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White History Month?Follow

#77 Sep 20 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
Congratulations You have just proved that you are an idiotic 12 year old. You have no clue what true marxism is. You just stick by the the same princible of saying communism is bad because of what the soviets did with it. IMO the soviets were a disgrace to the communist system. Why don't u read about what ur saying before you make idiotic comments like that.


The first step is admitting your a bigot, The next step is to Die. I really hope that some crusader for human rights ties you up and lynches you from a tree you bigot. So that you may burn in hell where you truley belong.

So that means you do love me?

Now looking at your posts I must say that if you could possibly spell anything correctly then using that site would be a lot easier you inbread hick.

Jews are far from hicks idiot.

I find it hard to believe that hard working people and obviously caring people could spawn the *** @#%^ing ****** that you are

Then obviously youve had it easy.

What the hell is this "Euro" you ********** to in every post?

The truth is out there! ^^

#78 Sep 20 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
The modern hatred of jews is all ignorance for the most part. Only a jew could hate a jew. I know this. So ignore any anti-semitism.
#79 Sep 20 2004 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts

David Duke?!

ROFL hahahahahahaha

#80 Sep 20 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
"Oh yeah, it might hurt some of you white guy's feelings, but many white chicks find me quite attractive :) ESPECIALLY the ones with racist relatives... so if you have kids and try to raise them to be racist, chances are it could blow up in your face 18 years later when she's taking a huge black wang in her mouth on some **** tape...

Huge wang(doubt it) little brain. Proven by post.

"especially White Americans... many of you whites over there have a superiority complex that you just can't seem to kick..." what superiority is this? Maybe its just jealousy on your side. Ever thought of that?

"hence the whites that ***** and moan when a black person finds a way to make a sh*tload of money like rapping/sports/etc."

White Rapper = Eminem. Dont have to go any further there.
White Sport Players.... Smoltz , McGuire(sp), Ruth , Stockton, Pistol Pete.(Shall I keep going?)

"Hell, some black people even make more money than than Bush!"
-My dad(white) makes more money than Bush. The president doesnt make alot of money yearly. WHy the hell would he have to. Hes the president what the hell do you think he has to pay for in the first place lol. Dumbass. Your post is just getting you nowhere.

"For every cent a black person gets from you rich racist little sh*ts, I applaud."
- Youll be applauding alot when you go downtown atlanta. I give a homeless guy by the name of Crazy Anthony(black) a dollar a day and a cup of coffee on my way to work. Go ahead and just move down here, youll spend alotta time applauding me. Thank you.

"Hell, for any guilty minority that got away with sh*t, I clap, since you @#%^ers have gotten away with so many murders over the years..."

Yay lets support killing blacks on blacks. Where do you want me to start where minorities have killed other minorities. I work for CNN surley I can dig up something. Maybe you should applaud your own ignorant kind killing themselves off. Hell go ahead and do yourself a favor and shoot yourself now. It'll save us from doing it.

"How many of you that have posted were or are the sons/daughters of slaves....HMMM thought so."

"so then these slaves were picking cotton". Thats a hell of a class."
- Hey maybe Haterades relatives were picking the cotton in one of the white mans fields. Who knows. Hey haterade how talented are ya at playing the spoons?

- PieMan... *bullsh!t* watch the movie again. He did lie. We are watching Farenheit 9/11 right?

Hey Haterade.... Just curious if you hate Aspirin bottles or medicine of the like? Didn't know if the cotton inside offended ya in anyway.

And Haterade, when you get older come to my neighborhood and stand in my neighbors cornfield. Maybe youll be considered an antique.... who knows.

Good day ladies.

Edited, Mon Sep 20 02:11:36 2004 by Elsahn
#81 Sep 20 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Troll, huh? So his entire post was about me, Jophiel?

#82 Sep 20 2004 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
Wow... I seemed to have pushed some buttons with some white kids... :) Let's see now...

"Huge wang(doubt it) little brain. Proven by post."

Proven by what? Me making a factual point that I've seen with my own eyes? Go ahead! Push one of your kids that you got from gangbanging your sister with your brother to be like you, and watch what happens! Because believe it or not, Elsahn, there's more people that wanna get along in the world than people that don't, and kids are not stupid...

