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Sex Education in America (and the world)Follow

#27 Jul 25 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
There is truly nothing in the world so terrifying as a religious zeolot with beliefs so powerful that they totally blind him to the basic realities of life in his own country, and others.

The AIDs epidemic is gathering pace around the world, millions are suffering and will die. Basic education and medical help are desparately needed.

Bring on the election - get rid of this awful man.
#28 Jul 25 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,499 posts
I just looked over the statistics again, they are from 2002 and actually New Hampshire had the lowest rate of teen pregnancies, not Vermont. I don't know if the statistics from last year are out and what those numbers were. But Daaang, those people in Washington, DC like to get busy!

It looks like teen pregnancy rates have dropped over the years though, thank goodness.
#29 Jul 25 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
But Daaang, those people in Washington, DC like to get busy!

Well, you see, the problem is Congress. They can't settle for ******** each other everytime they get so they go for the women on the streets, or soon-to-be spawners of future "statesmen"
#30 Jul 26 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Notice that the rate of teen pregnancies did drop in Texas, but by a much smaller margin than many other states. They also seemed to rank pretty high on the teen births. Whoever said they were lowest was quite wrong, according to the linked chart.
#31 Jul 26 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
i dont know why bush doesnt tell the relgious right to go f*ck off. it isnt like they'd go and vote for kerry instead, so why does he have to cater to them?

He's afraid of Ashcroft the Impaler.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#32 Jul 26 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Now that i've given you all a chance to spout illogical drivel lets look at this logically.

Bluie wrote:

There is truly nothing in the world so terrifying as a religious zeolot with beliefs so powerful that they totally blind him to the basic realities of life in his own country, and others.

The AIDs epidemic is gathering pace around the world, millions are suffering and will die. Basic education and medical help are desparately needed.

Ok good statement only lets finish it...There is an aids epidemic in Africa not the U.S. Not only that but these std's are primarily prevalent among homosexuals, drug users, and those that have multiple partners.

Look at the parts of Africa that have instituted the absitence programs and they are effective.

While I think there should be other options educators should by far be pushing the absitence agenda rather than if you do use this agenda.

#33 Jul 26 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
You know, I'm not sure I want my kids being taught sex ed by some leftist pinko in the schools. Wait, I don't have kids.

Seriously, this is a topic that parents SHOULD teach.

But not all of them do. Not all parents are capable of teaching their kids about sex. I'm a reader. Always have been. When I decided that I wanted to know about sexual stuff, I got a book (No, not Hustler. Well, not just Hustler, ok?) and read up on the subject. My mom is a nurse and everything was handy at home. By the time my parents wanted to have 'the talk,' I was better versed in lore about the opposite sex than many women are about themselves. I knew everything, right down to how to make menstrual cycles fluctuate and why birth control pills work.

That can't be expected of the average kid, though. We NEED sex education being taught somewhere. If the parents don't want their kids involved, then they should take the lead and come up with alternatives. *IF* I had kids, they'd get their sex education long before the school taught it. Of course, who learns anything in school these days?

My grandpa likes to tell me about my dad, 'When I sent him off to kindergarten, he could read, write, add, subtradct, multiply and divide. When he graduated, he could read, write, add, subtract, multiply and divide.'
#34 Jul 26 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent

It sucks but we're really talking about what the government should do as a result of bad parenting.

#35 Jul 26 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Varussword wrote:
Look at the parts of Africa that have instituted the absitence programs and they are effective
Where would those be?

Apart from one or two US reports written by those who run the abstinence programmes, all the stats I've seen (WHO, UN, G8 etc.) show that the only real impact has been achieved by programmes that do 3 things:
1) Try to elevate women's rights so they can say no
2) Raise awareness of how HIV/AIDs spreads
3) Distribute and promote the use of condoms.

None of the above are helped by one of the most influential africans at the moment (Tabo Mbeki) denying a link between HIV and Aids Smiley: oyvey
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#36 Jul 26 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Nooby wrote:

all the stats I've seen (WHO, UN, G8 etc.) show that the only real impact has been achieved by programmes that do 3 things:
1) Try to elevate women's rights so they can say no

And where can I find those stats?

#37 Jul 26 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
in nobbies warped little brain?

