Ya know, maybe I'm just **** retentive, but something was bugging me about this thread, so I had to reread it.
I found the problem:
Im buying some Laxative for this weekend then flushing myself out.
Look, I know the Asylum has been a bit slower than the election buildup days, but for cryin out loud. Has it really come to this? Not 'I have to wash my hair this weekend.'
Not 'I'm gonna go get stinking drunk, cuz there's nothing else to do.'
Not even 'I broke down and banged my ex, just cuz I knew I could.'
Nope, it's 'I think I'll give the ole alimentary canal a good scrubbing this weekend. I think I'll let everyone know what my plans are.'
[/i]ck. Fu[i]ck. Fuc
[/i]kety fu[i]ck fu
[/i]ck fu[i]ck. Christ.