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If the O'Riley thing wasn't bad enough,Follow

#27 Oct 21 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
Prince pickleprince wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
Look. In order to prove that Fox news' slogan is somehow false, and that they're news is slanted towards the Right, you'd have to actually look at the news of all other sources as well, which will undoubtable show just how biased "normal" news is towards the Left. Fox news only seems slanted if you automatically assume all other news isn't.

This above is NOT a fair and balanced use of logic...therefore if I compare it to the scribblings of seems logical.

But compared to the average 3rd grade essay....not so much.

See! You're getting it. It's all relative. ;)

You're in a good mood. Glad to see it. :)
#28 Oct 21 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
3,571 posts
Gbaji, the difference is, do all of the other news sources say they're "Fair and Balanced" in their slogan? No.

This is what is generally called "False Advertising".

I would be for someone suing a liberal slanted news company if they were said they were fair and balanced as well.


I would be for someone suing a liberal slanted news company if they were fair and balanced as well.

Oops. Heheh. Fixed it to say what I meant for it to.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:11:23 2004 by Chtulhu

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:12:24 2004 by Chtulhu
#29 Oct 21 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Isn't it? There is no way to interpret a documentary aimed specifically at critisizing a particular administration as anything else.
F 9/11 is a film. Films aren't covered by the FEC. Saying he couldn't advertise on TV or radio is exactly the same as saying the Swift Boat Vets couldn't interview for their anti-Kerry books because it'd be a violation of the FEC since their books were aimed specifically at making Kerry look bad and interviews for books are nothing but advertisments for the same.

I could argue your idea that a biased documentry isn't a "real" documentry (I suppose, to use a Godwin's laden heavy-handed example, that all the Holocaust documentries you've seen give equal time to making sure the **** side is presented) but the point is moot anyway. Stunts like Citizens United made sure Moore didn't need to advertise, the film made a big sackload of money and it's a top video rental as of this moment.

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:00:55 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#30 Oct 21 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Chtulhu the Quick wrote:
Gbaji, the difference is, do all of the other news sources say they're "Fair and Balanced" in their slogan? No.

Isn't there a general assumption that the "news" is supposed to be non-biased? Are you suggesting that it's ok for media outlets and news agencies (non-editorial) to be biased as long as they don't claim they are non-biased?

Hell. I would *love* for that point to be raised in this case. I'm beginning to think the Left just stepped into a big trap...

This is what is generally called "False Advertising".

I would be for someone suing a liberal slanted news company if they were fair and balanced as well.

Again. You have to define what "fair" and "balanced" mean in terms of a news agency. I'm actually starting to suspect that Fox did this deliberately *hoping* someone would sue them so that they could open a discussion on exactly how "balanced" the news is today.

Don't you get that it's relative? In order to prove that they are not fair or not balanced, they have to open up all other broadcast news organizations to scrutiny. I guarantee you that's exactly what Fox wants. MoveOn just got suckered...

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:10:14 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#31 Oct 21 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Isn't it? There is no way to interpret a documentary aimed specifically at critisizing a particular administration as anything else.
F 9/11 is a film. Films aren't covered by the FEC. Saying he couldn't advertise on TV or radio is exactly the same as saying the Swift Boat Vets couldn't interview for their anti-Kerry books because it'd be a violation of the FEC since their books were aimed specifically at making Kerry look bad and interviews for books are nothing but advertisments for the same.

Yeah. I agree that advertising for an advertisement is a bit of a grey area. But there's a flaw in your analogy. Exactly how many times have you seen a book advertised on network TV?

And if the SBVs *did* pay for an advertisement for their book, are you saying that the Dems *wouldn't* consider that a violation? An interview in a magazine or cable show isn't the same as a commercial on network TV showing scenes from the film.

I could argue your idea that a biased documentry isn't a "real" documentry (I suppose, to use a Godwin's laden heavy-handed example, that all the Holocaust documentries you've seen give equal time to making sure the **** side is presented) but the point is moot anyway. Stunts like Citizens United made sure Moore didn't need to advertise, the film made a big sackload of money and it's a top video rental as of this moment.

