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Marijuana- Should it be Illegal?Follow

#152 Nov 18 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
DRTACO wrote:
People keep screaming the weed is the gateway drug, blah blah. I think cigarrettes are the gateway drug. I smoked a cigarrette long before i tried my first joint.

And the thing about people saying joints are more unhealthy than cigarrettes they are sorta right. Sure one joint is far more unhealthy that cigarrettes. But who smokes 20 joints a day?

Hehe. My brother inlaw.

That lucky *******. =D
#153 Nov 18 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
Renirs and azadiel, you two guys are ******* chumps. I'm not even going to bother answer to your posts because you both come out of the army. That's enough to label you as ignorant fools and sheep. Oh by the way, I love how almost everyone who joined the army has a history with drugs. I feel much more secure knowing the people protecting our country are a bunch of ******* potheads. Save me Jesus!

To Smash:

Yeah, the UCSB mascot blows major ***. Although I have yet to attend a sport even while not being under the influence of alcohol, I did bang a girl who was on the soccer team. I never felt so exhausted in my life the next day.
#154 Nov 18 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,112 posts
Well dynastey, I notice you have resorted to name calling when you can't come up with solid evidence to support your anti-cannabis beliefs.

It is not addictive. You drink alcohol, which is.

It doesn't influence obnoxious behavior, alcohol does.

One cannot overdose on it. Alcohol poisoning, puking, and hangovers are commonplace with alcohol.

You are more cautious when you drive under the influence of MJ, while alcohol makes you retarded. True story told a thousand times by different people: I was drunk, and I ran through a stop sign. I was high, and I stopped at the stop sign and waited for it to turn green. Sure weed does alter perception. It makes you more cautious. A study was done in another country on the effects of weed and alcohol while driving. Both groups had slower reaction times, but the group that used marijuana drove slower, because they knew they were high. The people who drank alcohol didn't realize how drunk they were and ran over the pedestians(cones).

Edited, Thu Nov 18 18:27:21 2004 by laviont
#155 Nov 18 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
1,447 posts
Interesting info...

To the original poster, my thoughts are simple:

Make it legal and tax it; the government can start paying off the this lovely debt Bush created.
#156 Nov 18 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Well dynastey, I notice you have resorted to name calling when you can't come up with solid evidence to support your anti-cannabis beliefs.

Laviont, I did not answer those two guys' post because it just started to become a matter of personal insults. I explained to them what I thought about their attitude and past experiences with weed, let's just leave it that. They're idiots.

It is not addictive. You drink alcohol, which is.

It doesn't influence obnoxious behavior, alcohol does.

One cannot overdose on it. Alcohol poisoning, puking, and hangovers are commonplace with alcohol.

I never said weed was addicite. I consider as a gateway to other drugs because it has been a gateway for myself. Most people here, myself included, will voice their opinions about marijuana almost solely based on their experiences. This is why you will always have some people say weed is not a gateway drugs (because they have not tried other drugs) and some people are going to be saying weed is a gateway drug. This is why this issue is so controversial.

You are right about alcohol being much more destructive to the body than weed. I remember seeing a study of a person drinking everyday for four years and a person smoking weed everyday for nine years. The alcoholic, of course, had massive health problems while the pothead ended up with a little bit of brain damage. Nothing too serious though, just a noticeable decrease in reation time and a very limited attention span when not under the influence of weed. It still shows weed will **** you up no matter what.

You are more cautious when you drive under the influence of MJ, while alcohol makes you retarded. True story told a thousand times by different people: I was drunk, and I ran through a stop sign. I was high, and I stopped at the stop sign and waited for it to turn green. Sure weed does alter perception. It makes you more cautious. A study was done in another country on the effects of weed and alcohol while driving. Both groups had slower reaction times, but the group that used marijuana drove slower, because they knew they were high. The people who drank alcohol didn't realize how drunk they were and ran over the pedestians(cones).

No offense dude, but driving under the influence of MJ or alcohol is just stupid. You should not do neither because you are not sober, therefore you should not be driving.
#157 Nov 18 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
Definitely NOT. Leave it just the way it is.

