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Question on Christianity (no not a rant, just a nice querry)Follow

#77 Jan 21 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
2,444 posts
Remember that even though you may leave gods side, he will never leave yours.
#78 Jan 21 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
634 posts
I think what he is trying to say is that if you ripped Austin Power's balls down the middle, you would find God hiding in them yelling at you for letting in the light.

*cackle* No if the creator was somehow able to hide out in Austin Powers' balls, it would be because his ******* was made of 'divine cloth' - if you tore it open you'd break the seal and allow all of creation to be undone in an instant by the amazing brilliance.

That's also one of the reasons that 'proof' won't be coming anytime soon to the populace - 'proof' means experiencing it directly. Divinity in its raw form is far too powerful for physical reality to witness directly... it's like power from a nuclear plant - you need to step the voltage down a LOT before you can actually use it at home. Try to use the raw half million volt feed coming from the power plant and you would explode like a 'Gremlin in a microwave'. Same concept...

To say God created all, but God would not create bad/evil/(insert word here) would take away from what God created. So then that stance there would mean that God was not the creator of all. Which is a paradox

Not at all... you just won't get to the truth by reading a King James version of Genesis... try it in Hebrew though and the light bulb WILL come on. (No I don't speak Hebrew - but I know what it says differently than King James, et al)

/em senses Kelvy preparing the gag. :D

Edited, Fri Jan 21 18:06:59 2005 by Mindwalker
#79 Jan 21 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
But if there are any devine beings out there, I bet they are more like Fizban and Takhisis

You win. By the way, hijacking my own thread here, do you know if anything ever got written after the War of the Souls? I kinda stopped keeping up with it.
#80 Jan 21 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I've stopped keeping up with it too. The first 6 books were the best, anyway.
#82 Jan 21 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
#84 Jan 22 2005 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
You act as though the sky is filled with all these different super-powerful beings that are constantly competing to get us to join their club.
Thank you, Kelvy, for giving me the best mental image of the day!

I'm thinking eternal air hockey tournaments and arm wrestling matches.
#85 Jan 22 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Time to get flamed by the God-Pounders...Equiping Level 54 Asbestos Suit.

Religion has exactly one purpose. This applies to all religions, everywhere. It's purpose is to keep the weak-willed, narrow-minded, uneducated, easily led automotons in the society in line, with vague promises of otherworldly rewards after death, in exchange for faith in an invisable figment of imagination, dreamed up hundreds/thousands of years ago. It allows the lazy, inteligent, few to control the lower class with threats of punishiment.

It is also designed to slow the growth of humanity, by keeping people uneducated, because education is only for the upper class. ( Go back and take a look at the dark-ages in Europe. The religious zealots, in full accordance with the ruling class, persecuted anyone, anywhere, who ever had an original idea, by calling them heretics, and at the very least Ex-Communicating them. ANyone trying to learn about the science of the land was labeled a witch or a sorcerer, and burned. The Serfs were kept uneducated, and were virtual slaves to the ruling religious pudknockers. Any serf who went against the ruling class, was brutally tortured, and, if they failed to recant and admit thier crimes, murdered.)

And let's not forget the fact that there are 219 different religions on this planet, every single one of them claiming to be the one and only truth. Obviously, 218 of them are wrong. That means you have a .4% chance to get it right. Good Luck.
#86 Jan 22 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Oh my, such an innovative and groundbreaking statement!

For a disillusioned thirteen year old who's mad his mom made him go to Sunday School
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#87 Jan 22 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
634 posts
Religion has exactly one purpose. This applies to all religions, everywhere. It's purpose is to keep the weak-willed, narrow-minded, uneducated, easily led automotons in the society in line, with vague promises of otherworldly rewards after death, in exchange for faith in an invisable figment of imagination, dreamed up hundreds/thousands of years ago. It allows the lazy, inteligent, few to control the lower class with threats of punishiment.

You're right... _organized_ religion is a scourge on our society. 99 of 100 faiths teach the dogma and not the true lessons. But that hardly means that some of the concepts aren't potentially true - although distorted by the dogma t the point where you have to research or experience to get to the heart of the matter. ^^
#88 Jan 22 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
Oh my, such an innovative and groundbreaking statement!

Gotta love a guy who makes a statement, but gives you no clue whatsoever who, in a 2 page long thread, he is replying to. Good Job.
#89 Jan 22 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I was referring to your post if it makes you feel better. I assumed you could noodle that out on your own but I guess that was your way of "getting back at me" for pointing out that your post was the same tired stick-it-to-the-man fluff that gets pulled out in any thread involving religion. Not to mention being largely inaccurate.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#90 Jan 22 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
Largely inaccurate?

