California Execution
Crap like this is why I think we should have our executions immediately after the trials. No long appeal process, no twenty year wait, no drawing SS while on death row even though you committed the crime while too young to legally drink.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
One Remington roomsweeper blast to the noggin and then it's time for cleanup on aisle 3. Next, please.
Before anyone cries, 'What about the wrongly convicted innocent!' let me state this: ***** the innocent.
It's pretty damn hard to be completely innocent yet somehow so thoroughly mistaken for a murderer that a jury will decide you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt knowing that you will immediately die for the crime. If you're that unlucky, you're gonna get nailed by a stray meteorite anyway, so here's to hoping you keep your will up to date. I, for one, am sick and tired of paying to keep these guys on ice for ever and ever.
Either kill em or let em go. I'd rather have em on the street than costing me tax dollars on death row. They're more likely to get whacked on the street by a vigilante or vengeful relative of their victim(s) than they are to die at the hands of the state in a timely manner.