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#102 Jul 03 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hmmm, so the Republican ethos as you present it is that we choose to not keep people alive and healthy. Or is it we chose to not live comfortably ourselves so no one should.... color me famboozeled again by your logic.

No. How many times do I have to keep saying this?

*MY* belief is that it's a horrible waste of thousands of years of human social and technological development to merely us it to "survive" comfortably. Animals survive just fine, and they didn't have to harness the power of electricity in order to do it. If we do nothing more then just live, then we are a waste of a species.

That's what I'm saying. Those are my personal beliefs on the subject. Having those beliefs, I then cast about for a party to cast my vote for. Out of the choice of Democrat or Republican, which should I vote for?

You and Smash both proceed from the mistaken belief that I started out by attaching myself to a political party (maybe cuase my parents were in that party, or perhaps they weren't and I rebelled) and then make up justifications after the fact. That simply isn't the case. That may be the reason you chose your party of choice. I certainly suspect that's how Smash chose. But that's not even close to why I tend to vote Republican.

I vote Republican because on the majority of issues I *really* care about, and on which the majority of each party's platform lies, I find that the Republicans tend to favor ideas that match my own more then Democrats. They may not have them for the same reasons I do. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that they are more likely to make changes in the world that I think are good, and less likely to make changes that I think are bad.

Maybe you should re-examine why you chose the party you vote for? Just a thought...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#103 Jul 03 2004 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
*MY* belief is that it's a horrible waste of thousands of years of human social and technological development to merely us it to "survive" comfortably. Animals survive just fine, and they didn't have to harness the power of electricity in order to do it. If we do nothing more then just live, then we are a waste of a species.

Ah I see your more of a Darwinist survival of the fitest and all, no worries if some rabbits get eaten, as long as the successful ones live comfortably.
#104 Jul 03 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
flishtaco wrote:
*MY* belief is that it's a horrible waste of thousands of years of human social and technological development to merely us it to "survive" comfortably. Animals survive just fine, and they didn't have to harness the power of electricity in order to do it. If we do nothing more then just live, then we are a waste of a species.

Ah I see your more of a Darwinist survival of the fitest and all, no worries if some rabbits get eaten, as long as the successful ones live comfortably.

You're still trying to impose your own goals into my rationale. It's not about "living comfortably". It's about accomplishing something. In that context, I think it's perfectly valid to build a reward structure that encourages advancement and accomplishment, rather then one that discourages that in favor of ensuring that everyone, even those who produce nothing, all live a "comfortable life".

The day that one of the following two things happens, I'll agree with a socialist idea:

1. Human nature changes to the point where all people will produce and innovate at their highest level even when they recieve no reward for that work other then maybe praise.

2. We advance technologically to the point where we can so trivially provide for all manner of needs and luxuries for everyone without adversely affecting our ability to innovate that there's no reason *not* to do so.

I'll lay good money on nuber 2 happening first. But we're not close to it yet. Maybe someday when we discover a cheap and endless energy source (cold fusion or something similar), and perfect energy/matter conversion (think like replicators in Star trek), we'll be able to do that. Until then, there will always be scarcity of both materials and labor. That means that every bit we spend on maintaining a higher living level for everyone is that much less spent on building towards the tech we really need to be able to do it right.

And that's what's really funny here. We will achieve number 2 much faster if we *don't* stop now and sit on our larels and try to build the "perfect society" when we can't really support it yet. Once we do achieve number 2, number 1 will likely follow very quickly afterwards. Afer all, there wont be much need for money if everyone can simply push a button and generate any luxury they want, right? We'd have to come up with something else, and that something else would very likely be a form of socialism. But it would actually work, because the only thing left for people to "get" of value would be praise and recognition for doing something new.

It's not that I don't think the basic "goal" of socialism is wrong. I just think that it's a social ideal that is unrealistic today. I think that adopting it now is a horrible idea. But then, I'm a dreamer who actually would like to see a nice future for humankind. I simply don't see how we can get there if we stop now and just sit around enjoying what we've done so far. We've still got a lot of work to do, so lets do it. At least, that's my position on the issue.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#105 Jul 03 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Dont worry I have it your a part of **** the little guy as long as I win. I only hope that when I win the lottery I can be as eloquent as you in supporting why I think the little guy should get *******
#106 Jul 03 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Should our epitaph be: "We lived comfortably"?

Of course it should be. Allowing ten percent of the population to be exceptionaly comfortable while 90 percent struggle isn't preferrable to 100 percent being moderatly comfortable.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#107 Jul 04 2004 at 1:05 AM Rating: Good
Allowing ten percent of the population to be exceptionaly comfortable while 90 percent struggle isn't preferrable to 100 percent being moderatly comfortable.

