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Bush's Hypocrisy, the Vietnamese, and Gay MarriageFollow

#27 Jun 22 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Gonna break up this paragraph into a few sections, because each deserves a response:

Capek wrote:
I think you misunderstand me gbaji. I am a Christian. I do believe that being gay is a sin in God's eyes. I am just not a conservative fanatic that wishes to take away a legal right from someone I do not agree with.

Ok. Correction noted. And I'm pretty opposed to religious fanatics myself. However, there's an argument I've made a few times in the past, and it's relevant here. Just because one argument for something is irrational or based on flawed reasoning does not make the "something" wrong. In otherwords, people can argue for the correct acton for the wrong reasons. Just because the religious nutjobs perhaps hate gays and oppose gay marriage on that grounds, does not mean that opposing gay marriage is wrong. It just means that their reason for opposing it is wrong. Following that flawed line of reasoning leads very easily to strawman type arguments. All you'd have to do to argue against *anything* is find one example of someone who argues for that thing for reasons that can easily be dismmissed.

If you oppose something, you need to argue against the "best" arguments, not the "worst" ones. So just because the case made by "***-hating christians" is weak, does not in any way firm up an argument in support of gay marriage. Just wanted to make that little bit clear.

The second part of my problem with your statement is that you define marriage as a "Right". I mentioned this in my previous post on this topic. I specifically posed the question: "is state granted marriage a Right?". You argue that denying it is denying a specific group (gays in this case) their rights, but you have not yet really shown that marriage is a right, or much less a "global right" (one which all citizens should recieve).

I would argue (strongly if you wish me to) that marriage is not a right, but is a benefit. It's specifically licensed by the government as a reward for behavior that the government finds desirable. In this case, it's my firm belief that our state provides those benfits for married couples as a way of dividing those who may have children from those who can't, and ensuring that any of a set of people who live/sleep/etc together and therefore *will* (as a group) produce offspring will be economically and legally bound together. The purpose again is to encourage as many people who may produce children to marry and thefore reduce the percentage of children raised in single parent homes, thereby presumably decreasing the "burden" upon society encurred by such children.

That's my take on marriage and why it's granted. You are free to disagree with it (and you wouldn't be the first!). However, you would also need to come up with a better rational for a government requiring a license for marriage and then providing the specific set of legal benefits that our state does for marriage and explaining how this is a "right", and not a benefit.

As an example. The government provides benefits to handicapped people. Everyone has a "right" to them, but only those who qualify as handicapped recieve the benefits. The analogy is similar. Gays have as much "right" to marry as anyone else. However, in order to qualify for marriage they must choose to marry someone of the opposite sex. Again. I've written my reasons why that condition is present. You may certainly counter with another. But in order to support your statement that by denying gays marriage you are denying them a right, you'll need to both proove that marriage *is* a right, and that a gay couple meets a criteria that justifies the benefits provided by the state to married couples.

That is the basis for my argument. I can understand if these people do not want gays being married in their place of worship. However, there are benefits to being a legally married couple, mostly financial (i.e. credit applications, tax returns, etc.). What these conservative Christians are doing is denying people the same rights they have because of their sexual preference.

Again. You call it a right, but haven't really established that fact. You do at least recognize that the state provides benefits for married couples, but you seem to imply that those benefits should not be exclusive to a male/female couple. Support that position. For what reason should the state need to profide the benefits of marriage to a gay couple?

Let me put this another way? What justification is there for the state to grant those rights to a gay couple that don't then exist for *any* two people? I've had many roomates in my lifetime. Explain to me why the government should or should not grant myself an anyone I choose to live with the same benefits that a married couple recieve? What is it specifically about "marriage" that differs from "two people living together" that sparks the need for the government to provide benefits?

And if you can't find a reason, then why grant those benfits only to married couples? If it's not about a set of people who will produce offspring, then why limit it at all? Why even have a marriage status legally? Why not give tax breaks to any two adults who choose to live together?

You're going to need to come up with a legally sound definition/explanation for marriage and the benefits that arise from it, that allows gay couples to meet the criteria but somehow still exclude *someone*, otherwise we should just give those benefits to either everyone or no one. If you can't do that, you're going to have a hard time defining what exactly "gay marriage" is. It's two people of the same sex doing what? Loving eachother? That's nice, but the state has no way to distinquish benefits based on something as ephermal as "love". You need to have something concrete. Under my explanation, the restriction to one man and one woman covers the complete set of all pairs of people who will ever produce children. That's pretty good, and makes a lot of sense. What set allows for gay marriage but does not also then include anyone else as well? I can't find one. Not one that makes any sense at least...

