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Marijuana- Should it be Illegal?Follow

#127 Nov 18 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
Do you have any idea how big the difference between cocaine and meat is?

No, no I dont king of narcotics. I mean it sounds to me like you have a PHD for all the talking out of your *** your doing. So you want to sit here and tell me I have no room to talk when I have never done PCP, crack, heroine, cocaine, hashish, crystal meth or any other type of drug that kills parts of your brain every time you use them.

But im too stupid right, far to stupid to actually pop a single pill of E (which eats a hole in your brain every time you use it) or to get a dirty syringe and plunge it into one of my larger arteries.

I must also be stupid because I have never sucked off a black guy named jimbo so that I can get some white powder to suck up my nose which in turn will make me want to have more within an hour. In time causing my nose cavity to collapse.

But your the wizard here and im the guy whos far too stupid to try these out.

#128 Nov 18 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent

If you smoke pot regularly, you will end up trying other drugs. Not necessarily get addicted to any of them but a single act of trying another drug because of weed can be qualified as a gateway drug.

And stop with the f'king food analogies Smash. I'll order you a pizza just to make you happy.

This is unfounded ********* I smoked pot nearly every single day for 8 years before I joined the army. I've never tried any form coke, any non-subscription pills, ex, or crank. I absolutely loathe alchohol too.

I have eaten shrooms, one time, and that was before I tried pot. Why mushrooms? I researched the drug before I took it: low addiction rate, low fatality rate, nice pysco effect. Why pot? I researched the drug before I took it: no fatality rate, excellent drug for relaxation, stimulation, and low health risks. Why not coke? Instant death in some thanks. Why not tranq's and pain killers? high addiction rates and fatality thanks. I didnt like shrooms the first time I did them, havent touched them since.

MJ...well mj and I were made for each other. Too bad our 8 year relationship was destroyed by uncle sam. Here is the real hoot, I set a date to quit, 3 weeks before my ship date to quit. I quit that day and did not think about smoking again until after I got out of the army.

I have now been out of the army since February, and have once again picked up the "habit". I have also started going to college and now bolster a 3.88 GPA at ETSU with a computer science major.

Meh, all potheads are total fuukups?? blow me.

#129 Nov 18 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
Hey Dynasty did you ever consider the reason why you started all those drugs is because you have an addictive personality. I dunno....

Hey ********* if you're smoking weed you're addicted to a substance, so stop saying that you can control yourself. Your argument fails in every point because you're a pothead. So a big fat STFU for you.

If someone hands me battery acid and tells me it will make me feel good you know what I do?


Weed is one thing, pretty much 95 percent of the planet has smoked weed in some sort. I had my days as well, I tried acid once and smoked some weed. Did I ever feel the need to go onto anything stronger? Hell no, I was born with sanity and I continue to build upon that sanity daily.

Nice contradiction there buddy. You just said you tried acid once and that's enough to show that you tried another drug. Therefore I assume weed led you to this. Think about it, woudl you have ever tried acid if you didn't get a different kind of high before? Probably not.

And thanks for proving my point. If you were born with sanity, you wouldn't be breaking the ******* law everyday by smoking weed you stupid hippie.

Why dont you go drink some bleach to get the ultimate high since you have such issues with life.

Issues? I had a $10,000 ATM card given to me as I entered college. I didn't have issues, I just wanted to have fun. Quit talking out of your ***. One year of slacking my *** off and doing nothing but destroying my brain. Those were the times. And because of America's awesome division between poor and rich, no matter how much I **** up in life, I'll never be poor. God bless America.

Along the way take off the black nail polish and makeup. People start addictions because they cant deal with life. Do it the old fashion way and get some pizzas and beers. If you cant be happy then be fat ;)

Refer to the coment above. Moran.

#130 Nov 18 2004 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
This is unfounded bullsh*t. I smoked pot nearly every single day for 8 years before I joined the army. I've never tried any form coke, any non-subscription pills, ex, or crank. I absolutely loathe alchohol too.