I would argue that all documentaries are fundamentally biased. Very few actually approach a subject with the idea that we'll just film and see what happens. Virtually all have an agenda and a specific aspect of the subject matter they wish to portray, and edit their film to show detail within that area.

My problem with F9/11 is that Moore goes a step beyond that. He doesn't just film what happens and then edit to show what he wants people to see. He creates the situations he films. He mixes in stock footage and his own commentary and his own interviews and edits those to fit his agenda. It's ludicrously easy to make something look how you want when you effectively control the context and both sides of a conversation via interviews and edits.

That is a bit off topic though. However, I don't see how a commercial on network TV for F9/11 could be seen as anything but an advertisement against a candidate. I suppose if they showed no scenes from the film, they might get away with it, but it's still pretty grey IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#32 Oct 21 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
3,571 posts
gbaji wrote:
Chtulhu the Quick wrote:
Gbaji, the difference is, do all of the other news sources say they're "Fair and Balanced" in their slogan? No.

Isn't there a general assumption that the "news" is supposed to be non-biased? Are you suggesting that it's ok for media outlets and news agencies (non-editorial) to be biased as long as they don't claim they are non-biased?

Hell. I would *love* for that point to be raised in this case. I'm beginning to think the Left just stepped into a big trap...

This is what is generally called "False Advertising".

I would be for someone suing a liberal slanted news company if they were fair and balanced as well.

Again. You have to define what "fair" and "balanced" mean in terms of a news agency. I'm actually starting to suspect that Fox did this deliberately *hoping* someone would sue them so that they could open a discussion on exactly how "balanced" the news is today.

Don't you get that it's relative? In order to prove that they are not fair or not balanced, they have to open up all other broadcast news organizations to scrutiny. I guarantee you that's exactly what Fox wants. MoveOn just got suckered...

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:10:14 2004 by gbaji

To the first point: Only if you're naive.

As for Fox suckering MoveOn into something.... Pfft. Fox isn't doing anything that heavy handed, they're not smart enough to.

It isn't relative. There needs to be no other standards to judge fair and balanced by.

If I'm the only news station, and I saw that John Kerry sucks ****, that obviously isn't fair and balanced, yet I'm the only one there.

You don't judge something based on others doing a similar job, you judge it on the truth. For it to be fair and balanced, it would have to give the absolute truth with no slant whatsoever.

Fox doesn't do that.
#33 Oct 21 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Exactly how many times have you seen a book advertised on network TV?
Besides Dianetics? Smiley: grin

I admit it's a flawed analogy but mainly because the Right didn't have anything truely comparable to F 9/11. However, SBVT did have a lot of radio interviews (radio being covered by the FEC regulations) and I think the two are comparable. Commercial for film = Promotion. Interview for book = Promotion. The only difference being one is considerably shorter and with less talking.

If SBVT did have a TV commercial for their book and the Democrats tried to sue, I'd have probably found it silly. Believe me or not. And, as I said way above, I think the lawsuit from is also retarded.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 Oct 21 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Chtulhu the Quick wrote:

You don't judge something based on others doing a similar job, you judge it on the truth. For it to be fair and balanced, it would have to give the absolute truth with no slant whatsoever.

Fox doesn't do that.

Give me an example then.

What's funny here is that most examples of Fox being biased that I hear from the Left is that Fox *doesn't* slant stories to the Left.

When Bush makes a statement, Fox just reports what was said while everyone else implies that Bush is lying or kinda rolls their eyes while reporting it. And Fox is blased for *not* doing the same.

I'm serious here. Find me an example of Fox new being obviously biased in a story. I bet ya I can find 5 examples of CNN slant to the Left (or against the Right if you prefer) without even trying hard.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#35 Oct 21 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
In a vaguely related note, a local car salesman is/was running for some office in Wisconsin this year. There was an issue regarding whether his car commercials would count as political advertising, because the name of his dealership was = his name

I bet ya I can find 5 examples of CNN slant to the Left (or against the Right if you prefer) without even trying hard.

go for it. I'll start googling

Edited, Thu Oct 21 20:29:21 2004 by Taber
#36 Oct 21 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
3,571 posts,2933,136258,00.html

They say that the Muslim groups are only voting Kerry because they don't like Bush, yet go on in the same story with quotes of the groups saying they agree with Kerry on some issues....