You know, it's too bad I'm over all the Jr. High School " I'm better than you are" BS that occurs on these threads, or I might just have to flame you. Yawn.
#91 Jan 22 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
Your post Iwill be considered largely inaccurate unless you provide some sources to support your claim. That's what this thread is about, having support to backup your argument. Please don't make this a flame war, as you will be largly outnumbered.
#92 Jan 22 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Your post Iwill be considered largely inaccurate unless you provide some sources to support your claim. That's what this thread is about, having support to backup your argument. Please don't make this a flame war, as you will be largly outnumbered.

I don't get involved in flame wars, because they are childish. If you want to feel superior and attempt to hurt my pschye by flaming, go right ahead. I'll just continue laughing at the immaturity that is so rampant on the Net these days. Why would I bother to post sources? Anyone with enough brains to have an internet connection, should have enough brains to go looking through google or AOLSearch or whatever, and make up thier own minds about reality, rather than blindly following the teachings of a bunch of mis-guided Clerics. I could sit here and talk about all the inconsistancies in most religous doctrines, or I could point out that fact of all the various mis-translations, and blantant self-serving rewrittings by high level pontiffs, from the originals. I could point out how funny it is that we put people in Mental Institutions for hearing voices, unless that voice claims to be God, and then we give them a TV show. But you know, it's saturday, my only real day off during the week, and I just don't have the time or the patience to sit here and try and educate people.
#93 Jan 22 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
But you know, it's saturday, my only real day off during the week, and I just don't have the time or the patience to sit here and try and educate people.

Then why post in the first place dumba[u][/u]ss?
#94 Jan 22 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ABombiNation wrote:
Largely inaccurate?
Yes, largely inaccurate.

You know, it's too bad I'm over all the Jr. High School " I'm better than you are" BS that occurs on these threads, or I might just have to flame you. Yawn.
Which is too bad since it'd almost have to be better reading than your Jr. High School "Look at my bad self talking trash about religion!" spiel.

ABombiNation wrote:
Religion has exactly one purpose. This applies to all religions, everywhere. It's purpose is to keep the weak-willed, narrow-minded, uneducated, easily led automotons in the society in line, with vague promises of otherworldly rewards after death, in exchange for faith in an invisable figment of imagination, dreamed up hundreds/thousands of years ago. It allows the lazy, inteligent, few to control the lower class with threats of punishiment.
Really? Every religion, everywhere? Native American shamanistic practices and ceremonies are designed to make their practicioners weak-willed? Orthadox Judaic teachings that everyone has the same afterlife regarless of how they lived are designed to keep people in check with promises of a desirable afterlife? Gnostic principles that one is saved only through the desire and quest for knowledge and wisdom are designed to keep the masses uneduacted? Well, I'll be damned.

It is also designed to slow the growth of humanity, by keeping people uneducated, because education is only for the upper class. ( Go back and take a look at the dark-ages in Europe. The religious zealots, in full accordance with the ruling class, persecuted anyone, anywhere, who ever had an original idea, by calling them heretics, and at the very least Ex-Communicating them. ANyone trying to learn about the science of the land was labeled a witch or a sorcerer, and burned. The Serfs were kept uneducated, and were virtual slaves to the ruling religious pudknockers. Any serf who went against the ruling class, was brutally tortured, and, if they failed to recant and admit thier crimes, murdered.)
Go back and take a look at the Islamic Middle East at the same time which was the very flower of enlightenment and learning in the arts and sciences. Stuff about the serfs' living conditions is more a discussion of the feudal system of the Middle Ages and is more a topic of economics than it is religion. While religion was an important part of Mideval European life, the feudal system kings, nobility and peasant class would have almost certainly existed without it. The idea of owning large tracts of land and getting people to pay you for the privledge of living on them and working them was nothing new and didn't stop with feudal Europe. Funny that you don't mention the European Renaissance and the various advances in architecture, enginnering, art and biological science that accompanied it. Some of which were Church funded and some of which happened in spite of the Church but regardless didn't end up with Copernicus being burned as a witch when he dedicated his work on heliocentric theory to the Pope.

And let's not forget the fact that there are 219 different religions on this planet, every single one of them claiming to be the one and only truth. Obviously, 218 of them are wrong. That means you have a .4% chance to get it right. Good Luck.
Not every religion claims to be the only truth nor does every religion teach that its truth leads you to any sort of salvation.

In short, you have a bunch of complaints about the Christian (notably Catholic) Church (and not even the actual scriptures but the mechanics of the leadership) and turned them into a misinformed rant about religion as a whole and made yourself look stupid in the process. Congratulations. That's not to say that there hasn't been plenty of wrongs done in the name of various deities throughout history. But making blanket statements as you did makes you look petty and uniformed.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Jan 22 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts

Yet God hates and and is saddend beyond beleif when a sinner goes to hell THAT is the reason why he sent jesus to die,
"John 3:16 For god so loved the world he sent his only son to die that we may live"

that is the greatest act of love, And to the poster don't try and sound smart when you probably have never even read or heard a scripture

Greatest atc of love? "I love you jony so im gonna have to kill you"
Are you a ******* moron?


arr, If you wouldn't mind... would you please say what exact book/verse in the bible that SAYS that god killed ppl because they didn't get the million dollar question right?