In a country that is supposed to be a democracy and promotes freedom, we have numerous government leaders who are supporting oppression.

Again. You haven't shown it to be oppression. Is *not* recieving a benefit from the government "oppression"? Not by any definition I'm aware of. Again. I'm a conservative, so to me the "natural state" is to recieve nothing domestically from your government. Anything given is a bonus, and presumably exists as an incentive for something the government desires enough to pay for. The fact that all people will not qualify for that benefit does not mean that the rest of the people are being oppressed. No more then I'm being oppressed because my government wont let me park in the blue spaces...

It's a benefit, not a right.

On top of that we raise up this ideal of separation of church and state but yet we do not uphold it. Not to long ago women received the right to vote and you can believe there was a strong opposition from the Christian community when that happened.

Again. Showing similarities between two different things does not mean that they are the same. I could use the same argument for claiming that my dog should get a vote. After all, not long ago women were denied the vote. They were believed to be incapable of thinking politically. Same as my dog. Clearly the time has come for canines to get the vote!!!

Not a valid argument. You need to show that in this specific case, someone's actual rights are being abridged. Voting is a right, guaranteed under the Constitution. It's also an implied and actual function of the whole concept of democracy. Comparing that to marriage is not really accurate at all. They're two completely different things. There's no law preventing you from living with your gay partner. There's no law preventing you from marrying in your church. The only thing *not* happening is that the state is not granting you special benefits for being a married couple. Again. I don't think it's a right to recieve some special benefit from the government. It's something you must qualify for, and that qualification should be something that is of inherent value to the state as a whole. Remember that the reasons the individual decides to get married and the reasons the state chooses to grant that pair of individuals some legal benfit as a result of getting married are two totally different things. You need to show that the latter contains any justificaiton for granting those benefits to gay couples.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#28 Jun 23 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
If you don't like Gay marriage, don't have a gay marriage. Simple as that.
#29 Jun 23 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Toransu wrote:
If you don't like Gay marriage, don't have a gay marriage. Simple as that.

Sure. Tell you what. The second that the liberals agree to reduce all federal taxes by about 75%, and eliminate all domestic spending programs, entitlements, incentives, etc, the conservatives would be more then willing to allow anyone to marry anyone at all.

The second I am taxed to provide benefits to various groups of people (because they are in need, or as an incentive, or what have you), it most certainly becomes my business as to how we decide to allocate those funds. Since marriage provides real, federally funded benefits for married couples, then who qualifies as "married" becomes my business.

Again. Take away the tax breaks for married couples. Remove all state and legal benefits for married couples, and I'll no longer care who marries who. Heck. Right now, you can declare yourself to be married all you want. Nothing at all stops you. But that's not what they're looking to change. They want the legal and financial benefits that come with marriage. Benefits that *cost* everyone in order to provide. If that wasn't the case, there would be no reason to be trying to change the definition of marriage. They'd just be pushing for socialy recogized civil unions instead. They'd be pressing legal challenges to hospitals denying gays access to their dying partners. They'd be pushing for standardized and recognized legal forms granting joint power of attorney and inheritance rights at one swoop.

All things that can be done without changing the definition of marriage. The *only* thing they can't get via other methods is the tax status and benefits that come *directly* from the federal government (or through the states through federally funded programs). So yeah, since I pay the taxes that pay for those benefits, it's definately my business.

Try again. And come up with a much better argument.

The really sad part is that the gay rights movement in the US has deliberately avoided pressing those legal issues because their existance would reduce the support for gay marriage. It's purely political. If gays already got all the legal statuses (which is just a matter of collecting the right legal forms and notarizing them), in a convenient and available package, it would be a lot harder to convince them that they needed to change marriage.

The fact is that every legal "right" that gays really want is already available via one form/contract or another. It requires no federal or state action to grant it to them. But they are being kept in the dark about this by the very movement that claims to champion their caause in order to keep their support on the political agenda of changing marriage.

But keep on arguing that it's as simple as being for or against "gay rights".

Edited, Thu Jun 23 04:58:40 2005 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#30 Jun 23 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, you sure write 'em long don't you...

