Threat or Nuisance: A Handy Terrorist Guide
In January 2004, John Kerry revealed his September 10th mindset regarding terrorism when he said that he sees terrorism as "primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation." That's the same Clintonian approach to the problem that allowed al-Qaeda to grow unchecked before 9/11. Despite his recent strong statements about fighting the war on terror (almost always followed by a "but," however) Kerry still doesn't seem to understand the seriousness of the war we're fighting. In a recent New York Times Magazine interview, Kerry stated, "We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance." A nuisance? When were terrorists ever a "nuisance" to the innocent people they murdered? Could Kerry really be saying that it was right to ignore them as long as they only bombed other countries... and that it would be that way again? How can we ever go back to the ignorant, blind "place we were" before 9/11... and would we want to?
What exactly is a "nuisance level" of terrorism, anyway? How were terrorists only a nuisance before 9/11, when they suddenly (in Kerry's world) became a threat? How can you tell when your terrorists are at that mythical, tolerable September 10th level? A handy guide might help.
Nuisance: Terrorists who set a bag of dog crap on fire on the doormat, then ring the bell and run away.
Threat: Terrorists who set up IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and run away.
Nuisance: Terrorists who give their victims a wedgie.
Threat: Terrorists who behead their victims on video.
Nuisance: Terrorists who wear outrageous clothing to make a statement.
Threat: Terrorists who commit mass murder to make a statement.
Nuisance: Terrorists who demand your lunch money.
Threat: Terrorists who demand criminals be freed from prison.
Nuisance: Terrorists who take pennies from the "take a penny" dish at the 7-11 without ever leaving one.
Threat: Terrorists who take hostages.
Nuisance: Terrorists who steal cars for a joyride.
Threat: Terrorists who blow up cars.
Nuisance: Terrorists who skip school.
Threat: Terrorists who take over schools.
Nuisance: Terrorists with spitballs.
Threat: Terrorists with weapons of mass destruction.
Nuisance: Terrorists who paint graffiti on buildings.
Threat: Terrorists who blow up buildings.
Nuisance: Terrorists who send 'spam' email.
Threat: Terrorists who send anthrax in the mail.
Nuisance: Terrorists who blast loud music while you are trying to sleep.
Threat: Terrorists who blast national monuments, mosques, churches...
Nuisance: Terrorists who spend their time hanging out at the mall.
Threat: Terrorists who spend their time plotting to blow up the mall.
Perhaps when terrorists are reduced to the threat level of high school juvenile delinquents, we can treat them as such. As long as they continue to plot mass murder and destruction, I suggest we continue to fight them -- and those who train, harbor and support them -- exactly as we've begun.
Sad that the democraps cant understand this stuff. I know its too complicated for them to understand so maybe this will help them get the facts straight.