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Eminent Domain for private enterpriseFollow

#52 Jun 23 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm just waiting for Gbaji to turn it into a Conservative/Liberal issue though Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#53 Jun 23 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Well, Shadow, I agreed with you right until you started blaming this administration... The courts are becoming our greatest weakness now. In fact, I would wager that most conservatives are quite opposed to this. Even Rush Limbaugh was up in arms over this weeks ago.

O'Reilly has been saying the same thing for months now.
#54 Jun 23 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
What did you expect Lefein? Shadow blames Bush when his wheaties get soggy.
#55 Jun 23 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I think Lefein is a government spy trying to root out dissidents.

yeeah, we got you pegged, bloody Tory.

Edited, Thu Jun 23 15:37:58 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#56 Jun 23 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Nice contribution, kaiilyn

Hey! thanks for noticing, yours was good too :)
#57 Jun 23 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
you republicans need to lead the charge though. or havent you had enough yet? its like a bad love affair. you have to get to the point you just cant stand it any more..

Sigh. We are leading the charge. Despite the fact that it's been mentioned at least twice so far, the justices opposed to this were all Republican appointed.

That's twice in like a month where a major decision that was universally hated by the "liberals" of the board was actually opposed *only* by the justices appointed by Republicans.

You might seriously want to rethink your assumptions that it's only Republicans who line big businesses pockets with money. The difference is that Republicans try to reduce the government blocking businesses making money. The Liberals want to make the business part of the government process by tying the two together (as in this case where the government will essentially pick and choose which business interests to support directly). I'm personally of the opinion (and it sounds like most of you agree) that the latter presents far more possibility of corruption then the former.

Wake up folks. You've found the enemy and it's you...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#58 Jun 23 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
Best plan when they try to seize your property is to burn it down, collect the insurance and the government payoff. Then move on, the people here in town that held out got less than the original offer when they went to court for the new airport runway UPS needed for it new cargo service.
Only thing that can save you is a historic designation, and then they only pay to move and resettle the house.
#59 Jun 23 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Jophiel wrote:
I'm just waiting for Gbaji to turn it into a Conservative/Liberal issue though Smiley: laugh
As I was saying...
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#60 Jun 23 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
I'm just waiting for Gbaji to turn it into a Conservative/Liberal issue though Smiley: laugh
As I was saying...

I didn't turn it into a conservative/liberal issue. The half dozen posters before me who all argued that it was the "evil" republicans/conservatives who were behind the whole thing did. I just pointed out which party appointed the only 4 justices that opposed the ruling.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#61 Jun 23 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
And just to be absolutely clear:

Spirish wrote:
Get ready America. With Georgies new appointees to the Ninth Circut there will be more of this. Count on it

Seems to not just be blaming the Republican party, but mistakenly blaming Republican appointed justices. Seems more likely that we'd see *less* of this with George's new appointees, not more. Assumption based on ignorance? Yeah. I think so...

Katie wrote:
/shoots self in foot. Ok, thats it. I'm voting blue this next election. WTF!

Here's katie also assuming it's the Republicans doing this. Gotta really be convinced to get her to say she'll vote blue.

Atomicflea wrote:
To the conservatives, the issue at hand is what constitutes the good of the community. Their argument is that economic development (by whatever means necessary) qualifies, and that the city knows better than the feds where to draw the line...

A little lighter, but still blaming conservatives for the issue. She's assuming that conservatives agree with the ruling, presumably just based on the false assumption that only conservatives get involved with schemes with big business. That's false of course, but it's a popular rhetoric point by the Liberals.

skeet wrote:
By "economic revitilization" do you mean "clearin' out all dem negroes out of dem der ghettos and makin a new cowboy coral"?

Ok. Skeet doesn't actually say he's talking about Republicans. But it's skeet, so I'm going to just assume he was... Fair enough?

shadowrealm wrote:
51 percent of you IDIOTS voted for this addministraition, i can only hope it is your land that gets taken and not one of the people who see this addministraitio
n for what it is.


we kicked the brits out for doing a hell of a lot less than what this addministraition is doing to our country

Did I even need to quote him? Not really.

Haven't seen this much false assumption about the "evil intentions" of the Republicans/Conservatives since that thread where someone blamed the Republican party for 200 years of slavery and oppression of blacks in the US.