Unfortunately I see some flaw with your line of thinking. Even though you define marriage as a benefit and not a right, is it not a right of humanity? Even though we as a society are denying someone the same legal benefits other people enjoy just because we do not agree with their life style we still allow them to carry out their lives to a certain extent. We do allow same sex couples to share residence together, we also do not stop them from declaring they are married. What we are doing is stopping them from enjoying all the legal benefits of said union. Resorting back to my strawman tactics, it wasn't too long ago that people believed freedom of speech was a benefit and not a right. Is this an extreme example? Maybe, but what I am trying to show is just because that's how things are now, does not mean that it is the right way to do things.

As I stated in the above paragraph, we do allow gays to live their lifestyle to a certain extent. So my question is, if we will allow two men for instance; to live together, say they love each other, and have a sexual relationship, why is it we will not allow them to spend their final days in a nursing home? We deny them:

Hospital Visitation Rights.....Health insurance.....Spousal Privilege.....Inheritance rights.....Family leave.....


On top of that, we deny them these "benefits" due to a religious belief not everyone in this country shares.

Is *not* receiving a benefit from the government "oppression"?

If it is effecting your life in a negative manor, yes to a certain extent. Black men did not receive the right to vote until 1870. Were they being oppressed before by not receiving this right? Most certainly. Again, strawman tactics if you will, but there is an obvious pattern.

1776 to 1779
White men had the right to vote and take part in government, but usually had to meet certain qualifications, like owning property. Six state governments eliminated all property requirements and gave the right to vote to all white males over twenty-one years of age, rich or poor.

At the same time, three other state governments increased the property requirements, limiting the right to vote. In some states, the right to vote included the requirement that a person belong to a particular religious group.


Now what I am trying to do is showing you a pattern of ignorance this country has been slowly overcoming since its inception. I understand you appreciate the status quo, but I am afraid to say that the status quo in this case, as in others I have pointed out, is wrong.
#31 Jun 23 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
The problem with the gay marriage issue is that government ****** around with marriage in the first place.

The religious have a valid objection to gays having their union consecrated by the church.

On the other hand, gays have a valid claim to receive the legal, non-religious benefits provided to married couples by the government.

The best solution would be to offer a government sanctioned, non-religious, legal union for couples that would apply to both sides, so religion could be cut out of the equation yet everyone gets the same legal benefits currently offered to married couples.
#32 Jun 23 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Can't gay people just get married in a town hall? Obviously, they cant get married in a church, thats normal. I cant get married in a Mosque until I'm a muslim.

As to the "I pay taxes and gay people might benefit from it if they get married so its my business so I oppose it", its ********* So you dont mind your money spent for heterosexuals getting married, but when they are gay, it becomes a problem? Sounds slightly homophobic to me.

And maybe, just maybe, gay people wanna get married to fit into society and because of all the symbolism attached to marriage. Ever thought of that?

The best answer seems to me that the gender of the people that have sex and get married shouldn't matter to anyone.

Edited, Thu Jun 23 09:43:04 2005 by RedPhoenixxxxxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#33 Jun 23 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
So waht level should i start the Zilart missions? I have yet to go to Norg and even get my map.
With the receiver in my hand..
#34 Jun 23 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
So waht level should i start the Zilart missions? I have yet to go to Norg and even get my map.



Edit: oh and -1 / for each FF Reference in teh Assylum Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Thu Jun 23 11:15:10 2005 by ElderonXI
#35 Jun 23 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Well, I'm really close to level 60 and I'd like to get Rank 7 soon at least. Perhaps before I get my Cabuncle Mitts because farming as a Summoner can be a real drag...

Smiley: moogle!!!!!
With the receiver in my hand..
#36 Jun 23 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
gbaji wrote:
Toransu wrote:
If you don't like Gay marriage, don't have a gay marriage. Simple as that.

Sure. Tell you what. The second that the liberals agree to reduce all federal taxes by about 75%, and eliminate all domestic spending programs, entitlements, incentives, etc, the conservatives would be more then willing to allow anyone to marry anyone at all....

Again. Take away the tax breaks for married couples. Remove all state and legal benefits for married couples, and I'll no longer care who marries who...

