Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
He has to enter some form of REM, even if its in a form of medidation. After hitting psychotic episodes at around 5 days without REM, at 10 days most animals will die. It serves an important purpose for the body... I wonder how it works for him?
I read in Time magazine about a month ago, that doctors are taking another look at sleep and the 2 phases you go through. They always thought REM was the most important aspect of sleep, but they are starting to change their views. It actually looks like non REM sleep affects your memory more then REM sleep, which they had originally thoguht was the other way around.
Hmm, that was an interesting article lady.. good read :) I still wonder how it works for the guy to still be alive though. I've read experimental right ups where animals are completely deprived of sleep and they die within a time frame of about 2 weeks (like I said, about 10 days). If the guy really hasn't slept, he should've been dead a long while back!
I know in a lot of cultures sleep can often be substituted by deep trained meditation, but still, wow. No sleep in 20 years? and people wonder where zombies come from.
As for the whole time arguement, I've always pictured time as something like the cutting room of a film studio. Imagine there are an infinite number of film strips of the same movie, running on an infinite number of projectors. The only difference between each projector is that each one is one frame ahead of the previous. Looking at it like that, it wouldn't be so hard to jump from one time to another.. it would just involve finding a way from one projector to another. to reach any given point in time. However each projector is seperate from the others... possibly a different dimension.. at least a different timeline.
This isn't so far different from string theory either, which is why i felt like I was a smart little kid, lol. Gee, I wonder what happened? ;)