Just saying. I didn't make it about liberals or conservatives. Other people did.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#62 Jun 23 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
ain't got **** onme.
I KNOW they're ALL evil.
With the receiver in my hand..
#63 Jun 23 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
I didn't turn it into a conservative/liberal issue. The half dozen posters before me who all argued that it was the "evil" republicans/conservatives who were behind the whole thing did. I just pointed out which party appointed the only 4 justices that opposed the ruling.

Even the evil repubs/cons can think straight sometimes. Doesn't change the fact that they worship capitalism/corporatism with a blind faith that is rivaled only by the christian conservatives worship of christian mythology.

Corporations care about one thing, profit. Job creation is about 15 on the list of their top things they care about. When a corporation gains money from tax cuts, they aren't saying "Wow, I've got extra money, how about I create some jobs." They are saying, wow, I just earned some free profit, and how can I profit from that free profit some more. Labor is a cost, not a benefit, to the corporate bottom line. This is why I always laugh at this tax cut/trickle down economy bs.

So, back on topic. Corporations don't care about creating jobs, they don't care about quality of life for people, they don't care about loyalty to hard working contributors to their companies success, they don't care about individual lives, they don't care about taking property against peoples will, they just care about PROFIT.

If minimum wage were the status quo for all workers, even the educated, corporations would love it. It would create more profit. Come on. Salary is an arbitrary number anyways. Without workers rights, the elite would exploit the labor pool, both white collar and blue collar. So, I am fundamentally against the corporate **** sucking that republicans do so well.
#64 Jun 23 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
They tell me I gotta move, they better bring a bigger gun than I have.

I worked my *** off for this place. Many memories here as well. They can't reimburse me for any of it. Co[/b]cksu[b]ckers.
#65 Jun 23 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
And just to be absolutely clear:
You forgot about Neph sticking up for the decision and accusing liberal CNN of distorting the issue Smiley: wink2 Another person I know said that FOX had the "real" story as opposed to the scare stories off the AP wire. Even the Pubbies blame the decision on the Pubbies!

Liberal or conservative, I disagree with the ruling and think it's a bad thing. I really saw it as more a Democrat thing anyway between the Supreme Court ruling on a case in Conn. and my own story out of Chicago. Be that as it may, there's a whole lotta stuff I disagree with more from the Pubbie side so your gripes about how Pubbies want to save me don't hold much water.

Unlike some folks, I'm willing to admit when my party's making a mistake Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#66 Jun 23 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Default
I think it would be funny if some people destroyed the houses of the justices who voted in favor of this and let them know what it feels like.
#67 Jun 23 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
That's the only reason to play the lotto.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#68 Jun 24 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
No where in my post did I mention Republicans, conservatives or liberals. Quit putting words in my post....

I said "Georgie" = neocon! In my mind, not a true Republican.
#69 Jun 24 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Remember kids, if you ever question the government that makes you a conservative-hating Democratic shill.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#70 Jun 24 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
And so I got rated down for??????? That's just chicken sh it!
#71 Jun 24 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Spirish wrote:
And so I got rated down for??????? That's just chicken sh it!

That's how things work in The Asylum. People get rated all the time. If you bring attention to it, you'll only get rated more.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#72 Jun 24 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well, now that they can knock down your house and give it to developers, perhaps more people will actually take an interest in local government.

I'm not getting my hopes up.

#73 Jun 24 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:

CNN limits the example of one way this new ruling works and makes it sound that this is only going to be used to make developers and millionaires richer. ...

They make it look like rich people are going to bulldoze every little person's house and rip them off.

Realistically, no people who aren't already millionaries are going to get rich off this - but some might get jobs.

No millionaries personal homes are likely considered slums, in need of public restoration, and thus now under additional threat.

However, they should be paid fair market value plus moving expences. If they are not, my understanding is that it would be a crime.

Also, we should recall these people's homes are being replaced with housing that they most likely cannot afford to buy.

This obviously has serious class overtones. To ignore that would be poor journalism. But to overplay it...
#74 Jun 24 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
kcaee wrote:
Even the evil repubs/cons can think straight sometimes. Doesn't change the fact that they worship capitalism/corporatism with a blind faith that is rivaled only by the christian conservatives worship of christian mythology.

