If a dog is speeding behind a moter boat whle water skiing at 65 mph, how many pancakes will it take to cover his house? (There is a correct answer to this) Alright, I'll be back tomorrow to tell you the answer. (man i hope someone gets this)
I fear your links tricky. The last one I clicked on was extremely disgusting. Good thing nobody was around my desk at work. Edit: Weird formatting stuff. Edited, Fri Aug 6 08:58:31 2004 by CrimsonPhoenyx
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
If a dog is speeding behind a moter boat whle water skiing at 65 mph, how many pancakes will it take to cover his house? (There is a correct answer to this) Alright, I'll be back tomorrow to tell you the answer. (man i hope someone gets this)
Nope, the answer is: purple, because ice cream has no bones. I found this in an old magazine, some one wrote this question to the advice guy and that's the answer they gave. I thought it was funny. what i can;t belive is how many rate downs i got for this, looks like you guys need to lighten up a little, I know it's a stupid joke but jeez.
Your message has met the filter designed to stop ultimately silly messages, hit the back button to edit it and repost. This message was triggered by using words longer than 250 characters or the term mo[u][/u]nk item in your post.
Wow. You programmers have way too much time on your hands.