Liberal nutjobs like Smash, and the like, operate under the media imposed assumption that America should be making extra-ordinary attempts to fix diplomatic relations with the countries in the UN, particularly Germany, Spain, and France. This is sickening considering we've save their collective asses numerous times this century alone. Those countries should be lining up to help us if we decide to go to war with martians, much less a crazed homicidal dictator like Saddam. So the media and good liberal nutjobs, like Smash, carry forth this idea that Europe is pissed with us so we need to do something to make things better.
If the UN doesn't jump on board our struggle against terrorist, regardless of who's president, I say we embargo and boycott all of the products they sell us so readily. Forget about Smashes idea that we should apologize for upsetting the status quo in that piece of Sh*t part of the world known as the mid-east. Thankfully Bush isn't listening to the UN to make decisions in how best to protect us, even whiny liberals like smashed.