What do you want me to do? Admire you for being a ******* pothead for eight years and not doing the "evil" drugs? Give me a ******* break. Just saying you smoked weed for eight years makes you look like a total failure.

I have eaten shrooms, one time, and that was before I tried pot. Why mushrooms? I researched the drug before I took it: low addiction rate, low fatality rate, nice pysco effect. Why pot? I researched the drug before I took it: no fatality rate, excellent drug for relaxation, stimulation, and low health risks. Why not coke? Instant death in some thanks. Why not tranq's and pain killers? high addiction rates and fatality thanks. I didnt like shrooms the first time I did them, havent touched them since.

Shrooms can kill you the first time if you take a lethal dose or can go to the hospital if your body can't handle it. Also, the only time I came close to ODing on coke was when I took ecstasy, smoked meth and did a lot of coke that night. Other than that, you'd probably die of a heart failure from coke if you did it every for a long period of time.

MJ...well mj and I were made for each other. Too bad our 8 year relationship was destroyed by uncle sam. Here is the real hoot, I set a date to quit, 3 weeks before my ship date to quit. I quit that day and did not think about smoking again until after I got out of the army.

If you were really serious about quitting marijuana, you wouldn't pick it up after you get out of the army. It's like quitting cigarettes for any reason or goal. After you accomplish that goal and tell yourself that you're going to start smoking again, you're an addict. Period.

I have now been out of the army since February, and have once again picked up the "habit". I have also started going to college and now bolster a 3.88 GPA at ETSU with a computer science major.

Congratulations! You're going to a totally ******* worthless college.

Meh, all potheads are total fuukups?? blow me.

The moment I saw the words "joined the army" and "ETSU" I knew you were a ****-up. Don't try to justify yourself, it just won't work.
#131 Nov 18 2004 at 3:20 AM Rating: Good
1,481 posts
Let me ask you this question: Exactly WHY do you want it legalized?

You can get it with ease as it is now, can't you?

Now, maybe the problem is not the obtaining of the herb, but the stigma that follows "pot-heads", a stigma that the newer generations are caring less about. In about 20 years, smoking pot will be as common and normal as drinking. If I were to choose, I'd just add the same restrictions that alcohol has, being the most important NO DRIVING.

I know lots of people that smoke. I have tried it twice, but didn't like. Some of these people go to other drugs, some don't. Some of these people smoke cigs, some don't. I doubt there is a direct relation between weed and stronger drugs.

As for the stigma, most people think it's cheap and low. I don't care, but I can tell you that drinking is more "social" (maybe the influence of society speking for me here). I'd rather spend 5 hours in a table jackdanieling a conversation, than smoking a five minute joint to end up with similar results. Mixture of both alcohol and weed ends up being a kick in the crotch for some people (like me), but if you can manage to stay awake and having a great time WHILE making sense and not telling the first stupidity that crosses your head, I guess I can agree on the regular use.

The ups that I see in weed is that people tend to be more peaceful, and in the other hand alcohol causes euphoria on low-moderate quantities, then leading to depression of the body, and another good thing is the lack of hangover.

If anyone here has studied law, you can agree with me that law creates more of an impact than you think. The stigma comes from the ban, I can assure you. It's now too late to ban alcohol, but It is not too late to legalize drugs. My vote = YES.

Please notice that you will have to bear with the added chemicals and an increased price and taxing.
#132 Nov 18 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe, someone likes typing to see the pretty words on their screen.
Dynasyt you have displayed the worst case of argumentum ad hominem I have ever seen. It's quite funny.

Joining the army makes me a loser eh? No use in attempting to explain why I did it, you'll only throw even more insignificant drivel on the screen.

ETSU is a totally ******* worthless college? It must be, Dynasty says so. ROFL. (What I find really funny is that every single nationally accredited college is subject to the exact same acedemic guidelines...)

You really are funny. Anyone who disagree's with your omnipotent OPONION is a loser. Thanks man, I've not laughed this hard in a long time. Really, I appreciate it.
#133 Nov 18 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
Hehe, someone likes typing to see the pretty words on their screen.
Dynasyt you have displayed the worst case of argumentum ad hominem I have ever seen. It's quite funny.

