the only major problem I have with Rome:TW's enemy AI is it's tendency to just sit back and wait while being attacked by archers
Enemy Nations was some RTS future themed game where you developed resources and kicked the other guy's *** with hovertanks and laser howitzers. That sort of thing.
The AI had two charming traits. First, your enemy would inexplicably change races now and then. Each race had their own pluses and minuses and the game would just take its civilization and flip between them. It didn't even flip intelligently like going from the agriculture experts to a warfaring race, it was just random. It'd go from the warfaring race to the gimp race put in only to allow players to handicap themselves.
Secondly, once you destroyed a certain percentage of the enemy, it'd respond with the stunning tactic of... giving up. It'd just stop trying. You'd leave it with sufficent resources and building to build new units but it'd just sit there, its tanks puttering about. They'd respond if fired upon but wouldn't launch any attacks of their own. It was like playing Monopoly with your brother when he quits once you have all four railroads. I guess it was probably a bug but a bug that makes the computer AI get up and go watch TV halfway through the game is a pretty severe bug.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Feel free to keep chiming in, but I have enough to know which boxes to read the backs of at the store now. That includes Samira's suggestions as Roman era conflict is closer to Medieval than space platforms and plasma cannons.