Why do you hate the idea that people should keep what they earn?
whom did they earn it from?
im all for earning alot of money. i am just all against ******** the working stiffs who can barley make ends meet, and those that cant, to keep it all to myself.
it is THEIR money linning MY pocket. you keep taking and taking without giving anything back, pretty soon, there is nothing to take any more.
let those with the most to give, give the most, let those with the least to give, give what they can, let those with nothing to give rest their bones under my roof, and eat from my table.
you realize bill gates has the power to end hunger and homelessness in california all together? and he got that power from all of us. so why od we have homeless, and hungry people in california?
greed. selfishness. tools of satan.......like most republicans....