Hah. Love that logic! "Ok. So even though in this case, a very basic fundamental tenant of conservativism is the only thing trying to protect me from a corrupt government taking my private property from me, I'm still going to call them evil cause I've been brainwashed that Liberal==Good".

Got it. Riddle me this. If it's only the Republicans/Conservatives that "worship capitalism/corporationism", why is it that it's the Democrats who are giving the government the power to take homes away from people to give them to businesses? Ever think that maybe, just maybe, your pre-assumptions about which party is more likely to ***** over the "little guy" is off just a tad?

Corporations care about one thing, profit. Job creation is about 15 on the list of their top things they care about. When a corporation gains money from tax cuts, they aren't saying "Wow, I've got extra money, how about I create some jobs." They are saying, wow, I just earned some free profit, and how can I profit from that free profit some more. Labor is a cost, not a benefit, to the corporate bottom line. This is why I always laugh at this tax cut/trickle down economy bs.

Huh!? Sure. Corporations don't have an agenda of "create jobs". They're not a government agency that attempts to give people jobs even when those jobs don't contribute anything. They create jobs when those jobs are needed. That's exactly as it should be.

Let me ask you this. Explain to me exactly how a corporation that got some extra money from a tax cut is going to make more profits out of it *without* resulting in the creation of more jobs? You seem to think that corporations have a magical money generating machine that just gives them money if they put money in. They make money by investing their profits into their business. That means expanding their plants, expanding their research facilities, expanding their testing facilities, and perhaps branching out into new products and areas of business. All of those require the hiring of more labor. There is one relationship that always holds true in business. When a company expands, it hires more workers. When it contracts, it fires/laysoff it's workers. Companies expand only when profits are up (cause they can afford to). There is a direct one to one relationship between the profits of a company this year, and their hiring rate next year. Pretending this doesn't happen because it doesn't match your own personal ideology is silly.

Yes. Labor is a cost. But so is the rent on their buildings. So is the equipment they buy. So is the support contracts they purchase for the equipment they buy. So are the raw materials they purchase to turn into a product. Just saying that labor is an expense is pointless. Everything business does is an expense. But by paying those expenses, they gain profit down the line. So labor, while it's a cost up front, results in profits down the line. Expenses to a business are a form of investment. You pay it with an expectation of a certain amount of positive return later. Labor is no different then any other business expense. You would never suggest that a company with higher profits doesn't buy more factory equipment, or add a wing to a building to expand their business. Why do you insist that they don't also spend more on labor? After all, someone's gotta run that new equipment, and work in that new wing of the building, right?

Silly assumptions. Wrong of course...

So, back on topic. Corporations don't care about creating jobs, they don't care about quality of life for people, they don't care about loyalty to hard working contributors to their companies success, they don't care about individual lives, they don't care about taking property against peoples will, they just care about PROFIT.

And again. Profits don't magically appear. You get profit by buying equipment and hiring labor, and then hoping that the combination produces a product down the line that you can sell for more then the amount you paid for those things. Not sure what your point is. Sure. Corporations don't have a "goal" of creating jobs. But that would be a bad thing. Creating jobs that don't produce more then they cost is counterproductive. It might be great for the people who now have jobs, but your economy as a whole suffers since it's spending more across the board for everything they it should.

The key is to match jobs to need. And this really highlights a difference in thought between Liberals and Conservatives. A Liberal, when faced with an unemployment problem, will try to artificially create jobs, with employment for the people being their goal. A Conservative, faced with the same problem, will try to find ways to encourage industry to open up new ventures that will result in the need for more labor. A Liberal would tax the businesses in order to pay for the jobs it will create. A Conservative will reduce taxes (and perhaps even subsidize some business ventures via government contracts and such) in order to create an environment where the businesses will need more labor and will therefore hire more workers.

In my personal opinion, the Liberal approach works great in the short term (and is quicker in the short term as well), but places a heavy long term burden on the entire economy of the nation. You're effectively using the government to hire workers to perform tasks that don't generate as much value as the labor costs. Sure. You give people jobs, but you get yourself in a situation where you are eternally paying people more then they are worth and killing your future economic growth. Worse, since you have to pay for this via taxes on the very businesses that might otherwise have hired that labor, you decrease the ability of those businesses to hire those workers today, and steadily decrease that ability each year from that point onward. The Conservative approach may not immediatly create more jobs, since there's a couple layers of the economy that have to adjust to your changes first. But over the long term, the jobs created will generate more total value to your economy. The Businesses will produce more and better "things" with that labor. The labor will produce value that is greater then the cost of the labor. Over time, the economy will grow at a faster rate because the workforce is operating efficiently (all labor costs tied correctly to the need for that labor).