Yeah, wouldn't communism be grand.
#108 Jul 04 2004 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,980 posts
Of course it should be. Allowing ten percent of the population to be exceptionaly comfortable while 90 percent struggle isn't preferrable to 100 percent being moderatly comfortable.

Of course this depends on if you are in the 10% or the 90%. If i was living exceptionally well then I would not want to reduce my standard of living to bring the underachievers closer to my level
#109 Jul 04 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

Should our epitaph be: "We lived comfortably"?

Of course it should be. Allowing ten percent of the population to be exceptionaly comfortable while 90 percent struggle isn't preferrable to 100 percent being moderatly comfortable.

Two points:

First: I'd like to draw attention to the way you phrased that. You put "living comfortably" on one hand, and "struggle" on the other. Presumably, to imply a 90/10 imbalance. You're comparing two different things. One can struggle while still living at a comfortable living level. I work hard 5 days a week. However, I'd hardly call my living level uncomfortable. Not even close.

Let's be more truthful here. It's more like: 10% live exceptionally comfortably. 70% live quite comfortably. 15% live reasonably comfortably. 4% live just "ok". And there's like 1% that are actually "uncomfortable" in life

Second: You've just highlighted why you and I will always disagree on this issue. To you, the most important thing is how comfortable everyone is. To me, it's what we do as a species that matters. You place the highest values on how people live *today*. I place the highest value on what we accomplish as a speies *tomorrow*.

I happen to think that your view is short sighted and generationally selfish (you're stealing from future generations to gain benefits now). But that's just me...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#110 Jul 04 2004 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
Tomorrow is all that matter's. Take Social Security, projected by 202#-203# to be flat *** broke and no longer able to sustain even the generation living off it now. We can't even make that work, how would we ever make Socialism on a large scale work? People who did work *hard* in the last generations aren't being taken care of well enough now, let alone The Boomers futures retirement needs being guaranteed... Why else would there be a 401(k) plan if not to make retirees *self-sufficient* and not completely dependant on the benefits the government will provide them?

What seem's to be missing from this arguement is the evidence we already have, Social Security, National Health Care (what little there is, HMOs and all), and the current welfare system that can't stay on top of a growing base of *temporarily dependant* people. All socialist idea's implemented to make this country stronger, all seem to be failing rapidly.

I'm not saying socialism can't work, hell i think Cuba's a great example (if we hadn't blocked their limited growth so severly).
However even as a *world power* we are up to our ears in national debt. So how, pray tell, with billions upon billions rolling into said debt, are we going to socialize any more than we have and not go bankrupt? (Yes I know, we can never technically default on loans....) How, when we can barely keep the already existing socialist programs running, are we going to add *more* of them?
Who is going to pay for it? The rich? That priviledged 10%? After 10 years will they be able to afford it? After they can't who will pay for it? That wonderful *priviledge* falls to the 50-70% Middle Class, who can't really afford it, after all the middle class won't have to earn Living Costs, thats what the 10% was for... So you really think that a group that leeched off the 10% can become self sufficient overnight? Thats the true end result of Socialism in the US, want an example? Social Security. This is a long term program thats failing after 50 years, thats a blink of an eye in social terms. So how exactly is socialism going to save us when its failing us now? Especially when Gen X is staring down the 30% income tax in 15 years.

Personally I think that they are my relatives, my family, and in the end my responsibility. It's selfish of me to expect *society* to care for something that is mine. No more than I should expect my neighbors to care for my lawn, or walk dog, or raise my children. Would you ask your friends to pay for/build a house for you? If the answer is "no" you're not as socialist as you'd have to be to make the US a socialist nation.

Edited, Sun Jul 4 04:08:58 2004 by AriesGhost
#111 Jul 04 2004 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
3,980 posts
I'm not saying socialism can't work

But you should because it cant.
#112 Jul 04 2004 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
It can work, Hippy communes did well for years and years, breaking up only when they grew too old to be self sufficient as a group. Cuba could work, if we weren't lurking to stop them. Canada seems to work pretty well too, as does Norway at the moment. It can't work on a lrage scale, however on a small scale, usually the smaller the better, it can work. Primary evidence is the family structure. Not only in the US but in nearly all countries. Customs here keep families small, however go to mexico and families can be bigger and living under the same structure we use. Families tend to be self-contained socialist governments, just because we don't apply the name doesn't mean they aren't.

