1/ Even if you do it by accident... pouring scawlding hot green tea over your exposed ***** and ********* is not a good idea.
< I've seen some nasty things, but that makes the top three of my "Things I never want to happen to me" list. >
2/ Walking into the ER with your two friends, who are also very drunk. Demanding to be seen straight away by a Doctor for your minor ailment and getting abusive with the Nurse on Triage, when she tells you to wait your turn.
Then threatening the other Public in the Waiting Room (including the young children), then being stupid enough to get in the face of the Security Guards, when you are asked to leave the Hospital...
Will get all three of you:
Thrown on the floor, roughed up just a little, hand cuffed, frog marched out the front door and taken away by the Police. <They were stupid, stupid boys>
3/ Getting drunk and then kicking the gutter, as hard as you can, will infact break your tib and fib. <the two bones in your lower leg> Don't try to make excuses for why you kicked the gutter in the first place, we'll still think you are stupid.
4/ If you plan on falling 3 storeys, make sure you are drunk. <guy walked away with just a few scratches.>
/5 Did i mention the thing about green tea and genitals?
/6 If you have had 25 drinks over a few hours, there's a very good chance you are infact blind rotten drunk and that no-one has spiked your drink. Please don't come to our ER, go home a vomit on your own floor.
7/ DO NOT put something into your bottom, unless you are 100% certain that you can get it out... because we are going to x-ray you, laugh at the x-ray and laugh at you.
Then we'll call every other ward in the hospital, tell them about your bottom, show them the x-ray, have them laugh at the x-ray and at you.
Then we're all going to go home and tell our family and friends and they are going to laugh at you as well.
Do you really need that much laughter?
8/ naked ***** + green tea = not good...
Was an interesting nightshift, last night. <chuckle>
Edited, Sat Jan 8 01:12:31 2005 by lagduff