"What if an obviously flaming homosexual man had to 'check' your under your ******* and between your cheeks?"
Oddly enough, the last time I flew to Miami, I was checked by a flaming homosexual man. At least, that was MY take on him, anyway. The check was, in my opinion, a bit thorough. I made up my mind that if it went past a certain point, I was asking for someone different to check me. It didn't, and they guy was very professional, despite my feeling, at the time, that I was getting an extra thorough check.
I don't particularly approve of the homosexual lifestyle. While I do believe they have the same 'rights' as everyone else, and that does extend to the privilege of marriage, I was becoming uncomfortable. This is the same discomfort I'd have felt if patted in these places (specifically, the inner thigh, quite close to the package) by an extremely unattractive woman, only amplified. You see, an extremely unattractive woman might win me over with her personality, regardless of her looks. A guy doesn't really stand that same chance.
Point: I was in basically the same situation that lady was in. I grinned and bore it, and I didn't have to drive 15 hours with a S.O. calling me a moron.