Decrimilize it and it becomes a cash cow for the local authorities.

Legalize it and it gets filled with crap so it has a longer shelf life for those places that will sell it, and charge a fortune for it.

Nuff said.
#158 Nov 18 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
but driving under the influence of MJ or alcohol is just stupid. You should not do neither because you are not sober, therefore you should not be driving.

Ever drive home from a restraunt after gorging yourself the max?
or drive after eating like 5 packs of Smarties?
or drive after drinking mad coffee?
With the receiver in my hand..
#159 Nov 18 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
By: Dynastey

269 posts
Score: Default [1.51]

That just made my day Smiley: grin
#160 Nov 18 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Laviont, I did not answer those two guys' post because it just started to become a matter of personal insults. I explained to them what I thought about their attitude and past experiences with weed, let's just leave it that. They're idiots.

You did, however answer "our posts." Again it was with adolescent name calling. Again your responses are without quantitative medical research and illogical.

I am not stating an opinion, I just cited one instance of marijuana not being a gateway drug. The gateway theory was started in the early 1950's by Federal Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry Anslinger. Then he was saying that marijuana led to people becoming murderers. When that fallacy went arry, he changed the theory to heroin. Here we are today, half a century later, with that gateway theory being a bulwark of marijuana prohibition.

Survey data indicates that heroin and cocaine users generally use marijuana first, and that people who try pot are much more likely than people who don't to try other drugs. Using a mathematical model incorporating data from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, the RAND researchers found that a general predisposition to use drugs, combined with a four-year lag between access to marijuana and access to other illegal intoxicants, was enough to account for these patterns.

Short version: Marijuana is used first because it is available first. The people who are predisposed to use drugs and have the opportunity to use drugs are more likely than others to use both marijuana and other drugs.

Its not a matter of gateway, but a matter of convienience. That is not my opinion. That is the opinion of several doctors and researchers who have the time, resources, and data to back what they say. Not the extremely biased opinion of one who cites a single happenstance as his only proof.


Edited, Thu Nov 18 19:11:17 2004 by renirs
#161 Nov 18 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
61 posts
Dynasty has hijacked this thread with his hypocritical and arrogant posts. Do us all a favor and go away.

I smoked crack for 1 year and quit, Im not weak at all. Sorry bro, if you smoked crack for a year, thats a sign of weakness.

#162 Nov 18 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
To Kelvyquayo:

All the substances that you showed do not impair someone's state of mind. Maybe coffee being the only who could get you wired, the rest would only make your body feel a little bit uncomfortable. Weed/Alcohol impairs your ability to think straight, so don't drive under the influence.

To Zadiel:

Drop the ******* karma ********* I never complained about anyone rating me down because I'm not scared to voice my opinions and bias no matter how much I offend people. Now quit sucking to the folks of the Asylum in order to get scholar. ******* mooch.

To Renirs:

Look at my last post. All my views toward marijuana come from personal experience. Same for you. Now don't try to throw statistical ******** to justify yourself. Weed is a drug, period.

To spons:

Hypocritical? I am only one of the few here who are against legalizing marijuana because I wholeheartedly agree the condescending view society has imposed on it. If you are a pothead, you are a failure. If you smoke weed, you're different from the rest of the population. If you legalize weed, then there will be the sober folks and the non sober folks. We don't need anymore division in this ******* morally retarded country at this time, so legalizing weed would be stupider than ever. Maybe in a distant future, but I will have no part of it.

Please, read my previous posts. I only got addicted to crack/cocaine because I was a stupid rich kid, with a lot of money and lot of time on his hands. That's not weakness, that's pure ignorance and irresponsibility. Something that I regret.
#163 Nov 18 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
3,112 posts
I definitely feel that there is a limit to smoking and driving. Same as drinking and driving.
#164 Nov 18 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
To Zadiel:

Drop the @#%^ing karma bullsh*t. I never complained about anyone rating me down because I'm not scared to voice my opinions and bias no matter how much I offend people. Now quit sucking to the folks of the Asylum in order to get scholar. @#%^ing mooch.