(just a guess)

I would like to state that christian aid are bleeding heart liberals, and that this was not editted into my post at a later date as a poor atempt to make nobby look a fool.

Edited, Mon Jul 26 15:33:16 2004 by Dracoid
#38 Jul 26 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
It sucks but we're really talking about what the government should do as a result of bad parenting.

I would never call someone a bad parent just because they are uncomfortable with talking to there kids about sex. That's the whole reason it was brought into the schools in the first place.

Our society is the cause of this not the parent. If society had a more mature and open attitude about sex and sex related material we would be much better off.
#39 Jul 26 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Last I checked it was a parent’s responsibility to teach sex education to their kids. I wish Gov. would get the hell out of our lives and let the citizen make those decisions for themselves. Also why should we send money over seas to fund programs in third world nations who most likely hate us any ways? Just me but I like my tax dollars spent on Americans not foreigners. Besides the more they breed the more cheap labor at our disposal it’s a win, win situation if you ask me.
#40 Jul 26 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
...You're not real big on making connections between, say, what happens over there and what happens over here a few years later, are ya?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#41 Jul 26 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
Essentially Bush refuses to allow American dollars to fund programs overseas that teach anything other than no sex until marriage as THE way to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

I think that it is unrealistic to expect all tenns to abstain until they are married. I think it is foolish not to provide our children with information that can save them from a lifetime of suffering. I think it is dangerous to the entire human race to think that AIDS is going to go away if we only wait until we are married to have sex.

If you feel that way teach your kids about all that stuff. When did it become the responsiblity of the US Government to raise your kids? You made'em you should pay for them and raise them.

I am personally astounded at how some people think it should fall to the government to raise and teach their kids basic life skills. The government provides the info all you have to do is take the time to pick it up and OMG spend some ******* time with your kids. It might be a little embarassing for you and your kid but it is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY AS A PARENT!!! Grow up and do your part to better our society instead of ducking your responsibilty to your kids.
#42 Jul 26 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
1,213 posts
Grow up and do your part to better our society instead of ducking your responsibilty to your kids

I agree entirely. Lazy parents are the ones who cause problems. I know many people fear 'the talk' but if you can teach your children from you experiences they won't end up with kids at 15 or catching genital warts.

As for the Goverments role in sex education I feel it is their responsibility to provide as much information as possible and not to restrict the education of youngsters on issues of sex and contraceptive methods. By all means promote abstinence but do not deprive them of valuable information about contraception.

And America has a trillion dollar economy i'm sure you got a couple o' billion lying around you can use to save peoples lives.
#43 Jul 26 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
I am good at making connections. Like the connection the @$$ holes we are fighting used to be funded by THE UNITED STATES TAX PAYERS. Also our beliefs are not their beliefs. Helping others is not a bad thing but the world needs to get of the United States tax payers ******* and fend for them damn selves. Honestly we’ve done more harm then good and there are plenty of hungry Americans that need help. An American is worth more to me than any foreigner so lets put the tax dollars to use in our nation not others.
#44 Jul 26 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Varus wrote:
And where can I find those stats?
Try Here or:

the Alan Guttmacher Institute in November 2003, A, B, and C in Uganda: The Roles of Abstinence, Monogamy, and Condom Use in HIV Decline
The study found that between 1988 and 1995

Fewer Ugandans were having sex at young ages.
Levels of monogamy increased.
Condom use rose steeply among unmarried sexually active women and men.
The report concluded: "Progress on the three components of the ABC approach contributed to bringing about and sustaining reduced exposure to HIV in Uganda.… Development funds to combat HIV should focus on policies and programs designed to target all three prongs — 'A,' 'B,' and 'C.'"

Even stronger evidence has emerged since the Uganda experience to suggest that an abstinence-only approach to HIV prevention is a dangerous one. A study published in AIDS in 2001, "Why Do Young Women Have a Much Higher Prevalence of HIV Than Young Men? A Study in Kisumu, Kenya, and Ndola, Zambia," found that in the regions studied, the risk of HIV was actually greater in those who were married compared with those who were unmarried, particularly for women younger than 25.

These findings confirm more than ever that an abstinence-only message for unmarried people is not sufficient to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. Young women and men need access to comprehensive, medically accurate sex education that can save their lives. Sadly, Congress and the administration seem committed to continuing down the opposite path, both at home and abroad.

