Very distant of course, but I'm related to...
Davy Crockett (the Alamo one)
Quanah Parker (The last Chief of the Quahada Comanche)
This one is sort of odd, though. I am only directly related to Parker's Mother, who was a white woman captured by the Comanches and taken as wife by Quanah's father, Peta Nocona. Just as a sidenote, Quanah Parker was a big time advocate of both Chrisianity and Peyote. If you're interested, here's a link about him. It's sorta cool info if you're bored...
Quanah Parker I don't know much about my lineage, but I know I'm as Texan as Texan gets!
Edited, Sat Aug 28 12:05:43 2004 by DolAmroth