And that's only spending half a minute looking.
#37 Oct 21 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
that's the one I was going to link to too ;P

my commentary would have been, they run the article about the group endorsing Kerry, but most of the quotes given weren't about why thy endorsed Kerry, but about whatever misgivings the group had

here's a good one,2933,136254,00.html

titled "Activists, not global warming, a threat to third world countries"

"The activists’ recipe for solving global warming thus appears to be, first, to kill off economic development in the developed world and, then, to have the developed world send what money it has left over to the developing world. It’s not clear, though, that an economically crippled developed world would be able or willing to subsidize poor countries, leaving those countries forever impoverished"

"And, sadly, the environmental activists seem to be doing their best to make sure that poor countries stay poor."

Edited, Thu Oct 21 21:06:19 2004 by Taber
#38 Oct 21 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Chtulhu the Quick wrote:,2933,136258,00.html

They say that the Muslim groups are only voting Kerry because they don't like Bush, yet go on in the same story with quotes of the groups saying they agree with Kerry on some issues....

I'm a bit confused how this is biased though? The point of the story (the "news"), is that the AMT submitted a "qualified endorsement" of Kerry.

The body of the story then goes on to show that there are multiple different opinions within the Muslim community in the US, explaining why the endorsement is "qualified".

There are quotes supporting Kerry. There are quote supporting Bush. There are quotes explaining why some Muslim groups dont support either.

How exactly is that article not "fair and balanced". Because it doesn't slam Bush? I'm serious here. Bias is when the facts say one thing and the story says another, and that other thing is consistently aimed negatively at a particular political alignment.

Give me a few minutes and I'll show you bias...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#39 Oct 21 2004 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
3,571 posts
Gbaji, honestly, you know I'm refering to the fact that inside the story it states that the Muslim groups are voting for Kerry just because he's not Bush, when it's obviously not the case.
#40 Oct 21 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Quotes in the article bashing Bush:

The call to vote against "the progressive order of the Bush administration

President Bush's (search) administration has been "extremely insensitive to the civil liberties and human rights of American Muslims, Arabs and South Asians.

Quotes in the article supporting Kerry:

While the Kerry campaign has critiqued several egregious misdeeds of the Bush administration, (yes, this bashes Bush too)

Quotes in the article that are anti-Kerry:

so far the Kerry campaign has failed to affirm its support for due process, equal justice and other constitutional norms

We are disappointed that the Kerry campaign has shied away from expressing unambiguous support for principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution (search) which prohibit use of ex-post facto laws, secret proceedings and use of secret evidence."

mindful of our many disagreements with Senator Kerry on domestic and international issues, including the war in Iraq

Meanwhile, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (search), a Los Angeles-based policy organization, broke from the AMT this week, saying neither Bush nor Kerry deserved its support.

Quotes in the article pro Bush:

President Bush has over 50 Muslims currently working inside the White House, which is more than any other president. He is also the first sitting president to visit a mosque," Khan said.

Some Muslim leaders say they just want a public sign of Kerry's support for their community, such as visiting a mosque. That sign has not yet come. After Sept. 11, Bush visited a mosque and declared Islam a peaceful religion.

The point being, fox news is spending a lot more space and time explaining why the endorsement is qualified, and very little spae explaining why he was endorsed in the first place.

Endorsements mean they prefer the candidate right? then why are almost all the quotes about what they don't like about him?
#41 Oct 21 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts,2933,136143,00.html

Oh look! it wasn't republicans who tried to block the distribution of F911! It was Disney's ties to Saudi Arabia all along! I should have known
#42 Oct 21 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hell. Here's one that I already had on my desktop from an earlier thread:

Note, that the topic is Keyes and his attack on Cheney's daughter's sexuality. All of that is fine. I have no problems with that.

