shadowrelm wrote:
2. if you want to kill the people who did, you need to go to afganistan, or saudi arabia. so if we do get hit again, chances are you will be sent to Iraq if you join the army, and thus not ever given the opertunity to kill the people whi DID attack us.
Yeah. Because we should make no distinction between the nationalities of the people who commit terrorist acts, and the nation states that support or oppose them. Got it. That makes oodles of sense...
3. terrorist means soldier. it all depends on which side of the conflict you are on as to which you get called. so you are advocating killing some poor schmuck fighting for his country, who never EVER caused us any harm pryor to invading their country. doesnt that make you a good christian.......or are you advocating shooting ANYONE in the middle east in your name?
Really? Then how come whenever the liberal media refers to non-uniformed combatants that we're killing in Falluja, they always list them as "civilian casualties"?
Think about that for a minute. You can't have it both ways.
I'd also add that despite the desperate attempts of most media outlets to convince everyone of the contrary, the vast majority of
citizens in Iraq want the US process to succeed, are supportive of the new government, and dislike the actions and motives of the insurgents greatly. But you pretty much never hear from them. You only hear about when an innocent gets accidentally killed by our forces, or when a radical talking head has something negative to say about the US, or when some minor "questionable" issue comes up that can be spun to sound really bad for the US.
You don't hear about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been provided food and water and and shelter by our forces. You don't hear about the bridges being rebuilt, or the hospitals and schools and powerplants being repaired and reopened (you do hear about how "evil" Halliburton is for getting paid to do that though). You don't hear about the lives being saved. You don't hear about the amazing strides being made towards free elections in that country. You don't hear about the suicide attacks by insurgents against Iraqi citizens. You don't hear about the continous attacks by a small number of mostly non-Iraqi insurgents in the area and the deplorable tactics being used. You don't hear about how they hide out among women and children when firing on US troops. You don't hear about how they use "off limit" sites like mosques as supply depots and hardpoints.
You don't hear that because your media doesn't want you to realize that the people we are fighting against really are "bad guys". They aren't freedom fighters protecting their soil and their families. They are people who have an agenda that has nothing to do with empowering Iraq and it's people, and everything to do with empowering themselves, and if they can sucker some young muslim kid into thinking they're fighting for a cause, then that's all the better.