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Strike two for Partial Birth Abortion BanFollow

#27 Aug 27 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I think single mothers who already have 3 children and are on multiple support options should have 2 more children at least. I mean, they are the smartest people on the planet, infact.

So I say keep abortion fully legal, maybe even extent it to smashing their heads during the birth process. Why not? It is that very intelligent women's choice to keep the baby or not, so let's give her that choice. Why stop there. If her crack money runs out, let's let'em whack a 1 yr. old because his/her diaper money is cutting into "Friday Night" slutfest at the local bar with mommy's girlfriends. Sounds fair to me.

I like letting people out of their responsibilities and giving every ******* moron in the country a way out. That is why I love America. The land of the free and home of the ******* irresponsible. Why use birth control? It's just this once! And my neighbor's little sister's best freind-in-law said it was OK 'cause she did it. Well, good enough for me. Keep ******* unprotected and sucking the brains outta unborn children. I mean, it is your choice.

Ohh, we're rating on the Asylum now...good.

Edited, Fri Aug 27 15:05:52 2004 by Trizzoro
#28 Aug 27 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
8,747 posts
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
Oh look. It's CrimsonMagician part two. I told it, and I'll tell you, just because you managed to get the collective short bus that is the FFXI forum to declare you their leader doesn't make you any less of a moron. Thanks for chiming in though. Always happy to see Kao's affirmative action plan at work.
sheebasaurusrex wrote:
Maybe if conservatives with ***** took some responsibility for their fertility and not rely 100% on some little pill us ******'s have to take everyday we also wouldn't have this problem.
How is this relevent to the discussion? We are referring to late term, partial birth abortions. If you are simply looking for a method of birth control, you have almost 6 months before real viability sets in. Root it out before it can breath on its own if given the chance.

Now, toddle off to fingerpainting with the rest of the football helmet wearing retards that play your game who mistakenly think what you have to say is enlightening.

Actually I declared myself leader in a bloody coup that involved stealing the fingerpaints and replacing them with S&M bears.

Its relevant for the following reason. In order for a woman to become pregnant, she needs sperm. You and your ilk have it. Ie, you're 50% responsible for her ballooning up to the size of a house.

Frankly I feel sorry for any woman that you knock up if you're willing to risk her life and limb for the sake of a fetus. Nice to know that you'd rather fulfill some male need to keep those bloodlines going!
#29 Aug 27 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Thanks Rex...

Although 20 weeks is still a far cry from the third trimester. One would have to carry for another 8 weeks (or more) and then decide that it's time to terminate the pregnancy. I don't understand this. If there are medical complications and they are severe enough that a woman would decide to terminate her pregnancy, wouldn't you want to do it right away? At 20 weeks? Why wait longer?

Also, I was offered all those types of tests at 18 weeks and declined to have them done because I am not in an at-risk category. The doctor told me that there are many "false positives" in fetal testing before birth and really it boiled down to what I would do with the news that my child-to-be had complications.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#30 Aug 27 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
So her life is worth more than that of the infant in her womb?

In tradition, yes. Any midwife or obstetrician faced with the difficult choice of which to save in an emergency would choose to save the mother's life.

Let me be clear: I find the idea of partial-birth abortion repugnant. I have no problem with termination in the first trimester, but as others have said, if it's gone on for 6+ months you may as well shoot for a C-section as a PBA.... when that's feasible.

The point is, neither you nor I nor Congress can sit here in safety and say that a partial birth abortion is NEVER a medical necessity to save the mother's life.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#31 Aug 27 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
As for the rest of you baby massacring liberals, explain to me the difference between a viable baby in the womb that can be killed and one that has been born ten minutes ago, outside of the "Well, it's been born now, duh!" responses. If the only separation between a human being with rights and a piece of meat that is an inconvenience worthy only of murder is a pair of pu55y lips and the clock on the delivery room wall, then we are literally only minutes away from the Red China's one child per household culture where unwanted girl babies and other "defective" children are left to die on top of the garbage at the city dump.


