I forgot that wednesday is pensioner day and they all invade the supermarket. I must feed the house and so popped out to shop and met a queue of pensioners.
I hate them! I really do! Why is it that pensioners cannot pack their own bags? Why is it that when asked to pay a look of surprise comes over their faces. Oh sorry dear, did you have your shopping for free the last 60 years? WHY IS THIS A SURPRISE YOU NEED TO PAY!!!????
Do pensioners come with speed reducing trolleys? I swear they do, I hope when I am 65(ish) I am not walking down the aisles at 1 mile an hour blocking everyone from moving past in the worst pair of support tights I have ever seen.
Why is it that people start as children, need support and help and .. why is it that so many pensioners see it fitting to become like children in old age? Bleh! I love my Nan, she has the right attitude, independant till the last. People 10 years YOUNGER than her tell her they wish they were *young* like her. It is all attitude.
So, to all people on this board, DO NOT GROW OLD! DO NOT walk at 1mph in supermarkets. Do not act suprised when asked to pay for groceries and please, please ... just do not give up and become the walking zombies I saw today