Yup, I have all my comps back including my laptop which is Bluetooth compatable. Gots myselfs a wireless router and a nifty new desktop as well for the wifey so she can't impinge on my internet time. Wootliwoot-woot-w0oT!
First time with a wireless router? If so, make sure you change the default name and lock it down to the MAC addresses and turn off the broadcasting unless you want your neighbors checking out your **** collection.
And WB. RACK new PC's.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Yeah, I called tech support for some assistence and they showed me how and what settings I can use. I have it on right now, but haven't noticed any discernable slow down.
When I moved into my building, just for shi[/i]ts and giggles I did a network search with my laptop and found 2 wireless networks that were left unprotected. I could have had free internet, but that damn Jiminy Cricket... Fu[i]ck!