PS: And RACK Moeb for his first post on this thread.
#32 Aug 27 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
Actually I declared myself leader in a bloody coup that involved stealing the fingerpaints and replacing them with S&M bears.
Smiley: disappointed
Its relevant for the following reason. In order for a woman to become pregnant, she needs sperm. You and your ilk have it. Ie, you're 50% responsible for her ballooning up to the size of a house.
Try keeping up, ok? We're not talking about pregnecy. We are talking about late term abortions. If you don't want to be pregnant, fine. Get rid of it. But once it becomes viable, how can a rational, responsible human being deny that it is incumbent on us as a people to protect it?
Frankly I feel sorry for any woman that you knock up if you're willing to risk her life and limb for the sake of a fetus. Nice to know that you'd rather fulfill some male need to keep those bloodlines going!
My wife thanks you for your sympathy and support. Or she would if I would un-chain her from the radiator in the nursery where she is currently serving several years in her sole care-giver role.
#33 Aug 27 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Ahh, throw it away because it might not be perfect. Good argument. My son is living proof that it goes the other way too. Conditions may also subsequently resolve themselves.

I'm happy that things worked out for you and your son, I truly am.

However, if medical science suggests that the birth of the baby in any form poses a serious threat to the mother's health, then I at least think that she, and ideally her husband, should have the choice to abort the baby.

I imagine that many mothers would choose to give birth to the baby regardless, but I think the choice should be there.

Faced with the alternative of a father losing his wife and possibly unborn child, I have to give them the choice.

I do not agree with aborting the fetus in anything but the first trimester if it is simply and unwanted pregnancy.

But, I'm not going to say that a child's life is more valuable than a mother's life.

I work with the father of a strictly Catholic family, and they have ten children. The mother and father are some of the most loving parents I know.

I also know the mother will be pregnant again soon (strictly Catholic), and if a situation were to occur where her health was seriously threatened by the birth of the child, she would most likely give birth to the child, though I don't believe it would be in her best interest, or the interest of her other children, to do so.

To me, this is literally a case by case determination, but I firmly believe that the choice should be there.

Your inability to accept a situation where the abortion of the child is in the best interest of all parties involved truly baffles me.
#34 Aug 27 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
Mistress sheebasaurusrex, you're a rabidly angry lesbian, aren't you? And not the glossy Penthouse Pet type either, but the weed whackered and butchered hair, flat shoe wearing, backhoe driving kind, right? The "your ilk" statement kinda clued me in. You own a Rottweiller too, dontcha?


Edited, Fri Aug 27 13:00:40 2004 by Totem
#35 Aug 27 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
But once it becomes viable, how can a rational, responsible human being deny that it is incumbent on us as a people to protect it?

Once the unborn child becomes a significant threat to the mother's health, how can a rational, responsible human being deny that it is incumbent on us as a people to protect the mother?
#36 Aug 27 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
8,747 posts
Princess Tare wrote:
Thanks Rex...

Although 20 weeks is still a far cry from the third trimester. One would have to carry for another 8 weeks (or more) and then decide that it's time to terminate the pregnancy. I don't understand this. If there are medical complications and they are severe enough that a woman would decide to terminate her pregnancy, wouldn't you want to do it right away? At 20 weeks? Why wait longer?

Also, I was offered all those types of tests at 18 weeks and declined to have them done because I am not in an at-risk category. The doctor told me that there are many "false positives" in fetal testing before birth and really it boiled down to what I would do with the news that my child-to-be had complications.

Given the fact that there are a large percentage of women out there that don't get very good pre-natal care, it isn't entirely inconceivable that some of these things simply aren't discovered in certain pregananices at the 20 week mark.
#37 Aug 27 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
Yanari wrote:

The responsibility of a potential life ultimately rests with the mother. The responsibility of raising and supporting a child ultimately rests with the mother in an overwhelming majority of cases. Women know this to the core of their beings.

This is a complete croc of sh*t....You do realize men play a huge role in raising kids, even if it only be financial and that's a burden men that impregnate women have to deal with. Do you even realize how many people in county are locked up for not paying child support? So don't give me this women have the main responsibility of raising a kid line when it's the men that are funding their upbringing.

#38 Aug 27 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
8,747 posts
Totem wrote:
Mistress sheebasaurusrex, you're a rabidly angry lesbian, aren't you? And not the glossy Penthouse Pet type either, but the weed whackered and butchered hair, flat show wearing, backhoe driving kind, right? The "your ilk" statement kinda clued me in. You own a Rottweiller too, dontcha?


Yes. Yes I am.
#39 Aug 27 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
I would ask that everyone please ignore Varus and continue the discussion as if he never posted.
#40 Aug 27 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Your inability to accept a situation where the abortion of the child is in the best interest of all parties involved truly baffles me.

Im not sure that having your brains ground up and sucked out is in anyone's best interest save for a few posters on this board. I think that by "all parties involved" your forgetting one very important party who arguably has the most to lose in the situation.

