Damn, this thread is a flawless example of why I am not posting as much as I used to.
You take a horrible incident, add a couple of contrary voices, mix in a few peculiar factoids and this thread could of have been interesting. It should be rife with fiery discussions about serial killers. I mean, what happened to the flames aimed at the weak willed tree huggers and hard hearted future serial killers? This thread should be brinming with anger and indignation and pouring over with pointed scorn. It should have been f'ucking fun to read!
Instead we get a bunch of namby pamby pansies who don't like what happened but wont admit it too strongly for fear of looking weak. Everywere I look it's full of crap that needed a good OTST wack upside the head and I can't help but trip over half *** hair splitting mutterings in place of a good flame!
God damn you people, this is The Asylum not the sandbox. Hang from the bars of your cages and scream, throw poo at the guards and feel up your thearapist!
I need to get me some.