Edited, Sun Jul 4 04:22:43 2004 by AriesGhost
#113 Jul 04 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,980 posts
Hippy communes did well for years and years, breaking up only when they grew too old to be self sufficient as a group

Show me evidence

Cuba could work,

Hasnt yet, so thats a point against you. Again, evidence?

Canada seems to work pretty well too,

Is Canada a socialist country? Last I checked they weren't

as does Norway at the moment.

Oh my! Norway is a Parlaiment too?

Primary evidence is the family structure.

A family is too small to compare to a nation.
#114 Jul 04 2004 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Hasnt yet, so thats a point against you. Again, evidence?

why hasn't it worked, whats wrong with it?

But you should because it cant.

It can work, cuba works, the USSR worked under lenin before the despots took it over, china worked before capitalism robbed them of it, vietnam worked before the capitalists flamed it, seeing a reoccuring picture.

Edited, Sun Jul 4 06:24:16 2004 by Dracoid
#115 Jul 04 2004 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Show me evidence

Evidence of what? American communism working? There are books of it, here are some links:

some modern ones:

If you want more research do it yourself, it's not my job to prove me right, I am right until proven wrong.

Hasnt yet, so thats a point against you. Again, evidence?

Again prove that it HASN'T worked. Seems to me that they do pretty good:

Cuba Population: 11.3 million
purchasing power parity - $25.5 billion (2001 est.)

Inflation rate (consumer prices):
0.5% (2001 est.)

United States
Inflation rate (consumer prices):
2.8% (2001)

Now make sure you take into account that the state owns all property, and make sure to figure in that they also cost control it all, so really its not bad. (EX: apartment: $5 a year, food, 10 cents a day, clothing 30 cents a month.) You can't compare cost of living in the states to cost of living in a communist country. So in reality the people don't have to make as much because there's not as many things to pay for. And look at the inflation rate, it shows that Government control over the entire economy makes their Peso more stable than our dollar.

Edit: Also take note of the heavy sanctions that have been on them since Kennedy, we have almost single handedly ruined Cuba.

Lets look at literacy, as its a good thermostat for Education.

definition: age 15 and over can read and write
male: 96.2%
female: 95.3% (1995 est.)
total population: 95.7%

United States
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
male: 97%
female: 97% (1979 est.)
total population: 97%

Boy, 1 and 1/2 percentile more.....aren't we the bitter end?

Is Canada a socialist country? Last I checked they weren't

Then you must not pay attention to Canadien Health Care now do you? Hmmmmmmmm I'm guessing not. Because were you educated on the matter (To ANY degree) you would also know all Canadien colleges are state owned and run, thus giving citizens a leg up in education. Sounds pretty socialist to me.....WAIT..duh, thats because it IS!!

Second Edit: Ask a Canadien what he thinks about his Cable TV, or why they can't have DishTV, or any other american sat dish. Or ask a Canadien living near the border if he *Actually* goes to the candien doctor for free or if he comes down to use the *privatized* ones across in the states....

Oh my! Norway is a Parlaiment too?

Did you read any of the past posts? I'm beginning to doubt you can read, it's been outlined previously that Norway uses a socialist structure. Scroll up, you'll see.

A family is too small to compare to a nation., it's not, thats like saying the single cell of the body is insignificant. Tell that to cancer.

Edited, Sun Jul 4 07:34:00 2004 by AriesGhost

Edited, Sun Jul 4 07:37:03 2004 by AriesGhost
#116 Jul 04 2004 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
purchasing power parity - $25.5 billion (2001 est.)

who d'ya think theyre purchasing from?

editted, but yes i was pretty sure that was the case, but hell am i looking for figures

Edited, Sun Jul 4 10:12:58 2004 by Dracoid
#117 Jul 05 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I think a couple people on this thread are playing a bit too lose and free with the definitions of socialism and communism.

It's a bit vague to say that "socialism can't work". After all, ultimately socialism is simply a commitent on the part of the government to attempt to attend to the wellfare of the people.

There are huge degrees to socialism. The US uses socialism. I'd argue that all nations do to some level. Anytime a government interferres in any way with industry or an economy with the goal of "making things beter for the people", they are utilizing a socialist agenda. With the exception maybe of some few true bannana republics in the world, pretty much everyone utilizes some degree of socialism.

