my girlfriend and i have been together almost a year. the thing is, im not really interested in a relationship anymore. not because of any change between us and i still think shes attractive, funny, nice, blah blah blah but because girlfriends are a time sink that i dont want to deal with. what i basically need is a way to say "im still crazy about you, but i dont want any of the obligations that go with having a girlfriend". the thing is, she is truly obsessed with me and really is a nice girl. without doubt it would crush her.
basically at a time when im yearning for independance (im almost 18!) i dont feel like being accountable to yet another person.
assorted background info that probably doesnt matter
in the first 6 months of our relationship we probably talked on the phone around 3 hours every day, sometimes as many as 9. it was awesome. as time progressed its become more of a pain to talk to her than anything else. at this point (into month 11) its usually a pain to talk to her. i mean its great fun at times, but it just aint what it used to be. i think this is partly due to the increase in my usage of marijuana. why? because she annoys the f[b][/b]uck out of me when im high. i cant stand talking to her.
we spend about every weekend with each other and usually have a "date" once a month or so.
i'd really like to stay with her, but it wouldnt be fair to her for me to say "eh, ill only talk to you when i feel like it and if you call and i dont want to talk then tough ****"