Wait wait wait... care to explain yourself? ;)
Lol, yeah, np, I dated this girl in North Idaho, she broke it off with me, moved to Seattle and hooked up with Mischa (sp). The story of our relationship is kind of boring, *cough* dead fish. But she was really into Wicca, and taught me chain maille. ^^ We dated about 4 months, were broke up about a year, maybe a year and a half, then she went to Seattle and met a Blacksmith from the SCA. I guess the appropriate term is 'Master Blacksmith.' He apprentices people now, I'm not sure if he's the one who forged the swords or was a advisor in the prop department, or if its completely ********* (I found out he did it from her other Ex, my current GFs friend ^^ he still keeps in touch with her, and Mischa as well.)
It's kind of the.....grrr, now I can't remember the name of the idea, when you know some one, who knows some one who knows this guy, who knew Bob Hope, thereby you vicariously know Bob Hope as well. At anyrate ^^ she does **** too ^^ muahahahahahah I knew her BEFORE ****! Ahahahahaha I feel all sorts of special.