Turin shroud.
Even before wehn the carbon dating (like it has any merit anyway) showed it to be younger than expected, the way that the image was imposed on this cloth is found to be through some internal heat. I think that they still don't know how the image got on there....
not to mention blood found around the forehead and hands of the figure on the shroud..... but I guess it could have been anyone who had bloody hands and head....
Also the bits of plant found in the shroud supposedly come from a plant that is only found near Galilee.
So now they find that it is between 1500 and 3000 yrs old...
I'm not going to pass judgement one way or another..... and I know that most here are godless heathans anyway..... but I just thought I'd throw this in here..... because recently it was mentions how even though before it was thought to only be like 600 yrs old... that retarded believeer still put faith in this shroud of Turin.... so now it seems that science was wrong yet again..... unless it's wrong about this as well.