Abortions in a case where the odds are overwhelmingly against the mothers survival are certainly arguable. As far as general health or even Mental health go thats just a weak veil for our "everything now and as convienent as possible" society to hide behind.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#41 Aug 27 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Mistress sheebasaurusrex wrote:
Given the fact that there are a large percentage of women out there that don't get very good pre-natal care, it isn't entirely inconceivable that some of these things simply aren't discovered in certain pregananices at the 20 week mark.

Well then, I'd have to wonder why these women who are so disadvantaged with regard to pre-natal care suddenly get very good "abortive" care. I think that's a stretch, Rex. Sure, maybe there are some women who fly under the radar and suddenly they need a late term abortion. I can't believe for a second that number is more than the number of women who simply choose to do it later.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#42 Aug 27 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Abortions in a case where the odds are overwhelmingly against the mothers survival are certainly arguable.

And that is expressly what the law should provide for, that choice, when unfortunately necessary.
#43 Aug 27 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I figured it, Sheebasaurusrex. So incidentally, is there some kind of I-am-purposefully-making-myself-unattractive culture among lesbos where they intentionally strive to horseface themselves up for each other or is it just dumb bad luck that they all ended up fugly? Seriously, I was in SF last night and even as a straight man I can say there are some handsome gay dudes, but the women? Uh-uh, not a one. I mean, there has to be some kind of self loathing going on for these women to go and try to find other women whose grills resemble car wrecks.

I don't get it.

#44 Aug 27 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
In case my opinion wasn't clear, the answer to your question is yes, absolutely.

In case it wasn't clear, the questions were rhetorical. It's good to know liberals place so little value in human life. Especially the liberals with vaginas that don't want anyone to expect them to be accountable human beings with responsibilities and consequences to accept for their actions.

#45 Aug 27 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
8,747 posts
Totem wrote:
I figured it, Sheebasaurusrex. So incidentally, is there some kind of I-am-purposefully-making-myself-unattractive culture among lesbos where they intentionally strive to horseface themselves up for each other or is it just dumb bad luck that they all ended up fugly? Seriously, I was in SF last night and even as a straight man I can say there are some handsome gay dudes, but the women? Uh-uh, not a one. I mean, there has to be some kind of self loathing going on for these women to go and try to find other women whose grills resemble car wrecks.

I don't get it.


Well, see, we hate men so much we figure if we're butt ugly they won't hit on us and try to play with our fun bags.
#46 Aug 27 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
I mean, there has to be some kind of self loathing going on for these women to go and try to find other women whose grills resemble car wrecks.
Or the relationship is cause and effect the other way around. Not attractive enough to do white men, no interest in black men, I know, I'll do an ugly woman. LOL
#47 Aug 27 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Well, see, we hate men so much we figure if we're butt ugly they won't hit on us and try to play with our fun bags.

This is not only hilarious, but may be true! Truth is, in fact, Stranger than Fiction.
#48 Aug 27 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
Huh. Go figure. The ladies are so hideous that they can't get any of Totem's Alabama black snake? No wonder they're angry at the world...

#49 Aug 27 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
A life full of potential outweighs the selfishness exhibited by a woman willing to end the life of her child in a late term abortion.

Since when is the desire to live selfish under any circumstances? I can see how sacrificing your life can be the right thing to do towards a better end, but "selfish"

And just to clarify, you'd rather your wife die and have to raise the baby to be a bumbling republican idiot by yourself? Or would your just mail-order a bride from Asia to help you out afterwords...I'm just curious.
#50 Aug 27 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
And just to clarify, you'd rather your wife die and have to raise the baby to be a bumbling republican idiot by yourself? Or would your just mail-order a bride from Asia to help you out afterwords...I'm just curious.
People die. That's a fact of life. That we now give them the option of prolonging it without thought to the consequences is nothing more than our own inflated sense of self importance.

I have no hard numbers. Let me get that out of the way first. I can admit it, can you?

I would be willing to bet serious money a C-section would resolve the issue of "a mother's life being in danger" on an order greater than than 5 9s. We should keep it legal for 1 in 10000? Now that's logical.
#51 Aug 27 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Moe wrote:
How does this make waiting until you have a viable child living inside you to kill it an ok thing to do?
Are you a medical doctor, Moe? In what way are you qualified to state that there are no instances where a late term abortion may be advised? The medical community can't even seem to agree on this issue.
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