I just finished watching the debate on the BBC link and noticed that the camera's never panned to show Kerry's facial expression when GWB was speaking, but the camera would pan at least once for a close up of Bush while Kerry was flapping his gums. And how many times did Kerry have to say 5 Million with out health care? I think after the first 5 times the audience would have got the hint.
Bush did a great job. If you did not get any of the jokes he made, you people really need to get out of your parents basement and get some sun. Bush cleaned Kerry's clock on a lot of the issues, and I did not see the big deal about Bush wanting to ensure he got the opportunity to respond. George showed strength and leadership. The man still has my vote.
Totem, you've met Smasharoo haven't you? Did you hear his Boston Accent? Where he'll pawk his caw in Hawvard yawd to see the Sox beat the Yankees. If Kerry hadn't lost his accent we would really be having a laugh at the way JFK II speaks.