And for Christian Aid's view, try here. Dunno about you, but I've not noticed Christian Aid being badged as bleeding heart liberals Smiley: grin

If you're really keen to see more impartial stuff I could dig some out from work, but I'm not convinced that's what you wanted Smiley: wink

In a recent meeting with Public Health Doctors and Health Statisticians/Epidemiologists from across Europe and the US, many had studied available evidence from evaluations of programmes, and none had found any evidenced support for abstinence only.
They did find heaps of articles by advocates of abstinence which made unsubstantiated claims, and plenty of statistics that collapsed under scrutiny.

Outside of the Bush administration, I've yet to find any official body who supports it.

I've not cited my opinions above - just those of the various independent researchers that cropped up on a web search.
I haven't cited the ones I found that have a clear left-wing or anti-US or anti-abstinence line, purely those with an impartial agenda.
Feel free to find independent ones that negate it and back up with evidence . . . there are an army of health professionals out there trying to find them Smiley: wink

My views are simple - parents have a responsibility to educate their kids, the state has a responsibility to back 'em up.

When education is offered by the state, the state has a responsibility to review the evidence and base their advice on that; They ought to ignore political pressure from the right wing 'just say no' mob and the liberal do-gooding 'teach 5 years olds BJ techniques' hippies.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#45 Jul 26 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
but I've not noticed Christian Aid being badged as bleeding heart liberals

c'mon nobby, read the thread, in particular my thread

Edited, Mon Jul 26 15:34:55 2004 by Dracoid
#46 Jul 26 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
If I was the father of two perpetually drunk whorish girls, I would be screaming abstinence too.
#47 Jul 26 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
1,213 posts
LMAO. Nice.
#48 Jul 26 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
I've said it before...but ViolentBliss has a groovy kind of avatar.

Hehehe, it makes me laugh!
#49 Jul 26 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Like the connection the @$$ holes we are fighting used to be funded by THE UNITED STATES TAX PAYERS.

Okay, and why do you think that was? Here's a hint: it was not altruism on anyone's part.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#50 Jul 26 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
kundalini wrote:
Just out of curiosity, where are getting your statistics from?

I got the statistics here (also a pdf). Then I read this and figured that since the article came out in 2004 either Texas dropped a bit or Miss caught up some since 2002. And looking over the link you provided I think they are the same numbers, but mine doesn't have D.C. listed as a state.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#51 Jul 26 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
DamthebiTch wrote:

If you feel that way teach your kids about all that stuff. When did it become the responsiblity of the US Government to raise your kids? You made'em you should pay for them and raise them.

I am personally astounded at how some people think it should fall to the government to raise and teach their kids basic life skills. The government provides the info all you have to do is take the time to pick it up and OMG spend some ******* time with your kids. It might be a little embarassing for you and your kid but it is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY AS A PARENT!!! Grow up and do your part to better our society instead of ducking your responsibilty to your kids.

See, here's the thing. You might have concluded that this topic is important to me (I did bring it up) and that I have appear to have a little bit of knowledge about the subject. I don't need or really want the government to teach my kids about sex. Especially if that lesson is only don't do it. I have and will continue to educate my children.

This is what I want the government to do. I want them to educate YOUR children because I DO NOT trust YOU to do it! Having sex one time can change your life for ever. It only takes one time to get pregnant, one time to catch herpes and one time to die (AIDS). And I'm supposed to just trust you and the guy down the street with my childrens health. Because we know that everyone gives their children comprehensive and accurate information on sex and STDs. And we all know that kids always make the right choices in the heat of the moment, and they never give in to peer pressure.

I think that it IS the responsibility of the U.S. government to protect the health of citizens. CBSnews reported that studies show the incidence of STDs is the roughly the same among teens who pledge to abstain and teens who don't. Largely because when they do decide to have sex they don't use condoms. What is exactly is the difference between teaching 2+2=4, smoking cigarettes increases the chance of a heart attack and cancer and using a condom during sex lowers the chance of unwanted pregnancy and catching an STD? I think schools need to provide this information because that’s what education is—teaching students about the pros and cons and helping them make the best possible choice for themselves.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
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