WTF? the Y axis is labelled 1 mil - 10 mil- 100 mil and then 1 bil
i could make antything look bad that way
Not that I agree with the page at all, but look at the graph again. Now apply some critical thinking.
If they used straight 1mil measurements, wouldn't it make the population growth over time look *bigger*!
Squeezing the numbers like that does not making it look "worse", it just allows the thing to fit on one page...
It's a pretty common technique to ***** around with the numbers on a graph when you want to make something seem like it's slowly/quickly growing.
Smaller increments = slower growth.
Bigger increments = quicker growth.
Also, if either the X or Y axis is completely ******** as far as what numbers it uses, you can achieve the same technique. What I mean is, say I drink three cans of soda a day..If I make X = 1 year increments and Y = every three sodas, the chart would look like it's freaking skyrocketing. Give me some time (and some will) to make a more appropriate graph, and it'd be pretty easy to make it a smooth, slowly ascending line. I've done it before in presentations where my *** would have probably been in serious trouble otherwise.