Which explains why Rush never has good solid facts. People could too easily refute his opinions
I think you may have meant to word that in such a manner as to actually make sense. I think.
Anyway, the question was whether or not he would run not whether he would win. In fact the column suggests a failed run might actually do him some good since he'd learn more from that than he ever did from running against Keyes.
Granted. Moving beyond that, however, and quite possibly completely hijacking the thread, do you believe that America is prepared to take a black candidate seriously now? Do you believe it will be in 3 years? 7? 10?
I would suggest that there would have to be a serious shift in the map were that to be the case. Also, I would tend to take more seriously the threats of cessesion from the decendents of those who tried it once than those of a bunch of whiney California tree huggers. Believe it or not, there are still quite a few people in the South from who's mouths it would be completely in character to hear "I ain't about to live in no cun
[/b]try whar a nig[b]ger cun be pres'dent."
EDIT: Edited for technical issues, not content.
Edited, Thu Jan 20 16:07:10 2005 by MoebiusLord