I just got phone polled by Zogby's. They asked me the expected questions: How much do I think Bush sucks, Do I think Bush is an Asshat, and do I prefer Jesusland or the Untied Christian States of America as the new name for our great country?
Zogby's also asked a few unexpected questions, apparently the Alaskan oil drilling thing is still up in the air and some in congress want to budget for it although the drilling itself has not been approved. The question to that one was do I think it is forward thinking or a backdoor attempt to get around congress to budget for the drilling. They also, of course, asked if I thought drilling in Alaska is a good idea at all despite repeated warnings by everyone and their mother that it won’t lower oil prices and domestic consumers would not see any oil from the area for more than ten years.
The other unexpected question was whether I believed a single global currency would be a good thing for the U.S. and the world or not. This one really threw me. The way the question was worded led me to believe it would be a good thing because it would raise the standard of living world wide for various reasons I can't remember well enough to write down here. My thinking on that would be that in order for the third world's standard of living to raise even a slight bit the U.S. and other first world countries would have to let their standards of living drop considerably but the very idea would also drive varrass insane so I had to pause and think for a moment before answering.
So anyone else get polled?