Thank you, I do love myself. First of all, get my name right before you try to belittle me. Second, please explain to me how I am "the worst case of argumentum ad hominem?" Are you trying to sound smart by throwing around expressions that mean nothing in the way you implied it? You're an idiot my friend. Look at the rest of your sentences: all of them are full of gramatical errors. It's not by throwing some fancy definition that you're going to gain my respect. You failed. Once again.

Joining the army makes me a loser eh? No use in attempting to explain why I did it, you'll only throw even more insignificant drivel on the screen.

Please enlighten me on why you would join such a facist faction? I forgot that matinées, getting yelled at by your drill sergeant and learning how to be a mindless killing machine makes you a better man. Maybe in your sad pathetic little world it does but this kind of ******** has no place in mine.

ETSU is a totally @#%^ing worthless college? It must be, Dynasty says so. ROFL. (What I find really funny is that every single nationally accredited college is subject to the exact same acedemic guidelines...)

Minimum grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale

Nice ******* college there chump. I'd probably kill myself knowing I would be in the middle of nowhere. Trust me dude, if I applied to this college I don't even have to insert my SAT scores and I would still get in. You suck, deal with it.

You really are funny. Anyone who disagree's with your omnipotent OPONION is a loser. Thanks man, I've not laughed this hard in a long time. Really, I appreciate it.

Please elaborate on this. You're the one who retaliated my posts by saying that "your evidence is a bunch of inconclusive *************** No. Stop. What I experience last year was probably more than you experienced in your eight years of slowly burning your brain cells. I don't consider you as a loser. I consider you as a ******* moran.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 04:05:15 2004 by Dynastey
#134 Nov 18 2004 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Hey dumbsh*t, if you're smoking weed you're addicted to a substance, so stop saying that you can control yourself.

What are you, twelve years old? Smoking pot isn't physically addictive. It's not an arguable point. There's been mountains of research regarding it. Lighten the fuc[/b]k up. If an authority figure told you apples were evil and addictive you'd stop eating them and tell everyone who did that they were apple addicts wasting thier lives.

Some people can't deal with reality well and will turn to drugs to escape. They're better off turning to pot than alchohol. High people don't decide to get into bar fights and stab random people. High people don't beat their wives when they smoke. etc. etc.

Alochol is obviously physically addictive. Pot obviously isn't. If someone smokes pot every day for ten years and then stops they say "Gee, I wish I had some pot." If someone drinks every day for ten years and stops they get physically ill for DAYS.

Smoking pot is part of growin up in America for 90 percent of people. The 10% of closed minded fuc[b]
ks without the balls to rebel or try new things are the same ten percent who join cults and burn books.

Go smoke a joint allready.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#135 Nov 18 2004 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Nice @#%^ing college there chump. I'd probably kill myself knowing I would be in the middle of nowhere. Trust me dude, if I applied to this college I don't even have to insert my SAT scores and I would still get in. You suck, deal with it.

I imagine I can say the same for whatever bible academy you ended up atttending before dropping out.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#136 Nov 18 2004 at 5:24 AM Rating: Default
UCSB is the **** Smash. And asking me to smoke a joint is pointless, I probably smoked more weed in one week than you did in your entire life. You know your whole "I'm a rich-white-guy" attitude really doesn't go well with your pothead attitude. You're just weird.
#137 Nov 18 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Haha. Come on, now. It's not like UCSB is the most selective school around.

You should have lied and said UCSC. At least you'd have had a cooler mascott. What's the UCSB mascott, some cowboy or indian no doubt.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#138 Nov 18 2004 at 6:30 AM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Oh yeah! Have you ever *seen* a bannana slug? Scary freaking things. They're just one mutation away from being a really crappy Japanese monster movie...

