I agree that Bush can't really be blamed for the economic woes. I don't like his "solution" of tax cuts for the rich, but the economy is too big to be ontrolled by the Gov't anyway
4. I don't want someone in office that goes to war (like kerry and I give him kudos for goin to nam), and comes back with 3 purple hearts for MINOR injury's and then worms himself out of service because of some archaic rule. He came back and threw his medals back at the white house. Now I dont agree with nam either, but giving your country a big F' you and then asking to run it is STUPID to say the least.
clearly, disagreeing with a decision made by a country makes one unfit to lead. Trying to get the country to change the decision is even worse.
someone's been wathing too many Swift Boat Veterans fo Truth commercials (which have been debunked as crap BTW http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx@DocID=244.html
5. I'm not big on the Kerry flip flop train. I look at it differently. Voting to give the pres authority to use force, knowing full well that he will based on sanctions not working, and non compliance by saddam, then saying you didn't know he was going to is stupid.
agreeing the dishes are dirty, and disagreeing with turning a firehose on them is not a flipflop.
Also, Bush presented that bill more as a way of leveraging Saddam, and presented actually going to war as an unlikely last resort. Factcheck.org will back me up here http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx@DocID=272.html
6. Kerry wants to blanket raise taxes, yeah thats a real good way to get my vote, I don't think that is the right way to pay for the deficit (don't ask me how to I'm not a polotician).
That's not true. Kerry, in the second debate promised a tax cut for those making below 200,000 a year, and a tax raise to pre Bush tax cut levels for those above 200,000 a year
7. Bush is creating lower tax brackets that allow more indepentant buisness' to hire more workers, and gives lower income families a break.
Kerry has tax cuts planned too
8. Kerry wants to be REACTIVE in defending the country, whereas bush is PROACTIVE. I would prefer not to have another attack like 9/11 happen, but that's just me. I don't want someone to make sure were good bed buddies with the UN before protecting us. If someone takes a stab at us, we shouldn't have to ask for permission to swing back at 'em. (granted iraq hadn't really done anything to us directly
I'm not sure where you're getting this "kerry wants to be reactive" stuff, I have not heard him say anything like that.
As for the U.N. thing, yes Kerry is for a more alliance building approach, but it's less of asking for permission, and more reducing the blame, casualties, and costs the US has to pay.
the approach certainly has it's disadvantages too, but portraying it as asking for permission is inaccurate
Edited, Sun Oct 10 15:15:58 2004 by Taber