Communism is when the government takes control of *all* aspects of public wellfare. All industry and all distribution of wealth is controlled by the government. One the one hand, you can simply argue that communism is socialism taken to it's logical extreme. But it's really not. Socialism has the goal of fairness for the people. It's usually limited to things that we collectively think that people need. That's why socialists will argue about medical care and housing and education, but not so much about what jobs people perform in the first place. Communism proceeds from the assumption that the sum of the total is greater then it's parts, and that the most efficient way to utilize a population (and presumably provide for it's needs) is to have the governent dole out not only what jobs will be done, but in what amounts.

They're similar ideas, but not identical. I think communism is totally doomed to failure simply because a government is never the most efficient mechanism to use to provide for people's needs. It is even worse at deciding what things *should* be done, and in what amounts. In a free market economy, you let the market decide. If there is demand for what you are doing, you profit from it and can continue doing it. If there isn't, you don't profit and must switch to doing something else. In a communism (comand economy), you've got a group of people, arbitrarily deciding what people need and in what amounts. There's no real mechanism for the consumer to communicate his needs to the government. In small groups, this can work becuase if you need something, you walk right up to the planners and tell them. On a large scale, it's a bit more difficult.

Socialism is only a bit better. It still retains some degree of market forces, so we don't totally go off in the weeds. But by its very nature, every socialist program is about doing something that would not occur naturally if the market were left alone. Thus, it "costs" the economy in a way that normal goods alloted via the free market process do not. Presumably, if you recieve something in a totally free market it's because you generated something of equal or greater value first. Thus, there's a net "gain" over time. Socialist programs, almost by definition, provide things of value specifically without recieving an equivalent value first. It's a net "loss" to the whole system.

Small amounts of socialism can be absorbed by the gains from the whole economy. Large amounts will eventually overwhelm it. The trick is that pretty much no one can agree on how much is "too much". This is why I say that socialism would work if we had a virtually limitless ability to generate goods (as I defined earlier). Anything less then that, and we take pot luck with socialism. Since it's a compounded problem, a seemingly tiny "cost" for socialism in the short term can add up to a huge difference over a long period of time. It's also almost impossible to measure ahead of time since you can't know what you lost (or didn't lose) as a result of your decisions. We can't say, for example, what interesting technologies and discoveries the Norwegians might have made if they hadn't spent so much of their "wealth" on programs designed to make everyone cofortable. We also can't say what things we've developed or done in the US that we *wouldn't* have done if we'd made the same choice say 40 years ago. For all we know, we might not be having this debate because there would never have been a commercialization of the internet, let alone a reduction in costs for microprocessors that would allow so many people to own computers in their own homes.

I don't remember the year exacly, (1950s I think) but a top thinker with IBM once stated that the total world need for computers would probably never exceed maybe a dozen. I can't help but think that if it wasn't for US style commercialization and a willingness to allow free enterprize to decide what people want instead of a government body, he might have ended up being right.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#118 Jul 05 2004 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I've decided that I no longer give a fuc[/b]k about your ludicrous crackpot definitions that only you and you alone adhere to for terms, concepts, philosophies, whatever.

Embargo on, you are once again invisible to me. You should a have a good month or two of arguing with people who assume you have something to say because of the volume of words in your posts untill they realize how ludcrously full of sh[b]
it of you are and then they'll say "Smash, I don't know how you do it. It's like arguing with a Heavens Gate Cult member."

Have fun.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#119 Jul 05 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
...ultimately socialism is simply a commitent on the part of the government to attempt to attend to the wellfare of the people.

It is every goverment's stated goal, whether it's a banana republic or legitimate democracy to "attend to the wellfare of the people." The question is, and the differing political theorys are, about how to go about that. Starting your argument with that little double speak convinced me you are either an idiot or truely Orwelian. It also stoped me from reading the rest of your post. I have better things to do then delve into the mind of a maniac.
#122 Jul 05 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
How about this one then, 10 years of military service leave me unable to stand without support for more then 30 minutes, and that is with extreem pain. The pain is enough for the military to send me on my way, but not enough to pay for proper health care.

Does that make me less then you?

Should I not be able to get medical treatment even though I can't hold a regular job and even getting out of bed is sometimes more painful then doing pushups on a broken wrist was?

A number of reforms to the military were started under Clinton, yet stopped under Bush in order to "push the war effort". Medical reforms were a part of it, brushed under the rug while the government gave money to the military to replace and upgrade weapons. What good is a weapon when the person who should be firing it can't?

Sorry, but Bush Jr is trying to return us to the status we had in the cold war, but that war is over and the weapons he is pushing back into the military are not meant to handle the way this war is being fought.

Yes, Saddam praised Al-Quida for it's attack against us, what would you expect from a man that dodged assassination attempts from the father of the current ruler? He didn't have the ability to use the weapons used against him, so he supported someone that had, in his eyes, something just as good.

