Laura Bush: Philanthropist because.... of waiving the flag of child literacy rates? I need the right wingers to tell me something credible about this woman please, that's all I care to see.
THK: Rich, but smart, b.itch that speaks her mind, has a lust for men with power, has about 8 honorary doctrates, and wants to..
Were her husband elected president, Heinz Kerry says, she would woo the spouses of elected officials in Washington by holding regular get-togethers with all of them. She would meet with them in small groups of 12 to 20 at a time — and they, not she, would be the center of attention. "I'd listen to them, make them feel important," she says. "Women are interested in finding common ground."
My ex, who left me for her doubts of me, once said to me. "I don't want to be a princess, I want to be a powerful Queen. And a powerful Queen isn't someone who is seen with her own views, her power can only be seen THROUGH the King. And a powerful force it is." - douche that left me.
Now, ya want a CURRENT first lady that waves the pink little flag in the sandbox, of which no one can openly criticize with teeth? Or do you want a woman who recognizes power, and wants to channel that to actually support HER views on what she thinks we need?
Please take it easy on me, I'm as fresh as a f.uckin daisy. And would SOMEBODY please tell me how to swear in an email, I swear ill use it CONSERVATIVELY.