Take it from an ex-Doonie. They really are scary. :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#139 Nov 18 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
475 posts
this isnt necessarily a retort, but something to consider instead...

smash said...
"The 10% of closed minded ***** without the balls to rebel or try new things are the same ten percent who join cults and burn books"

these also happen to be the same 10% we elected as our government officials, made our teachers, law enforcement agents, and other respected members of our communities... Although it is argueable as to what percent of these people do it behind closed doors... but id wager it would be very low percentage

besides i think smoking pot for the sole reason to "Rebel" in and of itself is a poor reason to do it... thats as bad as peer pressure... which in essence is what you are doing... you are making this into a "Peer pressure" situation by challenging someones ability to stay away from said drug, even criticizing them because they have chosen not to do it...

this is typical behavior of both addicts and dealers... which are you?
#140 Nov 18 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts

You sir hurt my head terribly with the pre pubescent ramblings that you continue to spew from your *** of a mouth.

Did I smoke pot in my life?

Yes I did, but after serving time in the military I eventually out grew the want to smoke it. Smoking pot is no more lethal than drinking alchohol in my mind.

Did I try acid once?

Yes, because acid has almost no chance of actually killing you nor addicting you.

You sir said you CHOSE to do those drugs that can kill you in one shot.

But once again please show your PHD on narcotics and psychology. Because seeing as how your the expect on hard core narcotics that destroy your mind and body you should after all know all.

Hey Smash i would argue that its the Cow's fault that people get addicted to drugs.

1. Cow
2. Cow makes milk
3. Farmer makes milk into cheese
4. Pizza has cheese on it.
5. People eat Pizza
6. People buy pot
7. People order more pizza
8. People need bigger high
9. Person gets coke
10.Person get heroine
11.Person gets pizza

Vicious cycle.

The war on drugs is a war on cows. Why do you think they watch you as you drive by.......
#141 Nov 18 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
You see the great part about you dynasty is we dont have to care what your name is.

Your posts suck and the more you post the more rate downs you get. So far I have seen your rating drop from 2.21 to 2.01 in about two days.

So keep posting dribble my friend and I wont even have to see your inane posts in about a week because youll be far under the default wire.
#142 Nov 18 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
3,112 posts
As for smoking weed "just" to rebel, I would not recommend it. Analyze the FACTS:
It is safer than 99% of other drugs.
It was banned for the sake of the evil tobacco, cotton, and petrol industries.
It has mental and physical medicine uses.
It is cheap.
It is all natural.

Now that you know the facts, you have a reason to "rebel". I don't like people who say they do it just because it is illegal. There are many better reasons to do it.
#143 Nov 18 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
When I was sixteen I gave up eating meat. Its been 8 years now since I ate any kind of meat what so ever. I dont think about it much. When people ask me why I did it I tell them the same thing everytime.

To prove to myself that I could.

It was not about saving the animals or any BS like that. It wasnt about toxins in the animals or whatever. It was about toning my Will power into a machine of steel.


I feel weak and helpless over the chaos of existence so I try to exert control over silly things to make myself feel powerful.

This is typical of a judgemental fu[/u]ck who's ex-military.

All your denial bullsh[u]
it is the sign of a scared little boy who needs mental crutches.

You, sir, are the wimpling....not Dynastey.

I don't really have to tell you this.

That little voice in your head when you lie awake at night does the job quite wonderfully.
#144 Nov 18 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
When you smoke an eigth of weed everyday, don't recognize when you're high or sober anymore, when you can't get high anymore, when you can't reach the peak of getting high as your first time; what are you doing to do? Try different drugs. Weed is a portal to other drugs. You are the one lying that it is not.

Or do what my friends/roommates and I do: quit smoking weed for a month or two, drink more beer, let the tolerance go down, then start up again. It's amazing when you go from an eighth a day just to feel normal, to straight-up heavy drinking for awhile, then going back to weed and getting your mind blown by a single hit.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#145 Nov 18 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Shrooms can kill you the first time if you take a lethal dose or can go to the hospital if your body can't handle it.

Only if you eat the wrong kind.