That's actually kind of a nutshell difference in approach between Conservatives and Liberals in general. Liberals favor the fast and direct solution to a problem. If there's not enough jobs out there for the people who need/want jobs, you just create jobs. Doesn't matter what they are, since the purpose is to keep people employed. Conservatives prefer to fix the causes of a problem and let the solution create itself. If there's not enough jobs for everyone in the job market, we work to expand business so that there is a natural demand for more laborers. That fixes the problem tomorrow, not just today.

If minimum wage were the status quo for all workers, even the educated, corporations would love it. It would create more profit. Come on. Salary is an arbitrary number anyways. Without workers rights, the elite would exploit the labor pool, both white collar and blue collar. So, I am fundamentally against the corporate **** sucking that republicans do so well.

You might be right in theory, but that happens more often as a long term result of Liberal economic policies then Conservative ones. A conservative says that businesses should compete with eachother, and laborers should compete in the job market. Thus, your salary is going to be based on your "real" value in the job market. If what you do is valuable to employers, then you'll get paid more. Basically, you salary and benefits will directly parallel the realative value you generate by working. This most certainly does mean that workers performing the least "valuable" jobs are not going to earn much. Let's face it, how much is a conmpany going to be willing to pay you to do a job that any person with 2 arms and 2 legs and basic brain function can do? Not much.

But it's when the Liberals jump in to demand higher pay and benefits that things get out of whack. If, for example, you pass legistlation saying that all workers that work full time must recieve a benefits package of some kind, what do you think will happen? Well, previously the companies may have had lots of full time workers doing very basic tasks that did not generate enough value to merit the cost of a benfits package. Now they'll have to pay for that. This may, in many cases, push the cost for that labor higher then the value that labor generates. The result is going to be one of two things. They'll either lay off a percentage of their workers so they can afford to keep the rest at the new higher cost, or they'll reduce the number of hours each works each week so that they aren't full time anymore.

The effect of that sort of thing over the long term is that the percentage of low wage workers increases. Companies will prefer to hire a large number of minimum wage, part time and/or temp workers to do all the low value jobs. There's less sense or ability for someone to rise within the company, because we've created this artificial range where the worker will cost the company more then he's worth. Wheras before a worker might have started out digging ditches out front, then moved to moving crates around, to operating a forklift, to maybe supervising the whole floor, now they'll just hire a bunch of grunt workers for all the menial stuff, and then pay more for the supervisors and specialized workers (who will get benefits and good pay). There's no upward career path for everyone else, not because the corporation is evil, but because Liberal "pro-worker" programs have created an artificial cost "wall" in the layers of workers, and the companies have simply reacted to that in the only way they can.

Liberal policies tend to ignore how business works when considering changes. That's usually very bad in the long run.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#75 Jun 25 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
Gbaji, corporations are evil and are becoming the puppetmasters of politics. Be it democrat or republican puppets, they are becoming the masters. Now, dems tend to go for workers rights and things like that so I lean in that direction.

Now, are you ignorant? Of course not. I'm not gonna go through a quote for quote deal with you, but if you think the only way a corporation can make money from money is by creating jobs or research or product, you are deluded in the extreme. Also, you tend to forget that there are case after case examples of companies achieving record profits and downsizing at the same time. Profits and extra money do not equal job creation by any stretch of the imagination. Why do you think pissing on economics was called voodoo economics by the majority of the economic community.

Even to this day, pissing down economics is a minority in the economic world. Most of the pissing down economists are fringe economists or politically motivated and financed economists. Pissing down economics is a concept created to protect wealth, it wasn't created as a pure science. Rich people save more then spend, you are aware of this, right? The biggest stimulus of an economy is spending, not saving. So, rich get tax cuts, they have more money to engorge their already engorged economic status.

Ok, peasantry and aristocrats, history has seen this before. If we let republican ideology rule, we will see more and more a 2 class society, not a three class society. Currently we have 3 class society and that middle class is the important class and it's what sets us apart from many societies.

#76 Jun 26 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Excellent
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