As some of you may know, traffic in DC is abominable, to the point where some days it’s better to take the next exit and turn around and go home, or turn down any job that doesn’t offer 7-3 or 10-7 scheduling. At some point some genius negotiated a free ride in a stranger’s car down HOV-3 in exchange for being a warm body, and so the slugline was born.
I love to slug when I can, nothing like getting in to work free every day and napping/reading the whole way. Now my work demands that I attend all sorts of meetings, so I drive and pick up slugs on my way in. Most times I’ve done this I’ve gone by accepted slugging rules- I keep my seats clean enough for someone to sit on, I don’t play offensive things on the radio, I ask if the temperature’s comfortable, I don’t speak unless spoken to and it’s a relatively peaceful ride.
Did I mention I get sleepy when I drive? I do.
I need to be entertained, and when I’m being quiet and can’t amuse myself due to the fact that I have two strangers snoring in my car, I get cranky. This caused me to search out Howard Stern one morning and listen to him carp one more time about the FCC when I picked up an elderly white couple one day, just to see how they would react. Once the wife started backseat driving, I not only raised the volume, but switched it to the Spanish station and played meringue for the next fifteen minutes. The day after that I picked up slugs and dropped them off 45 min later in the city, and listened to nothing but the urban (read:Black) station. One of my slugs was a middle-aged white guy, and one an older black gentleman. The older black gentleman and I cackled with glee at the R. Kelly/Jay-Z imitations while the middle aged white guy clutched his briefcase so hard his knuckles turned white and pretty much leaped out of my car when it we reached the curb. It was funny to note he seemed angry, although I’m not sure why. This morning I made a mix CD of sappy depressing late 90s music, and I picked up two guys, one Latino and one Whitey. Both settled down for a nap, and that’s when I put my complaint rock on. At times I sung along and with definite feeling, even shaking my fist at times of particular poignancy. I could tell they were wondering when the hell I would put the news station on. Both jumped out at the same stop, fairly early in my drive.
So what next? I need something interesting enough to keep me awake, but not annoying enough so it’s obvious that I’m abusing my passengers. Can’t afford to lose ‘em, as it would add another 40 min to my commute.