Edited, Thu Jun 23 04:58:40 2005 by gbaji

Are you serious? Do you really think like this? What gives you the right to say if someone should or should not have the same benefits you do in the United States of America? Don’t give me any of this “majority of the people” crap either. For a time period the majority of the people felt as though African Americans were less then human. People also thought the same thing about women.

We live in this country because it doesn’t matter what or who a person is. That person deserves the same rights as you. Just because you think YOUR GOD, and YOUR OPINION is the right one doesn’t mean it should be law. They miss out on other benefits too, as I stated earlier. I think the worst one is they can’t be with their S.O. on their deathbed.

I really just don’t understand how someone who sounds so intelligent can actually think the way you do.
#37 Jun 23 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
There is no god, your an idiot, Bush is a bigger idiot. I am in the army, and have had 4 friends killed becuase of this preisdents religious war mongering edicts. As an atheist in this country i have NEVER felt so oppressed or watched so horrifyingly as i see the religious psychos take over the country in an attempt to "save" all of us "immoral" people. You want peace and good leadership, then stop voting for people simply based on what your damn preacher tells you to vote for.

ranting asside: When poled after the last presidential election, 83% of the voters poled that voted for bush said the voted because of moral reasons. Imagine a world where people actualy research their canidate, where people dont just believe what they are told and for one ***damn time actually think about they are doing. But i guess a president who has killed our children, invaded 2 countries, and destroyed our economy deserves another 4 years because he believes in a magical supernatural being.

point is. idc what you believe, thats yoru right, but STOP f*cking putting your beliefs on me and try for once to think before you cast that ballot.

i know im gonna get rated down, but why dont you let 4 of your close friends die for NO reason then have to sit back and watch people talk about the christian morality of the situtation and how the ******* is such a good guy.
#38 Jun 23 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I think the Vermmillion cloak is kind off a waste.

I already have auto-refresh, and with my Wizard Cookies and Seers Tunic, it rally just isn't worthe the money.
With the receiver in my hand..
#39 Jun 23 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
So how does this all tie together? Let's look at the points again shall we:

iraq has oil. so invasion.

vietnamese dont have anything we want, but they do have some money. so, trade.

90 percent of this country is christian. over 90 percent of christians believe homosexuality is wrong. christians dont have oil, so no need to invade them. we already get their money, so no need for trade benifits. they do, however, have something bush wants. votes. sooo, pick the one topic most of them agree on that causes the least amount of disagreement and wave it like a flag to get votes. homosexuality, its bad bad bad. constitution? that is just a "guidline" not a rule. its ok to discriminate if discriminateing gets a big chunk of votes. thats in the constitution somewhere according to bush. or soon will be.

all tied up for you? the moral majority working for you...
#40 Jun 23 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
Sure. Tell you what. The second that the liberals agree to reduce all federal taxes by about 75%, and eliminate all domestic spending programs, entitlements, incentives, etc, the conservatives would be more then willing to allow anyone to marry anyone at all.
Why the lie? What you said goes totally against being conservative. Isnt also amazing that if conservatives dont agree with these things they are still willing to use them.

The second I am taxed to provide benefits to various groups of people (because they are in need, or as an incentive, or what have you), it most certainly becomes my business as to how we decide to allocate those funds. Since marriage provides real, federally funded benefits for married couples, then who qualifies as "married" becomes my business.
What federally funded benefits do married couples have? I have never heard of any program for federally funding married couples. Also how does it become your business then. So if you disagree with interracial marrages they should not be allowed either? So since everything federally funded is your business, why do you support terrorism?

I have no problem with the government to stop recognizing all marriages, and treating the people as indivduals, as long as everyone is treated equally. As long as the government is going to give tax credits for couples, all couples should qualify.
#41 Jun 23 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
great reply shadow ^^. but i would disagree with 90% of America being christian, i would say "religious" being that a recent survey showed that US is the most religious nation in the world..., but not all christian. Unfortunately the 40% that are christian are hardcore idiots. no, not every christian is an idiot, i was a missionary in india before becoming an atheist and i understand most people belive this crap because they were brought up with it and no amount of education or evidence will ever change there mind, but unfortunately such beleifs allow people to be easily controlled and manipulated so the term "idiot" is appropriate(look up the definition of idiot).