Maybe you didnt see my previous post. Your almost at the point that you rate sub-default. At that point the filter makes you not exist Smiley: grin
#165 Nov 18 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
Look at my last post. All my views toward marijuana come from personal experience. Same for you. Now don't try to throw statistical bullsh*t to justify yourself. Weed is a drug, period

NONE of my views on marijuana come from personal experience, and who are you to say that they do? My opinions come from doing research on the subject and were formed before I ever considered touching the substance. I just cited verified statistical ******************** to help inform an obviously ignorant person (ignorance is the lack of knowledge you know).

Edited, Thu Nov 18 19:54:00 2004 by renirs
#166 Nov 18 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
3,112 posts
Weed is a drug, in the same sense as caffeine is a drug, except weed is not addictive, and instead of speeding you up, it usually slows you down. Of course that's the effects of the stronger indica types which are more popular than the sativa variety right now.
#167 Nov 18 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Marijuana is definately addictive. It's not necessarily physiologically addicting but there's a psychological addiction.
#168 Nov 18 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
The same way twinkies, chocolate, and sex are addictive.
#169 Nov 18 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
874 posts
Actually I think chocolate has a physiological addiction component. May be wrong on that though.
#170 Nov 18 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
7,821 posts
So Weed is addictive. so is alchol. Should that be illegal? There should be some restrictions of it jus as there is with beer and hard liquor. Yes i believe it should be legalized. But 18+ like any other "drug".
#171 Nov 18 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
I've been drunk and I've been high...

If it came down to it, I'd rather drive high than drunk by a long shot.

I've driven high, and been with people who were driving high, and there has never been a problem. I do try to avoid driving when I'm high, but I never drive drunk.
#172 Nov 18 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
7,821 posts
drunk is very uncorrdinating. Ive been both too. I cant drive yet but i can imagine. (yeh im 15 ive expirimented). Drunk would seem alot harder.
#173 Nov 18 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Just saw this for the first time and figured I'd add my 2 cents, I'm 43, Live in Texas and am a conservative christian republican, I also am a long time pot smoker. is this a contradiction? I don't think so. Pot while a mind altering substance, is not physically addictive, and more importantly, it does not make people violent, or out of control like alcohol does. If I had children, I would rather they neither smoked pot, or drank alcohol, but if I had to chose one or the other, I'd rather they smoked. When was the last time you read about someone getting high and killing someone?

Also the old myth that it leads to harder drugs is just that, a myth. I have smoked off and on for 25 years, and I have never had the desire to try other harder drugs. I also have stopped smoking for long periods, I have not smoked in a while, but I'm sure if offered a joint, I would hit it lol. I believe the government is wasting tons of money enforcing pot laws, hell if they made it legal, they could tax it, and use the money for education on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and possibly have greater succes in reducing it's use that way, any way I just figured I'd give my 2 cents on this issue, from an old guys perspective lol.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 22:20:22 2004 by GalkaSnarf

Edited, Thu Nov 18 22:21:08 2004 by GalkaSnarf
#174 Nov 18 2004 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
it is near impossible to overdose on shrooms. the only worry is that your trip may be uncomfortably intense.
#175 Nov 19 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
It should be just like getting a driver's license.

A intensive psychological evaluation along with a certain amount of regulation.

Only people that fit the bill can toke it up. Those that can't are screwed.

I can attest that there is a very small percentage of people that actually smoke dope and ONLY smoke dope.

I smoked weed for a while. Then tried acid. Then shrooms. Then coke <----(should be decriminalized) then ectasy<---(Only did that crazy stuff once)

The succession of drugs came from an exceedingly more bored feeling from doing certain kinds of drugs and wanting to step it up.

However drugs are a horrible thing and you should'nt do any of em.

Unless I were actually playing music on a professional basis and was set up for life.

In the case I would smoke up every damn day.

#176 Nov 19 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
I jokinly asked someone, a few years back. Have you ever done Coke?

He replied, yeah. It turns out, he had done, acid, weed and coke. I then asked him if he had done heroin, and he said, NO! What, am I stupid?

Almost fell of my seat laughing.

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