"White Rapper = Eminem. Dont have to go any further there.
White Sport Players.... Smoltz , McGuire(sp), Ruth , Stockton, Pistol Pete.(Shall I keep going?)"

Oh boy... since when did I say that white people weren't succesful atheletes? By the way, I bet you hate rap music, but LOVE Eminem, right? People like you are the TRUE key reason for his success... don't get me wrong, he's talented, but as talented as he might be musically, that is highly unrecognized by his white fans (which he even admitted)

"Yay lets support killing blacks on blacks. Where do you want me to start where minorities have killed other minorities. I work for CNN surley I can dig up something. Maybe you should applaud your own ignorant kind killing themselves off. Hell go ahead and do yourself a favor and shoot yourself now. It'll save us from doing it."

Sorry, I should have been more clear... I meant all black people who've committed a crime against white people... I can be as ignorant as you... it's ******* sad how you guys were rbrought up, and unfortunately for you, a change for the better IS coming...

Black people didn't do much but 'slave' according to you whites because it has never been noted in history. How the **** could black people MAKE tons of history when the whitey excluded and stole almost every idea a black person came up with?! There are several inventions today that I'd mention, such as the stoplight, but you whitey's would would probably just ***** and moan further about it not being true. We came up with blues/ rock n roll before some fat white ****** claimed the style of music as his own and died on his toilet LOL!

Stereotyping blacks should allow me to stereotype whites as a group of people that have **** poor supervision of their kids(since they always seem to go missing), four-inch **************** surgery for the 'blacker' effect :O), high-school mass murdering, civillian killing, white-collar criminals who can't stand to see other races succeed, then therefore go completely out of their way to oppress them, without realizing their children wanna be JUST like them. But then again, I was raised better than that, and I know that all white people aren't dumb as **** like you ********

Until then, I'll be sitting back, with a white girl's face in my lap... which will most likely be a girl that wouldn't touch a white guy with a 20 ft spear

And to think I came to this site to know more about FFXI... I'm learning a whole lot more! :) Idiots make things fun!

Edited, Mon Sep 20 06:12:29 2004 by Haterade
#83 Sep 20 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
The OP was whining about a tit-for-tat issue. Whether white or black there's plenty of places you can go to feel like people are looking at you because of your color.

Tell me about it Joph. I was having a drink with some smurfs at the local mushroom, that was just uncomfortable.
#84 Sep 20 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
So far we have heard from mostly young adults. Some Informed some Ignorant. I am a White Male 34yrs of age. Married with one son age 7. I am not a registered voter. I can't stand either side so if a did i would most likely be Independent. Jesse Venture should run for Prez! 8). I am also Unemployed and disabled. My wife works at an Orthopedic office. We both have high school Educations and started in the work force right out of highschool. Im basicly Mister Mom. Both our Parents are Lower Middle class and have worked very hard to provide for theres kids. We both have younger brothers.

So knowing my background heres what i see thru my eyes. The white race has always had the advantage at Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, until of late. The state of florida , which i live in, has lowered its eductation standards to help the minoritys. Not Black but Cubans, Mexicans, people from Haiti Domnicans have flocked to America , Via florida, for a chance at a better life. And Most will try there best to do there part. But now my son has to get a medicore education because of it? Well if thats the price for freedom ok.

Id like to point out that African Americans didnt migrate here on tiny rafts or make shift boats to escape opression like cubans and such. They were forced onto ships buy there purchasers and Dragged to America by Evil white "Euros"! And did you know that the black man was sold BY BLACK MEN! Yes thats right Africans selling Africans. Read your history books kiddies.
And did you also know that Many Middle eastern countries had black slaves as well.? Id be pissed too if i was taken from my home and shipped far away and treated like an animal.

Herein lies the problem i see with reperations. The african americans living in the United States today where not Slaves, and most could probable not even give you a Name of a family member down the tree that was. If i was African American i would be happier then a pig in **** that my forefathers where brought to America to be a slave. Look at the **** storm goin in Africa now. Aids is running rampant, civil war, hunger, Genocide! My question is Would you trade 200 yrs of Slavery to go back to africa and live in those conditions? My answer would be,Not on your Life! My wifes bestfriend is African American. Shes Married with 3 wonderful kids, one in the military. Here husband, black also, works for the FBI has a Great Career and a bright future. There life is Great. Why? Beacuse there Forefathers were slaves. Forefathers that endured pain, suffering. They fought thru all the hurt the anger the aragonce the ignorance. Those are ones that deserve something.

