proofsock wrote:
You could take the Sex and the City tour!
I know skeet was gay. jk, ive known every since he paid varus to buttfu
ck him
You should jump off the side of a building, it wont hurt
Edited, Sun Jan 16 20:52:11 2005 by proofsock My 4 year old nephew has better grammar than you. I know you'll say it's lame to attack your spelling/grammar... And most times it is.. Yours is just
really that awful.
I didn't even see what you wrote, just saw that you were the last poster on my thread and knew your stupid-*** was going to post the same old boring, lame-*** attempt at humor sh[b][/b]it you always do. If there is a post by you it's going to talk about being gay and/or taking it up the ***. Then it will have some stupid act you'd like somebody to do like jumping off the side of the building.
You are such a self-hating closet homosexual it's almost at the point of not being funny. I would imagine a post made by the "***** eye for the straight guy" people would have less gay-sexual connotations than a post made by you.
I have a question for you; I have this pair of pants that are dark navy blue, they almost look black. Should I wear black socks or find a pair of socks similar in color?