Well, ladies and gentlemen, and trolls, its Monday morning. Those of us it applies to once again rolled out of bed to face another 5 days in the salt mines. Me, I find myself questioning existence, yet again.
Grown up job, grown up bills, marriage, house, the addition of a beautiful, healthy and constantly smile inducing son. Where did my life go? I feel like a participant in a Talking Heads song. This is not my large automobile! Some of you are too young to really wrap your heads around this one. Not that you can't wake up in the morning and find yourself on a different path than you imagined, but its different at 20 than at 30. Trust me, I know. I am sure its different at 40 than it is at 30, but I am not there yet, so I can't say.
A friend and I once upon a time made bets about what we'd be doing when we grew up. He never made the majors and I am sure as hell not willing to sit through enough math to be worth a sh;t in a partical physics lab (though it is still facinating). But it all begs the question:
What do I wanna be when I grow up?
So the same vein as the previous question re: comfort's effect on performance, can you really reroute the ever accelerating avalance that is your life before it takes you even further down the rabbit hole? And would you if you could?