If almost 10 years of searching for weapons of mass destruction didn't find any, why was Bush so sure that he could find them in a few months? Even if he had, how would that link Iraq with Al-Quida? Yet Jr pressed on, in the belief that a military victory against a weakened country would take the people's eyes off his failure to do what he claimed he would.

If Jr had sent the troops against Al-Quida instead of Iraq he might have found that Bin Laden had slipped away, thus making even a victory against the majority of Al-Quida feel like a loss.
Instead he went for a target that couldn't run far, could not slip out of the country to rebuild somewhere else.

I would have considered crushing the leadership of Al-Quida a victory, even if we lost the person that bankrolled it. If that wasn't enough for Jr, I don't want to know what he will do for ratings next.
#123 Jul 06 2004 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
hmm so we are back to iraq, or "Vietnam 2", he has rid the world of tyranny, or at least reduced the number of tyrants so he can be a bigger badder one, he hasn't got the military victory he hoped he would and he never will, they couldnt beat the viet cong in the jungles and he won't beat the rebels in the streets of the cities of Iraq. There was never and WoMD there, the whole war was a PR move, with oil as a bonus, and the 51st state; Iraq as we know it today.
#124 Jul 06 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
GitSlayer wrote:
...ultimately socialism is simply a commitent on the part of the government to attempt to attend to the wellfare of the people.

It is every goverment's stated goal, whether it's a banana republic or legitimate democracy to "attend to the wellfare of the people."

I don't know what version of history you learned, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

The purpose *and* goal of governments, for much of human history, has been to rule. In the first governments, the strongest person/faction ruled. Until someone stronger came and took control that is. Law, rules of succession, and concepts of royalty and nobility are all contructs created by those in power to make sure that they stay in power. There is *nothing* inherent in the concept of government that has to do with the wellfare of the people. Only the wellfare or the leaders.

That doesn't mean that leaders don't try to appease the masses. But for the most part it's done for one reason: To keep them frum rising up and overthrowing them. If you really think differently, then you are a greater fool then I could have thought.

And there are significant differences in governments and what the people expect from them. For the most part, in modern times, we have developed the idea of representative governments. This is the idea that the people determin who their leaders are (and by proxy what their government does). Socialism isn't about how the leadership is chosen, but what the government should be doing. It's a very new idea. And it certainly has as it's basis the idea that the government should expend energy specifically to attend to the wellfare of it's citizens. As opposed to a capitalism, which says that the government should specifically stay out of the wellfare of the citizens.

While I'd agree that most governments *today* use some forms of socialism, trying to imply that that's a function of all governments is totally flawed.

The question is, and the differing political theorys are, about how to go about that. Starting your argument with that little double speak convinced me you are either an idiot or truely Orwelian. It also stoped me from reading the rest of your post. I have better things to do then delve into the mind of a maniac.

It's only double speak if you don't understand it. Whatever. I was trying to inform. If you're unwilling to read, then I can't help you I guess...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#125 Jul 06 2004 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

For someone who chastises people for reading comprehension, gbaji...

He said it was every government's STATED goal, not every government's ACTUAL goal.

Lol. The OP made the somewhat obvious connection to the fact that there are multiple game sites at Alla's. Depending on how you access the forums, the look and style is different. Also, depending on how you access the site, you get different links in the "Forums..." section to the left (see! Look to the left).

Those of us who access the site from the EQ POV see Main EQ forum, Quest Forum, OOT, and Asylum. Presumably, all but the last two are different if you access it from a different game path.

I think it just suddenly dawned on the OP that the OOT and Asylum links in the FFXI form were not "special" ones just for FFXI players, but were in commmon across all games.

Should have been obvious. Certainly didn't need a thread about it. Then again, if he didn't know, maybe others never caught on either, and maybe they'll read this and realize that they really shouldn't post stuff bout their particular game here.

Probably wont make any different though.
#126 Jul 06 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
Its ok Gbaji has previously stated that he knows Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Queda and supports it purely on every Republicans belief that it is better to help those less fortuate then ourselves. The rest is just window dressing. Or do I really need to quote you saying that if the guy says its so then it is (your quotes on a Hitler arguement with Smash about whether or not they were socialist) or my quote of Saddam to the BBC saying that they had nothing to do with Al-Queda.
Remember you were the one who said only believe the words of the speaker not anything else like evidence. Tut-tut you were gonna reply with 5 paragraphs, I really think you are selling yourself short 10 paragraphs will more likely prove an adequate smoke screen for your direct quotes.
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