What's interesting is this bit that the AP reporter felt compelled to put in:

In the days before the Republican National Convention, **** Cheney spoke at some length about the fact that Mary is a lesbian and his view of gay relationships. His tacit support for states' rights on the issue of same-sex marriage and less-than-ringing endorsement of President Bush's push for a constitutional amendment to ban gay unions drew criticism from several conservative groups.

Relevant portion is bolded. What the hell does Cheney's position on Gay Marriage have to do with this? For a story about how Keyes is in hot water for blasting the Reblican VPs daughter, they still managed to squeeze in the "message" that Cheney and Bush don't agree on some issues. Um. Relevant how? Not at all. Just a way to stick in a bit to imply inconsistency in the Republican party is all...

How about we look at the front story on CNN?

Now this one is interesting. From the front page you get a "Bush/Kerry talk about Health care" teaser. Following the "full story" link gets you to this point. There are four paragraphs devoted to Kerry at the top of the story. Then 3 paragraphs about polls showing Kerry ahead in Ohio (Ok. Still mostly relevant). And finally 4 (noticably smaller) paragraphs devoted to Bush.

Note the language used:

"Kerry embraced science and technology" (embraced is a positive term).

Followed by the feel good bit with Reeve's widow and more on stem cell research.

"Kerry accused Bush of stifling stem cell research" (accused implies something wrong by the other guy).

Followed by a pretty zingie quote from Kerry slaming Bush on tech.

In the Bush section:

"Bush stuck to his standard theme when he attacked Kerry's health care proposals"

I particularly love this one. First sentence of the Bush section implies nothing new (negative connotation). The next is wonderful wordcrafting. "attacking" is bad and implies brutishness (negative for Bush). Also they manage to fit in that Kerry has "proposals", while Bush has none (cause he's sticking to his standard theme, right?). Wow. This one sentence oozes with slant.

This is then followed by a couple of pretty weak quotes. Nothing zingie at all to them.

What's great is that there's then another "full story" link that has stuff about Bush's position. Of course, you only get to read that after wading through a story where the bulk of it is pro-Kerry. Interesting, no?

In the All-Politics section on CNN things are still interesting. Let's look around.

Same story as the frontline. But this time, there's only a picture of Kerry with Reeve's widow. Sympathy plays well I guess.

Note to the right. "Poll: college voters moving toward Kerry"

In campain views below that, note the top two headlines:

"Bush attacks Kerry's health care plan, malpractice suits"
"Kerry promotes science, technology as job engines"

Just for those who didn't read the story, let's again present Bush as a brutish guy with no plan, while Kerry is "promoting science" (with the implication that he'll get us all jobs as well.

They couldn't say that Bush "questions" Kerry's health care plan? Nope. He "attacks" it. Wordsmithing is the key here. Which ones you use have a huge impact on how the reader percieves the people being written about.

So basically, in a section where they're making it look like each candidate is getting the same coverage, they're actually slamming Bush in every one. Funny that...

Let's look at the Education section:

Hmmm... Headlines to the left don't mention Bush at all, but do say that "Kids give Kerry win on Nov 2". Nice...

Is that top story maybe about Bush then? Anything positive? Let's see...

Nope. A story about a "teach in", that's basically an war-protester teaching kids to be war protesters. Great... This one is so slanted it's not even funny. Continuous implied questioning of military service, terminology, and the Bush policy in Iraq. No real news here. Just a politically slanted article in the guise of informing the public.

At least the story about the CDC and flu issues at schools is actually unbiased. I'm actually amazed that they didn't take the opportunity to make a stab at Bush for being at fault for the shortage of flu shots or something.

Hmm... That's just the few I've spotted so far. I could move to another news source and find more. Its not hard to find liberal slanted news out there...

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#43 Oct 21 2004 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Taber. What exactly are you saying?

