By what measure? Ours? I'm fairly certain that by the Japanese's measure, it was illegal.
At the time bombing of civilian population centers was considered not only a acceptable, but a valid way to conduct war. Rember the fire bombings in Germany, those killed many more people than the Atomic bomb droping in Japan.
Also, I do belive Japan initiated the war with America, so had to expect some repercussions for this.
We dropped the bomb because Americas leaders and military concluded that a land invasion of Japan would have cost close to 2 million lives. Some 500,000 of those would have been American soliders, the rest would have been Japanese soldiers and civilians.
We did the right thing, and in no way can you compare that what happened here to 9-11.
Back on Topic: An attack against a civilain center with no other thought then to create terror and panic among the population is wrong, under any circumstances.
America's attack against Iraq was and is bad policy. When we invaded Afghanastan we did the right thing there, and we had support of the world because we were in the right. Our attack on Iraq was wrong, and done for 3 reasons.
1) Oil
2) Grudge about Sadam offering a bounty for W's father and families death
3) To put pressure on Iran from both sides with nations friendly to the United States.
Our attack in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism.