As an artist, I have to agree that sometimes we do stifle our creativity by the same thing that made us good at our art.
When we are learning, and exploring our art, we develop habits and techniques to get the effect we want. At first it is a good thing, because we found the formula for the art we want to create, and we use it in whatever project requires the same effect. We have a basis, a style, a signature.
Before long, people recognize our art by our habits. The art is usually still good from a objective standpoint. But could be more creative(this is what makes good art, right?) if we deviate from our habits for a stitch in time. Every artist feels this every once in a while, and when we act on it, we get something totally different, although not necessarilly either better or worse than our perfected style. A lot of times the artist may hate the deviation, because he or she feels it doesn't describe him as accurately as his tried and true formula. An artist may then try to compensate for his dislike for the song by trying to give it a little extra umph, to make it just a tad better. He pushes his talent to the limits, and thus, a masterpiece is born.
What an artist must realize is though the deviant art does not describe him in a more generalized sense, it describes a part of him, and it is okay. It might not be the song you play to the soundtrack of the artist's life, but you might want to include a sample or two of it.
At least, that's how I feel the ones that come out different. Just replace all the words "artist" with the name "Terry Lava".