You dont have to check the bible its History Hitler ring a bell ?
EX. if you were a Jew you were as good as dead.

Edited, Sat Jan 22 15:39:12 2005 by xxRIDGExx
#96 Jan 22 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
On the same note your also saying that Budhism is a relgion of weak mind.

Seeing as how its completely centered on enlightening one self both physically and spiritually I dont understand.

If you actually look at history youll see that leaders or great men who did not practice some sort of religion usually were unstable.

Take for example King Henry VIII who decided to tell the church to GFY themselves. Sent the kingdom into a uprisal and be headed eight wives. But in your rational he was a strong person.

You do know that Einstein himself was relgious and believed in god right? Religion is supposed to be a personal relationship that you have with your diety, dieties, etc.....

If your someone that aethist, then that is fine. But aknowledge that you are also in a way making a religion of not beleiving in a god.
#97 Jan 22 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
140 posts
ABombiNation wrote:
Religion has exactly one purpose. This applies to all religions, everywhere. It's purpose is to keep the weak-willed, narrow-minded, uneducated, easily led automotons in the society in line, with vague promises of otherworldly rewards after death, in exchange for faith in an invisable figment of imagination, dreamed up hundreds/thousands of years ago. It allows the lazy, inteligent, few to control the lower class with threats of punishiment.

I disagree.

If I were to give any suggestion to the birth of religion, it should be that religion was created to avoid mass hysteria as mankind began to think about death and its consequences.

By promising eternal life, in one way or another, you give hope to those who are afraid of death. I think that is the reason why religion still exists, even though we live in a time where "magic" and "supernatural" phenomenons are revealed as mere tricks by Mother Nature.

I really wish I could believe in eternal life, it would make things less complicated, but unfortunately, I can't pretend to believe in something like that.
#98 Jan 22 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
I've got my own question right here.

How was Jesus's dieing saving anyone?

Never understood that.... And nif biblical versus are put into response please don't just leave it at that, explain it to me. That stuff is beyond confusing in my opinion.

Edit: Another question. Why does the Christian God care? Really. CARE. Why does this omnipotent omnipresent being who is so far beyond us even care about us? It's like a human caring for the welfare of the bugs he might step on when he walks to his car. And even that comparrison is a bad one because humans and ants are both mortal and not omnipotent/omnipresent. So.... ^^


- Weatherwax

Edited, Sat Jan 22 21:53:36 2005 by Weatherwax
#99 Jan 22 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Ya know...

It is just as likely that there can be eternal life without a god as with one.

Humans obviously possess life, and just because we can't see what happenes to it once someone around us dies, that doesn't mean that the life itself doesn't live on somehow. Physics(well some of physics) tells us that energy can't be created or destroyed, and that theory is pretty damn backed up. Whose to say we don't simply pass to another plane?

None of us have been dead before, and while there is really no reason for believeing in eternal life, there isn't a reason to disbelieve either.
#100 Jan 22 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
How was Jesus's dieing saving anyone?
Old Testament scripture explains that atonement for sin comes from blood sacrifice as well as repentance. In the Old Testament books of Law (called the Torah), it lays out that when you've sinned, you're supposed to go to Temple and offer something as a sacrifice, typically an unblemished dove or lamb. The animal would be sacrificed and it was through its blood that you would be cleansed of your sin. I'll admit that it sounds unpleasant and if you want to rant about how mean God is for making little birds and lambs die for the sins of the people, go for it. I imagine the upshot is that atonement isn't meant to be a fun experience.

Anyway, Jesus came to cap off the Law by acting as an ultimate sacrifice, hence the term "Lamb of God". As a previous poster pointed out, no typical human could have filled the function because men are sinful and thusly not unblemished. Jesus lived a life without sin despite the temptations around him, both in everyday life and directly in instances such as Satan offering him power and times when Jesus knew that those he loved would betray him (Judas, Peter denying knowledge of Christ) even as he was led off to torture and death. Jesus says at one point that he could turn away from his task at any given time, that he could call for a host of angels to rescue him from the cross but he refuses to do so even though he doesn't want to be killed (again, the Gospels describe him the night before his arrest praying and asking God to take his task away from him). When he finally died (and he did not die happily as shown when he cries out on the cross "My God, why have you forsaken me?") his was the sacrifice that would allow man to be freed of their sin, not by continuing to sacrifice animals at the Temple in accordance to the Law but rather by acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#101 Jan 22 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Sent the kingdom into a uprisal and be headed eight wives.

Well, no.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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