"They offered him the west bank which was part of israel, the Gaza Strip which was part of Israel, and said sorry our capital city is ours and you can't have it.
he said no thanks we want all of it even though there has never been a palastinian state since biblical times, and you have as much if not more historical right to be there. "
Israel was willing to give the PA control of slightly more than 25% of the West Bank. The West Bank (which was illegally seized by Israel in the 6-day war) was to be separated into a patchwork of three main areas with a network of Israeli settlements, roads and military outposts running all throughout with Israel still having defacto control over the major resources of the area.
If it is implied that it is anti-Semitic to deny the Jewish people a right to self-determination and/or the right to live in what they believe to be their biblical homeland, than it is most certainly equally anti-Semitic to deny the same to the Palestinian people. Neither UN Resolution 242, calling on Israel to retreat to the pre-1967 borders, nor UN Resolution 194, calling on the right of return of Palestinian refugees, were adhered to by Israel in this instance. What would the reaction have been had the Jewish question been referred to as nothing more than a refugee problem back in 1947?
What is the relevance of stating that you believe there has never been an "official" Palestinian state? The fact remains: these people lived on this land for centuries and were driven from there homes in the 1948 war. Because these people had endured successive occupations by the British, the Ottoman Empire, etc., does this then necessarily mean that these people do not have a right to self-determination?
It would almost certainly be deceiving to call Arafat a great leader and nothing more. Arafat did help accomplish one great feat for his people: he helped bring the Question of Palestine to the international community. Despite this, however, he was an extremely corrupt administrator and an incompetent negotiator. He hoarded from his people billions of dollars in international aid and was routinely duped into offering up needless concessions to his Israeli counterparts. He was also responsible for carrying out numerous terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli civilians; a responsibility that is equally, if not more so, attributed to his adversaries in the Israeli military and government. It is highly unconstructive and does nothing to offering up a solution to lay blame solely on the feet of one side in this seemingly never-ending conflict.
Rant over.