An unlearned, ignorant, or simple person, as distinguished from the educated; an ignoramus-websters def.

basically religious people can be intelligent, kind hearted great people. but it doesnt change the fact that there belief system stems from ignorance of their physical surroundings and lack of education(and i know there are educated christians, i work with them and talk with them often, the only difference in our beliefs is atheist rely on facts, not faith. We find it incredibly irresponsible to belive something w/o proof, evidence, or reason, especially in the academic community.

the scariest part of being an atheist is watching these "idiots" walking blindly to the voting booths...

btw, i you agree with me great, if not great. This is a discussion of our beliefs. I let my beliefs be known not to patronize but to inform and more importantly learn from your responses. If i pissed you off, please dont rate down and respond with a half fact based hate message. Simply tell me what you think and we can both learn from it. The most i have ever learned from my fellow man has been when i have struck a nerve and forced him to reach down and examine what he/she believes. Only then can i truly understnad that person.
#42 Jun 23 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
It's the same reason we dont step in to Africa to end the oppression there... We have nothing to gain financially from it. This is the sad truth. Human dignity takes a back seat to the almighty dollar.

Add on top of it the fact that there are two opposing parties in our political system that would make doing the right thing seem like doing a bad thing (on both sides of the aisle I might add) and it complicates doing anything motivated by morality as opposed to economy. After all, this is the same nation that flies down the highways on three ton SUVs and bitc[/u]hes about gas prices while doing so.

We, the People.... suck.
#43 Jun 23 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
but it doesnt change the fact that there belief system stems from ignorance of their physical surroundings and lack of education

muuust this turn into one of those?

It must.

You see, I would easily say that your LACK of understanding of the spiritual world stems from your ignorance of your environment and lack of education... for false-education indeeed is lack of education.

I'm not attcking your beliefs (or lackthereof) but I must offer reprimand for you accusing all religious people of being morans simply because you are convinced that there is nothing else 'out-there'. and because you have seen no proof. You call us idiots because we believe withoud solid proof.... well ..right back at you, have you seen proof that there Isn't?

All of your accusations are based on empty assumtions about the lives and perceptions of others.

Bloody fu[b][/b]cking heathan.

Edited, Thu Jun 23 15:31:20 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#44 Jun 23 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
Might I point out that Clinton cut and run in Africa?

Let's not make this a Bush bashing... It won't solve the problem at hand. Want to know the reason that Bush doesnt stick to his guns about human rights policy? Black Hawk down? Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic? Of course it's all Bush!
#45 Jun 23 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Lefein, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?Or maybe Im a ranting lunatic?!
With the receiver in my hand..
#46 Jun 23 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Capek wrote:
As I stated in the above paragraph, we do allow gays to live their lifestyle to a certain extent. So my question is, if we will allow two men for instance; to live together, say they love each other, and have a sexual relationship, why is it we will not allow them to spend their final days in a nursing home? We deny them:

Hospital Visitation Rights.....Health insurance.....Spousal Privilege.....Inheritance rights.....Family leave.....


Read that list. Every single one of them is a "civil contract" issue. Not one of those things requires a change in the definition of marriage. You go to a lawyer. You fill out power of attorney forms. You fill out joint guardianship forms. You fill out wills and inheritance forms. Violla! You have all of those benefits.

As to family leave? That's up to the individual businesses you work for. There's no law requiring a business to provide family leave for anyone at all. Why should there be one for gay couples? If you want this, make it an issue with the businesses in your community.

The company I work for provides family leave, benefits, and survivor benefits to "life partners". All you have to do is fill out the forms...

Everything that gay couples need is legally available to them. They just need to push the civil infrastructure to respect them. That's not going to happen by trying to change the law. It's going to happen if a lot of gay people start pushing their local businesses and hospitals and applying civil and social pressure to recognize them.

That's my point. The approach being used by the gay rights movement is not designed so much to fight for the "rights" of gays, but to create as large a battle as possible, which is more likely to result in negative backlash (which is what we're seeing right now). It's a **** poor stategy, doubly so since all that's really needed is to enforce the rights that gays already possess...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#47 Jun 23 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
as a scientist something with NO evidence for existing is the same as non existance. even with scientific theories introduced by the most accepted scienctist these theories are considered very lightly and will not be takin as true until proved, and then proved again. As for the proof that there is no god, thats not my job, its your job to prove there is, but good luck since people have been trying for thousands of years w/o a single shred of evidence. If scientist had to stop what they were doing every time some wild new theory cam out and exhaust every method available to disprove it then nothing would ever be accomplished.
as for evidence of no god there is PLENTY, in fact its quite overwhelming. A simple examination at history will show when and where religions first began, a simple examination of physics will show you how our world works. it is "ignorance" of these facts and a lack of willingness to accept FACTS, NOT premises. that make religious people one of 2 things: ignorant or closed minded.
now i understnad no one likes being categorized, or being called ignorant, but its the truth. I consider myself an educated man but there are still things i am ignorant in, ignorance isnt a shun per say, just a word used to dispaly someone lack of eduation in a specific subject.

and lol,

All of your accusations are based on empty assumtions about the lives and perceptions of others.

