Gomek wrote:
I can't figure out how anyone could be a kneeler... How can you get on your knees before you get into bed? Is this just my lack of imagination here, or do some people just have really, really short beds that they like to hop into while standing on their knees?
Anyways, I put my left knee onto my bed, then lift my right leg up and place it onto the bed while bringing my body into a horizontal position.
You're a kneeler, too.
Speaking of beds, and sleeping (or not sleeping), I have GOT to get a new bed. Ours is old and we've been needing to replace it for a while now. But the bed doesn't bother my husband as much as me, so he's not been in any hurry to get a new one.
But after last night (and the pain I'm in now), I think it's time to light a fire under his *** about this.