year in the world.

You're a moral coward. Either abortion is always murder, or it never is. If it is, then you and your ilk get to tell those rape victims that they have to live with the spawn of their attackers until such a time as they can mercifully expel it, at which point you'll take it home.

jehti wrote:
I also find it very sad that the majority of people here would lean towards the opinion that it is better to have an abortion than to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Who said that, exactly? Besides you... hey, you wouldn't be putting up a straw man, would you?

jehti wrote:
Out of the millions of abortions performed each year, how many fo you think were rape victims and/or medically necessary to save the life of the mother? maybe .001%. The rest are due to convenience.

See above. Coward.

jehti wrote:
If you can't afford to raise a child, then quit getting pregnant. I guess there are still millions of ignorant f.u.c.k.s. out there that still haven't figured out how they are getting pregnant.

Or how to break a simple swear filter. You suck.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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