they do not limit the number of people coming into this country.
Yeah immigration laws dont limit the
number of people coming to the USA. What you are confusing is immigration laws, and enforcement of border security.
all they are doing is making the people comming into this country "illegal".
they are here. they will keep coming here.
That is why the need for some reform, border security is an issue. A greater portion of the funds for the war on terror needs to be used for border security. There is no reason to allow people not willing to follow the correct procedure into the country.
outlawing sex outside of marriage, adultry, is on the books to, but would you argue it should be enforced?
cant be done. same with immigration.
Actually immigration is a totally different issue and immigration much easier to enforce. Especially since people that came here leagally have their identification on file, illegals dont. Border patrols also find several people illegally crossing the border. The problem is enforcing the laws to prevent repeat offenders with out infringing human rights.
immigration MADE this country. embrace it, dont fight it. it is not a bad thing. the only problem with immigration is our laws governing it. change the laws. enforcing a bad law is stupid.
You are again showing great ignorance in what you are talking about. I do emmbrace immigrtion, and support the rights of those that leagally came across the border. I would have to since I am an immigrant, you moron, hence the reference of being at INS at 3 in the morning to get in and know the paper work is not that hard. As I said it is easy to get visas, RA cards are harder but permanent. I know many people that came from Mexico from both visas and RA cards, I also know several people from even more third world countries then Mexico that came here. Maybe you should know something about what you are talking about before you spout of this nonsense and prove your ignorance and that you spout off like a 10 year old that over heard half of what mommy and daddy were talking about.
BTW you never answered how the economy is to handle the influx of people. You even know what an economy is? How about where all the people are going to live? You say they live that way because they have to because they came illegally, well did you ever think that if the border was open that anyone coming from Mexico would have to live that way any way? The poverty rate and unemployment rate would skyrocket, inflation would be out of control, in the end those that came here would be no better off then they were in Mexico.