Someone fairly bright wrote:
The maximum total speed of an object in every dimension (including time) is C, or the speed of light, but every object also always has a total velocity of C; whatever speed isn't expressed in the spatial dimensions is used to pop you forward in time.
Ah, but the fact that the speed of light is constant is not an explanation. It is an observation. Its 99% of what relativity is based on. And relativity does not preclude tachyons.
I am attempting to go one step (or half a step) further. If I am correct, then tachyons CANNOT exist, or rather, if they do exist, then they MUST be repulsed by gravity, and any gravity field sufficient to cause time's arrow, would propell them OUT OF THE UNIVERSE when they are created. Not only would they be propelled beyond the physical bounds of the unverse, they would forced back in time beyond the big bang.
Unfortunaly, as predictions go, this is a really crappy one, because (if I recall correctly) relativity proved that tachyons cannot interact with anything moving at C or below.
So, here is another prediction -- there should be tidal forces involved. Objects would still not exceed C in any frame of referance, but objects that are far appart from one another would tend to move farther apart from one another. Furthmore, this separtion should accelerate (something that has been observed). Here is the prediction - if we graph the acceleration, we should get EXACTLY the equation we would get graphing tidal forces occuing not in space, but IN TIME. I guess I am saying that dark energy would be the same thing as bifrication of matter in a black hole, only rotated 90 degrees in space time. (Thats the prediction anyway).