I really appreciate that you all are concerned about me. The fact that even though we have only met through the boards is irrelevant, your support makes me feel better on those bad days! Here I can tell you guys things that I could never share with the family, or say without thinking of how it would be interpreted in view of my situation. Without getting all sappy, and upsetting Moe, I like you and value your discourse!
I can take the **** that Dynastey spews because he doesn't matter to me. For someone's comment to bother you, you have to have at least a small measure of respect for the poster.
I won't lie to you, and tell you I am not irritated by his posts. I think his attempts to use my illness against me are pathetic. I only hope for his sake he isn't truly the persona he presents here, his life will be full of heartache.
Edited, Tue Nov 30 22:45:02 2004 by Redyne