Or if you have a freak allergy; but you can say the same thing about peanuts.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#146 Nov 18 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent

Thank you, I do love myself. First of all, get my name right before you try to belittle me. Second, please explain to me how I am "the worst case of argumentum ad hominem?" Are you trying to sound smart by throwing around expressions that mean nothing in the way you implied it? You're an idiot my friend. Look at the rest of your sentences: all of them are full of gramatical errors. It's not by throwing some fancy definition that you're going to gain my respect. You failed. Once again

Please explain to me why I should give 2 ***** about whether I spell your name right? You obviously know who I was referring to. Argumentum ad hominem is a latin phrase that translates literally into argument against the man (or woman). It is a phrase well known to anyone who has done any type of debating. The connotative meaning is that you are attacking anyone who disagrees with you and not the ideals they are presenting to you.


Intead of trying to show how you are not arguing against the 7 or 8 other posters in here, you refocus conversation on a few grammitical errors. Argumentum ad hominum. Say it with me. Nothing belittling, just an accurate observation. Oh and just for the record, I really dont give a flying squirrels hairy ******* if you respect me or not. I just wanted to see to what extant you would continue to make yourself look like a fool.


Please enlighten me on why you would join such a facist faction? I forgot that matinées, getting yelled at by your drill sergeant and learning how to be a mindless killing machine makes you a better man. Maybe in your sad pathetic little world it does but this kind of bullsh*t has no place in mine

Another side note, if you are going to judge anyones grammer, it would be a good idea to get yours right. What is facist? did you mean fascist? Anyway, personally I did it because I like challenges, and wanted the good experiences attiened in the military. Comradery, responsiblity, accountability, travel, etc... Basic training is an incredibly tough physical and mental challenge designed to "weed out" the weak.I was curious if I had what it takes to endure the adversities in basic training. Oh, by the way, I was a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations Technologist.


Nice @#%^ing college there chump. I'd probably kill myself knowing I would be in the middle of nowhere. Trust me dude, if I applied to this college I don't even have to insert my SAT scores and I would still get in. You suck, deal with it.

Hah, I never said it was a very prestigious college. I never said I met the MINIMUM requirements to get in, either. I also rather enjoy being in the "middle of nowhere." The lower the population dencity, the fewer morons I have to endure on a daily basis. Regardless, anyone with a passing grade has attained more enlightenment at their respective institute than have you at yours.

Please elaborate on this. You're the one who retaliated my posts by saying that "your evidence is a bunch of inconclusive bullsh*t." No. Stop. What I experience last year was probably more than you experienced in your eight years of slowly burning your brain cells. I don't consider you as a loser. I consider you as a @#%^ing moran.

I find it funny, because I'm not basing what I said on opinion. Maybe if you read the posts in this thread for meaning, instead of for crap to stick in between your quotes before your mindless babble starts, you would have noticed that already. Many many many new institutes are doing research on marijuana. Read up on it.

I dont even know how I'm finding the time to reply to the mentality you have presented. Go ahead professor, grade this paper on grammer, and ignore the ideas presented. I'm done debating with you, the wall behind my computer desk holds more valued conversation.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 18:05:40 2004 by renirs
#147 Nov 18 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
3,112 posts
Still, we are left with the same conclusion. Marijuana is much less dangerous than many of the things that we consider healthy. Less addictive than video games. More useful and environmentally friendly than all other resources that are used as replacements. Legalize.
#148 Nov 18 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
buthrer is no way for it to be properly taxed. Why would they do it? Waht's in it for them?

With the receiver in my hand..
#149 Nov 18 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
3,112 posts
Of course they probably won't, but they should.
#150 Nov 18 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
I find it interesting that you can actually die from alcohol withdrawl, but not from heroin withdrawl. You may want to die, or kill yourself, but if you are strapped to a table you'd be fine in a day or two. Though I suppose it could induce a heart attack from the stress of the withdrawl...but that's no different than a roller coaster.

Barbiturates and alcohol though, withdrawl can kill ya.
#151 Nov 18 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
3,112 posts
Yeah, alcohol is very bad when abused. Not many drugs have withdrawals as bad as alcohol.
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