AS for the politcal side of it, Im not sure how Rep. got the Racist party stamp. Theres Someone called KKK Byrd a Dem. Congressman that was in the KKK. And many others. To all you African Americans listening and thinkin of voting Dem. party keep this is mind. Democrats want to keep you poor and ignorant. Why you ask? Democrats want you to think they care about you by coming up with Social programs for minorities, They want you to stay home with 5 kids and no job and eductation then give you just enuff money to buy food and shoes. If they keep giving you money they can BUY your VOTE not Earn it. They like to play the RACE CARD. That noone else cares about you but them.

On the other hand some Republicans act as if they Care but really dont. They want you to make a living for yourself and if you dont, to freekin bad. You starve to death. Not my problem. Game over, or something like that.

Point being no matter what your heritage, politcal background , or religous beliefs are The best place to be in this World is America. Start Watching the History channel or Discovery and Stop Watching your local 6 oclock news. Media Bias is rampant. You will learn so much more why its better to live here in America buy watching those channels. Put down the Rap crap and Stupid whinny Country **** and Read a book about Americas History. If you have Direct TV i sugget Link channel. Lots of real stories about real people around the world.

And i have one last comment HATERADE, you are the problem not the solution for your brothers and sisters. Its your kind of hatered towards people you really dont even know that makes things worse. When you say MANY of you whites or americans .. well thats complete ignorance on your part. You dont know facts or history or much of anything really to come up with a rationaly point of view. Just some blind rambling ******** makes you look like the ***. Im sure your Grandmother or your greatgrandmother could help you find God in your Life. Ill pray for you my brother.

BTW, White History month is a stupid idea. We already get that for 4 yrs in High School.

#85 Sep 20 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Racism, affirmative action, etc are all a waste. It's much easier and fair to hate everyone equally, regardless of race, color, religion, etc.

You all suck.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#86 Sep 20 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I don't belive we owe people interned in camps because they were Japanese anything. If you can find someone who actually did these things or made these decisions and sue them in civil court, then they might owe you something, but not the rest of us.

Well, since they petitioned for reparation FROM THE GOVERNMENT, which was the entity that locked them up based on their race, I guess you could say that's exactly what happened.

Lord, there's been some ignorance posted in this thread.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#87 Sep 20 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
I knew I didn't want to read this thread.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#88 Sep 20 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

If i was African American i would be happier then a pig in sh*t that my forefathers where brought to America to be a slave

I'm sure we can arrange something simmilar for your grandchildren.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#89 Sep 20 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Slavery is just a price that had to be paid for the opportunity to end up in this great nation. Whitefolk had to put up with fa[b][/b]ggoty British rule for a hundred years! Now that's harsh.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#90 Sep 20 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure i understand your statement.

#91 Sep 20 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Nothing to understand, just random *********
Go about your business.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#92 Sep 20 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmmm first off I live in ohio, guess what we are the guys who freed blacks. We died so we culd keep this great country of ours and to free the slaves...well maining to keep the country togather, but then again we were a big part of your under ground railroad. I'm aware that many blacks did help in that also, but also whites, and maybe some indians and asains...who knows.

I bet you a million dollars that this little ***** is from Cincinnati.

Aren't you?

That place is the most racist place I have ever seen in the US....and I'm originally from Alabama.

Must be from all the Germans ancestry around there.

Heil Cincy!
#93 Sep 20 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
White male age 21. Both my parents are first generation Canadian, have pursued higher education despite having parents that couldn't afford it. Both my mother and father have Masters in Business. And age 55+ are both very successful.

I am completely against reparations. My family MOVED to Canada. We're currently engaged in reparations with Native Americans. I pay my own taxes, and I'm second in the University application line to them. I don't have a good reason to pay for them to live on reserves. Myself and my relatives had nothing to do with them selling there land for beads. I would be happier then a pig in **** if they moved off the reserves and gave up there special rights to become part of OUR country. It's not MINE, nor is it THERES. That it's become an acceptable way of life for some minority groups to whine and leech there way through life is sickening. How about the hunting/fishing for food. That doesn't wash when you watch Semi trucks full of fish go down the highway as exports by the reserve. Or how about the 'traditional' whale hunt in the Northwest a few years back? I'm sure traditional canoes had outboard motors and .50 cal anti tank machine guns mounted on them.