Are you saying that it would only be "fair and balanced" reporting if they just said that Kerry got the endorsement of the AMT? They should not mention at all that there's dissention in the Muslim-American community over the choice and that it's tentative? They should just go "Horray! Kerry was endorsed. See. Kerry really is better..."?

Don't you think that if this decision was so fracturing that one of the group in the AMT actually broke away over it, that maybe *thats* the big story? Yeah. I think so. But to you're way of thinking, they should not mention anything that lessens the strength of the endorsement, even when the endorsing group itself makes a point of saying it's "qualified"? They should just ignore the story and print a rosy picture for Kerry on this issue?

That would be biased. Not the other way around...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#44 Oct 21 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts

This thread got real dumb, real fast.

Just postin'

#45 Oct 21 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Taber wrote:,2933,136143,00.html

Oh look! it wasn't republicans who tried to block the distribution of F911! It was Disney's ties to Saudi Arabia all along! I should have known

That's an editorial btw. Just in case you're not aware of that...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#46 Oct 21 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck the Sly wrote:
This thread got real dumb, real fast.

Just postin'

You're right. Cause we should never ever question the motives or methodology of those who feed us our news. That would just be silly, right?

You go on ignoring the man behind the curtain if you want.

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#47 Oct 21 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
gbaji wrote:
trickybeck the Sly wrote:
This thread got real dumb, real fast.

Just postin'

You're right. Cause we should never ever question the motives or methodology of those who feed us our news. That would just be silly, right?

You go on ignoring the man behind the curtain if you want.

Nice of you to assuming what I was talking about.


#48 Oct 21 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
1 paragraph telling that Kerry was endorsed.

1 paragraph telling why he was endorsed merged with why it was qualified.

2 paragraphs on why it was qualiied

1 paragraph of the dissenting group who wants to be neutral

2 paragraph of background info

8 paragraphs on why the dissenting group that wants Bush wants Bush

why does the minority's reasons get 8 paragraphs while the majority's gets 3?

Why is 2/3 of the majority's space devoted to explaining why it's hedging?

Why is this, which should be a somewhat positive thing for Kerry, presented in such a negative light?
yes, the "activism is worse than global warming for the third world" was an editorial. My bad. Though the Disney's Saudi connection appears to be news.

so you found some diction that you think is anti Bush? well, I'm convinced.

oh, and an article about Cheney's daughter mentions some political ramifications abbout Cheney's daughter

Edited, Thu Oct 21 23:43:37 2004 by Taber

Edited, Thu Oct 21 23:43:56 2004 by Taber

Edited, Thu Oct 21 23:44:58 2004 by Taber
#49 Oct 21 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
I watch fox news for a few minutes everyday, then I turn it to CNN. Their slogan "Fair and Balenced" is complete BS. There is nothing fair or balenced about that station. But thats beside the point. I'm the type of person that watched C-Span/C-Span2 for hours on end and I'm actually interested in politics.

Yes I watch Fox News for a little bit everyday, I give them a chance everyday to appeal to me and prove their "fairness and "balenced" nature, they havent yet :/.

Legally, yes, it could be considered false advertising, but the trick is finding proof that would stand up in court,....

I've noticed they always have these weird looking chumps I've never heard of on when someone is needed to support Kerry. Idk,.. call me crazy, whatever.

I respect CNN far more than Fox News...
I mean come one people, it's Fox for crying out loud. The same people that brought you "Married with Children",.... when is the last time you seen cartoons on c-span and cnn? O.O
#50 Oct 22 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts

Republicans are getting more sex and with better quality than Dems.

/does a pelvic thrust

Who's yo daddy now, beeotchs? Huh?

#51 Oct 22 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

I'm serious here. Find me an example of Fox new being obviously biased in a story. I bet ya I can find 5 examples of CNN slant to the Left (or against the Right if you prefer) without even trying hard.


Sure you can, little baaagaaajiwajjji.

/pats Gbaji on the head and smiles.

That's wight!! It's Fox that is impartial and every other news agency is slanted wanted to the lefty weft.

Who's a good consweative...who'd a good awwwe!


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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