Bloody ******* heathan.


im not making assumtions, i am a scientist, i examine facts and let them show the answer. You are making the assumtions, your assuming i havent studing religion in detail, that i have only half based research, or that i am simply judgeing on opinions.

my point is, reply is FACTS, if one religios person in the world could EVER come up with one shred of evidence for there being a god, all the atheist int he world would gladly accept it. but alas there is none, you are simply believing what you are told. You are even arguing it w/o thinking about it. Could you be wrong?? as an athiest i have examined both sides, i have said "what if im wrong" on both sides. i had no prejudice when going in. i simply did the research and to my suprise found the obvious answer: there is no god.

you dont believe in Zues do you? the ide of a lightning weilding god seems ludacris and funny to you doesnt it.. well you examine such myths and laugh then go symbolically eat the flesh and drink the blood of your great one lol and dont think twice. im just saying: think about what your doing, and please respond with the reason you believe, not just that you do.

thats all im looking for one single solitary freaking peice of evidence that validate ANY world relgion

#48 Jun 23 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
Kelvy, he was a fu[/b]cking missionary before he was an aetheist. Of COURSE he knows both sides of the argument, that's what SMART people do when they get ready to debate, they don't come out of left field and get all defensive like yourself.

Religion is an odd thing, for many years now I'm considered myself an atheist (aka, one who does not believe god(s) exist(s)). But I've been giving it a lot of thought, and whether or not god exists is no longer a question in my mind. I can easily say I simply DO NOT KNOW. But a lot of facts point to there NOT being a god. God is supposedly merciful and wants the best for all of mankind, and yet he lets **** like the war going on right now HAPPEN! How can someone who supposedly loves ALL of earth's creatures, let us all be COMPLETE morans and go and blow each other up?

I no longer care whether or not god exists, but what I DO care about is [b]Organized Religion
. Think about this for a second: EVERY relgion in the world believes themselves to be THE RIGHT religion, and, by definition, everyone else is the WRONG religion. How is this even possible? A says B is wrong. B says A is who's right? Either A AND B are right, or they're both Wrong.

People say that those who don't believe in god grow up without morals, well, that's a load of bullsh[/i]it I can tell you right now. I grew up without going to church, without anyone preaching to me about god, and I LOVE my parents for that. My sister chose to believe in god, and now she's Protestant (I think) like my parents. That's what I love about this country. Freedom of Choice, freedom of religion. I'm like a lot of the atheists out there, I require facts and evidence before I can believe anything. I semi-pitty those who grew up being forced to go to church, they never were even given a chance of being able to figure it out for themselves.

Bush used the hell out of Christianity to get re-elected. There wasn't a day that went by without me hearing something about his bible readings, or him giving "props" to god or whatnot. It's ************* hard to go up against a guy who has 40-50% of the nation having his back just because they're ALSO Christians. Kerry never really stood a chance.

I'm not saying that believing in a higher being means you're an idiot, and neither was EvilP, but we're both saying that organized religion has caused so much more harm than good. Wars have predominately been about religious quarrells over the entire history of human beings. 9/11 happened because we were "heathens" who must killed according to the people that bombed us.

Why can't people all pray/commune with god their own way? Why do people get JOBS preaching "god's word"?

[i]Edited, Thu Jun 23 15:55:54 2005 by Roller
#49 Jun 23 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You have all of those benefits
You only have to go through months of additional time and additional lawyers fees, etc and hope you have everything covered and legal solely because of your sexuality whereas any heterosexual couple has them all assumed when they get married.

Yay for equality!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#50 Jun 23 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
Yay for equality!

Seperate but equal 4tw!
#51 Jun 23 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I felt a great disturbance in the Force and I realized it was because we hadn't discussed gay marriage in more than 2 weeks.
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