Mr. I'm black so I have sex with white chicks to feel better. Grow up. You're part of America. The rights afforded whites should be the same afforded blacks and asians etc. That you NEED special rights to pay for 400 years of pain. /sigh. Alot of the people paying for your 'rights' now never had anything to do with it. Yay for crime in the US. >.> Let's all shoot each other and steal from each other. That will solve ALL your stereotype issues. *rolls eyes*. I just hope you live in a state that supports the death penalty and a court finds some reason to give it to you. The US and these forums would benefit from your loss.

To the OP I understand what you're getting at. There are alot of things that are done for minority groups that if they were done for whites would be considered racist, or seen has keeping the minority group down.

I agree completely with someone who posted above saying that how far you get in life should be based on personal merit. What gives you the right to special priveledges vs. someone of a different racial background in the same 'class' as you. If a poor white person succeeds without that government assistance why can't you?

In closing, I owe you nothing, nor do my kids, and nor do there kids and so on. Bleeding hearts can cry and whine and campaign, it's not going to change that people who had nothing to do with it resent paying for it. If it's a bigots point of view to be offended as I am, then you'll have to sign me up.

#94 Sep 20 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I bet you a million dollars that this little ***** is from Cincinnati.
Baby, if you ever wondered
Wondered whatever became of me
I'm livin' on the air in Cincinnati
Cincinnati, WKRP

Bailey Quarters was hot
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Sep 20 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
Mr. I'm black so I have sex with white chicks to feel better. Grow up. You're part of America. The rights afforded whites should be the same afforded blacks and asians etc. That you NEED special rights to pay for 400 years of pain. /sigh. Alot of the people paying for your 'rights' now never had anything to do with it. Yay for crime in the US. >.> Let's all shoot each other and steal from each other. That will solve ALL your stereotype issues. *rolls eyes*. I just hope you live in a state that supports the death penalty and a court finds some reason to give it to you. The US and these forums would benefit from your loss.

Hey Mr/Ms. I'm too ******* dumb to get an Ironic statement from an obvious sockpuppet....Go Fu[u][/u]ck yourself.

In closing, I owe you nothing, nor do my kids, and nor do there kids and so on. Bleeding hearts can cry and whine and campaign, it's not going to change that people who had nothing to do with it resent paying for it. If it's a bigots point of view to be offended as I am, then you'll have to sign me up.

"Ok, sir...that's all the paperwork we have for you today.

Can we count on you at the KKK meeting later this week?

We can? Great.

Here's your free sheet and a pamphlet entitled 'Burning a Cross in 3 easy steps!'.

Take care and God Bless the Race War!"
#96 Sep 20 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Prince pickleprince wrote:
I bet you a million dollars that this little ***** is from Cincinnati.

Aren't you?

That place is the most racist place I have ever seen in the US....and I'm originally from Alabama.

Must be from all the Germans ancestry around there.

Heil Cincy!

I always associated heavily German populated areas in northern Ohio, near Mansfield, Toledo, etc. At least that's what I learned from my family.

And they'd been there since the 1800s for the most part, so I don't owe you sh[b][/b]it Joph Smiley: lol
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#97 Sep 20 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
David Duke?!

ROFL hahahahahahaha


#98 Sep 20 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent

#99 Sep 20 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
And they'd been there since the 1800s for the most part, so I don't owe you **** Joph
I demand reperations!

I don't know which part of this thread is worse: the troll pretending to be Mr. Bigot to get a rise out of everyone, the troll pretending to be a black stud with his white woman harem or the idiots responding to both as if they were actual people.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#100 Sep 20 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
Ghanha wrote:
David Duke?!

ROFL hahahahahahaha




What does Al Sharpton have to do with anything?

I hate Al Sharpton AND David Duke, so if you think that bothers me, you're sorely mistaken.

#101 Sep 20 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
or the idiots responding to both as if they were actual people.

I know Gahna(rea) is a troll and nothing more. He only came to the Asylum because the EQOA forums were sick of his trolling. But he has mentioned "EURO" (without actually saying that it's run by David Duke, a real troll would make it obvious to get a rise)in so many posts, I'm almost inclined to believe he means it.

Edited, Mon Sep 20 14:45:09 2004 by trickybeck
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